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Edited by Spawn: 7/29/2014 3:56:02 AM

Why I dislike Destiny (Multiplayer)

^Halo Wallpaper for people who read through^ [u][b]Disclaimer:[/b][/u] This is a gaming topic centered around Bungie's development and gameplay mechanics across various games. Please hold back all nonconstructive comments. Please do not move this post into the scum that is #Destiny. [b]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/b] First off, I'm really glad Bungie released an Alpha and Beta. I was fully expecting the multiplayer to "feel" like Halo on steroids with the RPG elements. Obviously, for those of you who have played the game know, that this is not the case. Now of course, this does not mean the multiplayer is bad. It's just not my personal cup of tea. The co-op seems to be nice and sturdy, and I will probably purchase it for that. Anyway, onto my point. Destiny seems to be more Call of Duty like than Halo in how the gunplay...well, plays out. It's more of a run and gun type shooter that requires little to no teamwork to play. Other games that I could equate this to could be Titanfall, Killzone, etc. It just lacks that uniting feel among the other players. But all more important, it lacks consequence. I always liked Halo, and games like it. There was some measure of consequence in how you shot. How you engaged. You couldn't just run and gun, because that always came down to luck. How you reacted to hit an enemy, instead of a friendly. You wouldn't just take a shot at a guy if he was rounding a corner, you'd need to eventuate the risk/reward of each situation and make a quick decision on what you think best. Smarter players were (almost) always the better players. The only consistent way to get lots of kills was to be smart and to outgun the opponent. Halo has always, even Halo 4, felt more difficult. It has always required more effort than "Call of Duty based shooters". Destiny doesn't play like Halo. Not even close. Its a different methodology entirely. Halo rewards skill. Halo is designed to be a great equalizer. You can give someone a shotgun in CQ and they still can get out BR'd by a skilled player. Destiny didn't play like that. Destiny played like Borderlands. Mash the buttons and hope crap happens. No real consequence given or received.

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  • TL:DR version Play Destiny as if there was no PvP.

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  • Having loved Halo ' s play style and having played Destiny's pvp quite a bit in the beta I feel I have to respond to this thread. Firstly I 100% agree with you about twitch shooters. Have never really been a fan of them, and they have never been nearly as fun to me as Halo. That being said I don't feel like Destiny is a twitch shooter. And to add to this, headshots mean the difference between life and death in this game, and lastly the active radar gives you the situational awareness that helps Combat shorter kill times. One of the defining things to me in Halo was the enemy being able to get the first shot into me, but still being able to turn around and if accurate enough still end up winning the fight. And honestly that happened a lot to me in Destiny. Overall I can see where you are coming from with saying it had Cod mechanics, but I definitely feel the Halo influence as well, all in all I feel like it is a unique experience that once you have gotten use to it will definitely favor the more skilled player!

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  • Edited by DemonRonin: 8/7/2014 11:19:59 AM
    Destiny is a arena shooter. It relies more on just luck. It moves at a different pace than halo, and KZ (everything moves faster then KZ tho.. lol) But that doesn't mean it's based on who shot first. To say that is to say games like Tribes, Quake, Unreal, relied on luck. I like destiny cause it mixes the ADS of modern games with the speed of those past games. It doesn't spoon feed you kills like COD or Titanfall does. With that bloody concept that everyone should get at least one kill. You have to earn your kills here, by wit or by skill.

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  • I think it might feel more like halo when they unlock the other game modes in full release. Also didn't understand what is the difference between a smart player and a skilled don't those just go one and one?

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    • Edited by Stephen Blane: 8/4/2014 8:41:09 PM
      The thing I liked most about Halo (Pre - Reach/4) was the balance; everyone started on equal footing. Weapon/vehicle placement was set up in such a way that both teams had to fight over the power weapons. Being a higher rank did not give you an advantage over new players. Skill was what made you a good player, which for me was what made Halo the best multiplayer game I have ever played. Destiny is [b][u]Not[/u][/b] Halo. It's made by the same company but it is not the same game. If you want a Halo multiplayer experience, dust off your favourite copy of Halo and go play that instead of complaining about an entirely different game not being what you had imagined it to be based on nothing but hope. Destiny still requires skill. You need to be accurate to get kills and you need to work together more than you ever did in Halo. If you aren't the best player at destiny you stick with your team-mates and work together so as you outnumber the enemy. If you are a skilled player you're still going to need to help your team capture those objectives otherwise your kills will count for very little. Destiny promotes teamwork more than Halo ever did. As much as I preferred Halo's Multiplayer, Destiny's is still good. It's a different game entirely from Halo but still has that Bungie Magic that makes me want to play over and over again.

