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Edited by LazyOrkid808: 8/11/2014 12:50:23 AM

I wont die before the game is released UPDATE 4

So i live in Hawaii and there are 2 big hurricanes right after each other headed toward me. They say that this might be the biggest one to hit the islands since 1990s. It was said that one island had no electricity for 3 months. So if I die when Friday rolls around, it would be awsome if everyone will go to the dance battle circle in the tower and dance for me once a year on the day I die. That and to be known as the iron man of Destiny. If I do survive and my electricity is out months after release date I will return with a vengeance slaying everything in my path. Wish me luck guardians, because I will be battling the darkness, for real Edit: To those saying this is a troll or to suck it up, this is real. If you don't believe me look up Hurricane Iselle and Hulio Edit: If i do end up dying, i will have one of my mainland friends make a post. Edit: for those of you saying suck it up, you are attention whoring, or joking about death, you are all ignorant. I am truthfully scared and things aren't looking good. Say what you want idgaf. I know the people who actually care and thank you UPDATE: About 20min ago the sky was clear. i went outside to check my plants and the sky is pitch black. There are now huge gusts happening every 10min and it just started to pour. The hurricane is just about to hit the Big Island and im on oahu 200 miles away from the storm. If this is what its like now, i can only imagine how its going to be when it rolls around. As of now im charging all of my devices and running my phone on power save mode. UPDATE 2: Things are calm here on Oahu. Very muggy but overcast. Big island is just getting it. There is extreme flooding in the low lying areas, and there has been a power outage in Waimea. There were 2 road closures due to trees falling onto the road. Whats crazy is that Iselle is still 150 miles away from the big island and it is still doing some damage on the big island. Also Julio was now changed to a CAT 3 Hurricane. I wish everyone in the islands good luck and be safe. UPDATE 3: Its now 9:44am, we can start seeing the beginning effects of the first hurricane. Very gusty winds at 20-30MPH. Thankfully it was downgraded to a tropical storm, but Julio still stays strong at a CAT 3. 20,000 people are without water and electricity on the Big Island. There are a couple houses that burnt down due to power lines and the roads are covered in big trees. Now Let Me remind everyone, this is nothing compared to what Julio has in store for us. A little side note, i understand people of Florida, you went through hurricanes before, but think of how you are geographically. You have a giant land mass to slow and weaken a hurricane, we dont. We have tiny islands that are a mere speck compared to both of these Hurricanes. On top of that if you know anything about hurricanes is that they all have their own personality. They are unpredictable and could change in a second. Im safe for all of those who still care, and even the trolls =) cause i know they mad XP UPDATE 4: So far Iselle has dissipated and is no longer a threat to the islands. Although there are places on the Big Island still without power, and some roads are still closed. There hasn't been much structural damage, mostly trees. Now looking at Julio slowly moving above the island chain, its safe to say it'll pass without bothering us. At 2:15pm Julio is way above any of the islands and looks like its moving north really fast. Now that i am safe i want to thank everyone for their prayers and positive vibes. And to those that wished that i wouldn't make it i have one thing to say to you: Hahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaha im still alive. Add me on PSN trolls so i can lay the smackdown on your candy ass

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  • My prayers are with you and everyone else on the Islands. They are beautiful, Kawaii is my favourite. Be brave. Be safe.

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  • As of update 3..... How the hell is your internet still working in conditions like that? (assuming this is not a very well made troll)

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    2 Replies
    • How about you just get the hell out of there?

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      • Got my spare drinking water all set! =-p

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      • Man, those hurricanes have nothing on Katrina. That was a fun time.

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        I'll be praying for you mate...... Goodluck

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        • So I used to live in Jamaica, the houses down there are usually built to withstand the regions weather. Although we usually lost electricity during storms. That being said. You should survive? I mean you did say it was the largest one in a while. But hopefully there have been improvements in you city's powering system since then and if power goes out it won't be for too long, especially 3-months. But I do live in Georgia now and we were put out of commission by a little over an inch of snow, after suffer a similar situation less than 3 years earlier. Hopefully you are better off than these southerners over here...

