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Discuss all things Destiny.
9/15/2014 12:20:11 AM

Destiny is a prime example we don't see original games with success anymore.

True story. Too many spoilt people who don't appreciate effort and small things and expect too much. COD = been the same since it began. No complaints Destiny = new game, one of a kind, different, everyone hates it.

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  • How is destiny one of a kind? You're a -blam!-ing reet

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    7 Replies
    • Destiny isn't that unique

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    • Edited by Toa Axis: 9/15/2014 10:23:21 PM
      [quote]COD = been the same since it began. No complaints[/quote] You must be new to the Internet. [quote]Destiny = new game, one of a kind, different, everyone hates it.[/quote] lol Destiny is a game which tries to fuse an MMO and a shooter without basic understanding of what MMOs do well, and has a story mode with an awful story in which the player accomplished seemingly nothing, and super repetitive mission design, plus lame loot, which ironically is supposed to be one of the game's selling points. You can like the game, but don't deny the issues people have pointed out over and over and over and over again.

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      • Agree!!

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      • There are a lot of bad things about this game though cod is the same game so same problems

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      • Just reviews... User base speaks for itself. I think the reviewers are upset they didn't get early copies to play, and paired with the fact none of the reviews show them playing anywhere close to light gear. Like reviewing Warcraft based on the starter area.

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      • LOL COD:no complaints HAHAHAHHAA

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      • It's because everyone says they want originality but the corporations know better. Just look at COD, it's a time tested success. For the big developers only interested in cash it is perfect. 1. It has a huge fan base, with people willing to buy any crap they put out. 2. And it's low risk, there is a low possibility that it won't sell. 3. They have the formula down. Shoot here, helicopter scene here, and your best friend dies here. They don't need to spend more resources trying to figure out new mechanics. (Or even really write a new story at that) Sadly originality and innovation rarely sells.

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        • [quote]one of a kind[/quote] Borderlands?

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          9 Replies
          • destiny is more or less a borderlands clone with halo's shooting and no humor. how is that original. i enjoy it, dont get me wrong, but don't think for a second its doing anything new

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            4 Replies
            • Destiny's gameplay is fantastic. It's menu is garbage. Want to view your faction status? Spend two load-screens to go to the Tower. Want to know what bonuses you have stacked in your Grimoire? Uh... hmm... search through 1000+ points and hope you click one with a bonus. Want to know which ghost collectibles you have? Good luck! Want to have a story mode? Nah, just read these trading cards and guess at what Bungie was trying to do. That is where the complaints are. From a game company who has been in business and made several great games they seem to forget that long-time players want something that they can look back on and view what achievements they have gotten. I shouldn't have to pull up a website or app to know what rank I am for kills. Even Halo told you what customizable gears you got. And gave you a list of all the badges you earned in multiplayer. I understand the need to make a symbiotic relationship between a game and the web, but don't do it poorly. That said, I really enjoy the gameplay and strikes. But 60 dollars for 7 coop strikes? And a story-mode that seems like they got bored telling it halfway through then hired some college students to write the backstory and throw it on a website? Not cool.

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              9 Replies
              • Dude, I have not been able to play Destiny yet because I'm to damn broke to but a PS4, I went to change my platform to 360, and they we're out of preorders so not a word

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              • destiny would be great if it's region free to all consoles

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              • I don't know about the CoD comment... but I will agree with the rest. Doesn't anybody remember Vanilla WoW? Hate all you want, but WoW evolved tremendously from then to now. I cannot wait to see what Bungie has in store.

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              • But Destiny doesn't do anything that's new or different. And many people complain about COD. And I don't think you have to worry about Destiny NOT being successful. A game that sells that well is bound to spawn many sequels...

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              • No original cars these days either. They all seem to have four wheels and primarily run on gasoline.

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                6 Replies
                • I honestly feel you guys are rediculous and just pessimistic poeple who arent happy with anything. Its an amazing fame stop trying to downplay what it is. :P

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                  • Seeing all of these people hating on the game just makes we want to say this... Boo hoo. "Oh no, they didn't give me exactly what I wanted." It's a game. Don't like it? Don't play it.

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                  • I wish people who hate this game would leave the forums and quit bitching so the forums weren't overrun

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                  • people who are not happy with the COD system of releasing basically the same game each year either have jump ship or come to expect it and are willing to accept it when I see a COD game I know what i would be getting and even if I enjoy the game I know it will be old news within a year replaced by basically the same game hence why i dont buy COD or Assassins Creed anymore Fallout 3, bioshock, Titanfall, Mass Effect, Dark Souls and plenty other games stared new IPs and were really good in their own right destiny has incredible gameplay and a solid foundation to be an amazing game but everything else in the game is sub par or hollow saving features so that the expansion packs will look more appealing

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                    2 Replies
                    • EVERYONE hates it ? Bit harsh don't you think ?... I know many people who just love this game, I myself love it to bits and have played nothing else nor will I for the foreseeable future.

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                      2 Replies
                      • It's hard for people to put their cynicism aside. Since the first week of Destiny isn't what they were expecting, many feel ripped off. Where many people see a dead end story, I see a story that will unfold before us, and not just in expansion packs. In World of Warcraft, they released major content patches in between expansions that added new zones, quests, dungeons, and raids. Considering all the other similarities, is it so crazy to expect a similar update schedule? I could be terribly wrong, but I prefer to give Bungie the benefit of the doubt. Side note: if you check your Grimoire, you'll notice planets not even accessible yet. Why would they put teasers of planets unless they were to be released before the first expansion pack.

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                        3 Replies
                        • MOBA King League of legends started with rating of 6. most people still don't know about patch and updates.

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                          2 Replies
                          • What are you talking about?! There are millions of people who hate the Call of Duty series. I speak with my wallet and don't buy them anymore because I don't spend my hard earned money on garbage. Not everyone hates Destiny. There are a lot of people who like it and there are a lot of people who are disappointed because they were expecting more content from it.

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                            3 Replies
                            • I love this game, sure a lot of people hate it but there are a ton of us who thoroughly enjoy being a guardian.

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                            • Edited by Wolf Master SHI: 9/15/2014 10:05:11 PM
                              If you think no one complains about cod you must be living under a rock. Don't get me wrong, Destiny is a solid C+ player right now, and of course I'm going to sink hours into just like many others since there is really nothing out right about now. But if this is the content you get up front with a 60$ purchase, something is seriously wrong with purchase. Also, justifying it with "more content will come later" is a sad excuse when I could easily name 50+ games on 360, ps3 and pc that game me over 50 hours of content before I even beat the "story." Matter of perspective I suppose, agree to disagree.

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