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      • you saw nothing but easy content in this game, how about to refrain until you try raid to claim that Destiny require "no teamplay"?

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        • Destiny plays pretty much exactly like halo, bar supers and machine guns if you ask me.. The instant I picked up the controller I was struck with nostalgia.

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          • Edited by StiviX: 8/5/2014 1:12:15 AM
            [quote]Destiny doesn't play like Halo. Not even close. Its a different methodology entirely. Halo rewards skill. Halo is designed to be a great equalizer. You can give someone a shotgun in CQ and they still can get out BR'd by a skilled player. Destiny didn't play like that. Destiny played like Borderlands. Mash the buttons and hope crap happens. No real consequence given or received.[/quote] First off, the phrase "out BR'd" is bad. [i]Seriously, it's bad[/i]. Secondly, if you get killed in close quarters while wielding a shotgun against someone that doesn't have a weapon with similar range effectiveness you're just horrible period. Third, you place waaaay too much exaggeration into Halo's combat. The franchise really wasn't that hard or skill requiring. [quote]Smarter players were (almost) always the better players.[/quote] This holds true for Destiny and almost every other FPS.

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            • Edited by Qwerty: 8/5/2014 1:42:16 AM
              [quote]First off, I'm really glad Bungie released an Alpha and Beta. I was fully expecting the multiplayer to "feel" like Halo on steroids with the RPG elements. Obviously, for those of you who have played the game know, that this is not the case. Now of course, this does not mean the multiplayer is bad. It's just not my personal cup of tea. The co-op seems to be nice and sturdy, and I will probably purchase it for that. Anyway, onto my point.[/quote] Expectations are a dangerous thing. Call of Duty has ridden the hype train straight into the ground every November [quote]Destiny seems to be more Call of Duty like than Halo in how the gunplay...well, plays out. It's more of a run and gun type shooter that requires little to no teamwork to play. Other games that I could equate this to could be Titanfall, Killzone, etc. It just lacks that uniting feel among the other players. But all more important, it lacks consequence.[/quote] The Gunplay itself is using Halo style map and controls with Call of Duty damage guns. The teamwork side of things is more of an optional supplement, and not a requirement to win. While it is quite possible to be more methodical in character placement, the diversity that requires teamwork is lower then Call of Duty possibilities (CoD has the other side of teamwork issues that Destiny doesn't, but it does give team capabilities with Claymores and such). Unity was a lot more apparent in Halo, but it does still exist in Destiny. [b]Lacking Consequence[/b] is best description of what is wrong with Crucible. Everything you do has very little effect, positive or negative. [quote]I always liked Halo, and games like it. There was some measure of consequence in how you shot. How you engaged. You couldn't just run and gun, because that always came down to luck. How you reacted to hit an enemy, instead of a friendly. You wouldn't just take a shot at a guy if he was rounding a corner, you'd need to eventuate the risk/reward of each situation and make a quick decision on what you think best. Smarter players were (almost) always the better players. The only consistent way to get lots of kills was to be smart and to outgun the opponent. Halo has always, even Halo 4, felt more difficult. It has always required more effort than "Call of Duty based shooters".[/quote] Yup. This paragraphs lacks much content to talk about. I agree [quote]Destiny doesn't play like Halo. Not even close. Its a different methodology entirely. Halo rewards skill. Halo is designed to be a great equalizer. You can give someone a shotgun in CQ and they still can get out BR'd by a skilled player. Destiny didn't play like that. Destiny played like Borderlands. Mash the buttons and hope crap happens. No real consequence given or received.[/quote] I still want to reiterate that Destiny plays like Halo, but the problem is the Call of Duty style guns and unavoidable supers. The reason Halo was so great was that, if you were smart and resourceful enough, you could get out of almost any battle alive. To stop amazing players from dominating, you introduce teamwork and tanks. Destiny lacks both teamwork and tanks past the basic traveling together and the glass cannon warlock.

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            • Plus it didn't help that we were given only the hold the flags option in multiplayer, where we are forced to run around to keep the objectives...

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            • It has the most unbalanced MP I've ever played. Well done Bungie.

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              108 Replies
              • Here is my opinion on the Destiny multiplayer. I always did pretty well in crucible matches getting in the top 3 of my team every game. It was the same situation for me in any halo game I have ever played. But in CoD I am notoriously known for being the worst player on the team, unless I get in a match where I got lucky.... How Destiny may feel to others like CoD I think it feels a lot more like Halo because I'm just better at those two titles than CoD.

