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8/13/2014 6:28:16 AM

Lets Talk about Suicide

With the recent passing of Robin Williams I want to know how you guys feel about suicide. For me I don't really understand it, and whenever somebody decides to cop out of life leaving their loved ones behind I can't help but to lose a little bit of respect for that person. I've known three people that I had interactions with to create suicide with only one of them that really hurt me and had a major impact on how I grew up. So I want to know your guys thoughts. Do you condemn suicide? Do you think it's reasonable for someone to decide when he'll leave this Earth? Or do you think it's only ok in extreme situations?
#Offtopic #why

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  • NO! *suicides*

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    5 Replies
    • [quote] For me I don't really understand it,[/quote]Someone that has never had to experience what depression is and have to live through it will never fully understand the mindset. Depression is one of the evilest mental illnesses anyone could have, and it won't stop at nothing to break down everything about a person into pieces. "It's just a temporary problem!" Yes it's only temporary. But depression is monumental obstacle to get over. It's like trying to scale Everest with only one oxygen tank on you. It's not something one person can get over. "They are cowards!" Are they? Is choosing to kill yourself after many months or, in some cases, years of living day in and day out in a black and grey world with all willpower and hope in you gone cowardly? I would argue that suicidal people are the most courageous. Taking your own life and accepting death isn't easy. I've seen plenty of suicides that were caught on a camera or CCTV or whatever and I've seen some noticeable last second changes in facial or body expressions suggesting the survival instinct in them kicked in but it was too late. Reading through this thread and seeing some ridiculous and ignorant claims and projecting disgusts me. Just my two cents.

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      • Edited by Count Olaf: 8/26/2014 11:35:20 PM

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      • Suicide is so pointless. The only time it should be used is when you are in great physical pain and your death is inevitable in the coming days.

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        2 Replies
        • People are idiots to commit suicide

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          • It doesn't make anything better

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            • A Desticle would do it if he pre-ordered the ghost edition of Destiny and he went to the store and they had no more copies.

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              • What is your life goal? Now, imagine you reach it or have it snatched away from you. What do you have left to live for?

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                • I never thought of it as a cowards way out, I feel it can be a brave action to take. Death is a scary thing. But, it can still be a selfish act.

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                  • Again!? This -blam!-ing thread again?? This is beyond the joke, reported for spam.

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                    • I think it's a little selfish, but I understand why people do it.

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                    • To anyone who says it's stupid etc. I think that you can never know why people feel that way unless you've been there yourself. You have no idea how it would feel unless you've had a past experience. There are a lot of factors involved.

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                      • If you are dumb enought to kill your self you should eradicate yourself

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                        2 Replies
                        • I've had suicidal thoughts since I was 8. I know how it feels to want to die, and even though I think about it from time to time, I could never do it. But it wasn't until my future brother-in-law committed suicide a few weeks ago that I truly realized how selfish an action it is; I don't get to take my pain with me, it just spreads to everyone else.

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                        • China walls, everywhere.

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                        • I will never understand how some people can be so weak minded and just give up. Life is tough, but I see people committing suicide because they cheated on a woman come one.

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                        • RIP Innocents

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                        • Song posted because this thread reminded me of it. Anyway, on topic, I can understand thoughts about it because I once had suicidal thoughts myself, for many of my younger years. I was never clinically diagnosed, but looking back on things now I feel that I was afflicted by depression for a number of years, from as early as I could remember, probably around ten or eleven until roughly the age of eighteen when I started to improve. During that time everything seemed utterly pointless and I felt as though I had no future. It was a chore to get out of bed and do my daily routine most days and honestly the only reason I kept from attempting suicide was because I didn't want to burden the people around me who cared for me with an untimely death. Suicide is primarily a risk for people who feel like they have little social support, because a lot of people who felt that misery I felt or had it worse often aren't even living for themselves by the end of it. When you're in a constant state of hopelessness and despair, having people around you to help you up can sometimes be the only thing to keep you alive, and also be the only thing that can convince you to go get help. Although a person has the right to end their own life at any point in time, I do feel that it's selfish from the idea that they are thrusting a burden on the people around them, but at the same time I can't blame someone who suffers from depression from not considering that. Emotional distress clouds the mind and rational thought, they're people who just need help, not to be condemned.

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                        • [quote]Lets Talk about Suicide[/quote] Let's not. I don't think #offtopic capable of having a mature and informed conversation about suicide and mental disorders.

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                          1 Reply
                          • Suicide is crazy. I've had thoughts only because of my depression. I've seen it happen before my very eyes. It may be hard to understand if you don't have depression or anything like it.

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                          • I don't mean any disrespect to greats such as Robin Williams or anyone going under depression, but like I've said before, I've always believed its the most selfish and cowardly way to go out.

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                            5 Replies
                            • I used to think about Suicide a lot, I don't think I'll ever attempt it, but I can see why it's attractive to a depressed person. To anyone that has never experienced Depression, and says it's a temporary problem it NEVER feels that way. It feels like I've been this way my whole life and I can't see past it for the future. Depression is the Warhammer 40K of mental illness. It's endless war. Some days I can't even get out of bed. You have no idea how it feels to live with that kind of hell. Depression destroys everything. Self Esteem, Drive, Talent. You cannot defeat it from sheer willpower by yourself, that is the first victim. I don't think Suicide victims are cowardly. The people that didn't give them the support they needed are.

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                              • If people want to kill themselves they should have the right to do so.

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                              • A lot of people seem to misunderstand what Depression actually is. It's not feeling crappy for a bit and then killing yourself to stop it because you don't care how anyone else feels. Depression is a mental illness. It's like having a hood put over your head and the only thing you can see is a wall in front of you. Sometimes if you move, the hood tightens and you can see even less. Maybe there is a door to get out of the room, maybe there isn't. The more you move, the more you believe that you're locked in the room. There's people in the room telling you to just take it off, but you can't because it's been drilled into your skull. When someone takes their own life to escape depression, they do think about everyone else. That's what keeps them going for another day, or another week, or another month until it gets too much. Until you've felt the nails in your skull and seen everything going dark; you can't condemn people that have because you honestly have no clue what it's like.

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                                5 Replies
                                • Well, Shep Smith [i]does[/i] say it's an act of cowardice.

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                                • I think the people who commit suicide are weak and don't have the strength or will to live life. So let the weak fall and the strong prosper.

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