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Clan Recruitment

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7/24/2014 11:02:24 PM

~The Honor Bound~

[b][u]The Honor Bound[/u][/b] Small community of friends on PS4 that are sure to make you laugh and will help in-game. Focused on PvP/PvE, Endgame content, Exploration, Live Events, Raiding, and overall fun, this Clan is the one for you! Multiple game backgrounds, we bring this community to [u]#Destiny[/u] in a new way! Membership includes: - [i]Mature personality and like minded individuals.[/i] - [i]Ability to put in the hours and grind out the hardcore content[/i] - [i]PS4 only (chat system used for content)[/i] - [u]FPS/MMO background[/u] - [u][i]Dedication to helping other Clan members[/i][/u] (even if they are low level, scrubs!) - [i]Able to take a punch[/i] (we toss around jokes like its our job) - [i]PvP?[/i] You bet your ass! - [i]PvE?[/i] We got it! - [i]Strikes?[/i] Damn skippy! ~Most of all, we dont set raid nights (yet), and we don't require a few/tax of any kind. Its an [b]Honor System[/b] and if there is something we want in-game, we expect all of the members to help out each other to achieve a common goal. Respect us and we will respect you. Like I said, small community so if you want to help us grow and become a part of dedicated players then don't wait! Sign up today! Join us on Facebook @ [url][/url]

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