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        • Don't die me and Drizzy need you for pvp! [spoiler]-Jay ;)[/spoiler]

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          • [b]Quit playing the Song of Storms.[/b]

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            • You WILL LIVE! Yes..I believe that.

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              • Hey man read ur post this morning (CST) and right when I got home I had to check in, glad everything is going OK so far. destiny is in your destiny take it easy bra.

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              • I've never been in a natural disaster and If I was I would grab my xbox my favorite box of comics my dog THEN DITCH the state with my family lol

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              • It's actually somewhat refreshing to know that Florida and the gulf coast aren't the only victims for once... NOT that I'm glad you guys are getting a hurricane it's just interesting to see the freak out from a 3rd person perspective. Charley hit when I was 10 and that definitely threw us for a loop. Honestly, you just have to have preparations for a flooding, have preparations for a tornado (like dig a shelter in the coming days, good tuts online) and preparations for after it's all over. Those in line you'll be fine. Incredibly doubtful you'll die dude lol. Yeah 2 hurricanes back to back are pretty rough but Katrina hit New Orleans and later that season got hit by a cat 2 right after and they were A-Okay even those who lived by the water. You'll be fine dude don't panic.

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              • OP, your being over dramatic about a tropical storm and a weakening hurricane. Also, I believe weather discussion is supposed to be in Offtopic.

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                3 Replies
                • Sorry if my message was mean and i dont hope for you to die but i want you to worry about your family and not the game the game can wait my friend trust me you can always buy another game but you cant buy another life. Life is a game if you look at life like it is but you have to understand that your playing on hardcore and you only have one life. Dont waste that one life on thinking about the game and i know you will be fine my friend just do whatever it takes to keep your family happy and show no tears be strong for your sisters or brothers or anyone who looks up to you. Now i hope this message sounds better than my last one just remember my friend your not alone out here. People have your back no matter where you are they do have your six.

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                • Edited by fatedsorrow: 8/8/2014 5:37:35 PM
                  Omg I got that feel whenever I read a diary in Skyrim. Don't worry. You'll definitely survive. Just don't be stupid. If you can still connect to the Internet, you'll definitely be fine.

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                • Please, deal with it. In 2004, Florida was hit with three major hurricanes (Category 3-5) and most of us lived. And if your power goes out, then go outside because you won't see the sky after you get it back

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                  3 Replies
                  • Op comes off as a kid. So I'm not taking to serious about him wanting to be remembered on a game that hasn't come out yet. Nor on a forums full of strangers. It's true tho, OP hasn't done nothing in destiny to have any sort of tribute for. Don't know if that's a mmo thing. But as for as that hurricane, those things are no joke if your stupid. Like I said in another post. He'll most likely be fine.

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                    • Edited by AkAmpZ: 8/8/2014 8:57:10 PM
                      Lawl... Try going to Afghanistan. You will survive some wind and water. Shesh #firstworldproblems

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                      5 Replies
                      • If you die, it will hurt your IRL K/D. Don't die man! [spoiler]Stay positive, guy, I'm sure you'll be fine[/spoiler]

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                        • Damn I LOVE hurricanes! Try not to be too scared buddy, I know there's real danger out there but try to enjoy it! Those superstorms are beautiful.

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                        • I punched hurricanes issac and katrina in the face when it got to houston... Thats why i survived

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                          • Been through a few hurricanes as I come from the east coast near the Carolina's. Follow the simple instructions given by the NWS and if you're told to evacuate do so and you will be fine.

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                          • It's strange how people (trolls) keep saying that nobody cares, while the comments clearly show enough people care. The trolls keep bumping it back to the top anyway.

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                            • Most of the people that take death as a joke, haven't experienced it yet or think it wont happen to them or there loved ones. they wont joke about it until they experience it.

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                              • I am originally from Kapolei, HI. The Island of Oahu. I know the feeling. Hurricanes are not toe be -blam!-ed with. I wish you luck and stay safe.

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