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              • I for one am very happy the PVP doesn't play out like Halo. It shouldn't. It's. Destiny. I find your comparison of Destiny to COD or any "run 'n gun" absolutely absurd. I've been big into Halo multiplayer from the first game to last, as well as the battlefield franchise, and Destiny's multiplayer was one of the most refreshing competitive experiences I've had in quite a while. At any given time, you have several options at your disposal that can do lethal damage. This game is tactical, and favors mobility and damage mitigation. Sounds like you were just bursting through doors, as you claim is the way to play, and were consequently eating shite sandwiches all day. No wonder. I hope you give it more time, stop comparing it to any other game, and realize how much depth and strategy is right in front of you.

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                • multiplayer is crap

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                • Edited by Snugle Wugle: 7/29/2014 6:08:11 AM
                  I must respectfully disagree. While I do agree that Destiny plays quite differently than Halo, I feel like Destiny places just as much emphasis if not more on skill and team work than Halo does. While it is true that you don't [i]need[/i] a team in Destiny to be good, you didn't need one in Halo either. Halo can be a run and gun game just as easily as any other game. That being said, Destiny is a bit more run and gun than Halo, but I wouldn't go so far as to say its on the same level as CoD. I don't think being run and gun equates to lacking an emphasis on skill though. If anything, I think run and guns place an even higher emphasis on skill. The faster paced combat forces you to react more quickly than in a game like Halo where you can hesitate for a few seconds after being shot at and still come out on top if you know what you're doing. I feel like you can still turn things around in a firefight in Destiny, your reaction time just needs to be much higher and your knowledge of your surroundings and your abilities needs to be put to use. You're forced to analyze information very quickly, information like what class your enemy is (and therefore their assumed attack style preferences and the durability of their shields), what kind of gun they have, health and shield status, and whether or not they're sitting on a charged super. The quicker combat resolution also forces you to be more alert when moving across the map and can require much more careful maneuvering from place to place. Skill is definitely still present in Destiny. Skill is the reason why some people say that the interceptor is OP and while others see it as no big deal can single-handedly take it out with a few well-placed shots.

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                  • Comparing an mmorpg to an mmo is your first mistake. Its not supposed to be balanced, its an RPG People will always be better, skill, gear and even class. Its no the same toon and gun. Deep sauce city

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                  • Lol you got moved

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                  • I just want to remind everyone we only played Destiny for 4-8 days. People have played COD, BF, and Halo for years. So yeah, in the beginning everyone is going to just run and gun and not use any type of team work. Its just really irritating that people make these definitive assumptions about a game that we've only scratched the surface of.

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                  • It feels like a amped halo, I can still get my over kills easy and to truthful I feel it is completely balanced if the players know what they are doing. (Not a lot of people considering all the bad feedback about crucible)

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                    3 Replies
                    • Yep, Tackel. You clearly stated everything that is wrong with the PvP. Its garbage. If someone let me play this game, then told me it was from Bungie, I would have said they are full of it. No way Bungie PvP would ever be this terrible. Only good thing about the game is PvE and Co-Op. That simply does have enough of a catch for me to make it a "purchase" title. It will simply be a rental. Just wait till you got spammed nonstop in the Tower by people wanting to play the incredibly restricted Raid mode. It will be a nightmare. Anyone that played Phantasy Star Online will know exactly what I am talking about.

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                    • It's not supposed to be Halo lol. Destiny is supposed to be new and fresh IMO!

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                      • [quote] Destiny doesn't play like Halo. Not even close. Its a different methodology entirely. Halo rewards skill.[/quote] What world did you play halo in? Halo punished skilled players that got stuck on a team of BK's it also rewarded boosters cheaters and and everything else that is why tru(lybroken)skill dropped off the face of the earth. That's why level and Xp based PvP was introduced because that's balanced! Everyone has the opportunity to earn everything. This misguided post on here that a lvl 2 is as good as a lvl 20 also soooooo wrong. Level bonuses are turned off in standard crucible (on in Ib type events) but the level bases aren't so a 200 damage gun still wrecks a level 2 44 damage based gun. My 1500 defense still trumps your 150 defense. I'm hoping we see like level match making (match making within a couple levels of each other for balance) but still. Your cry that team work isn't required is false sure if you can camp a corner while the "best" player on your team racks up kills you can lone wolf win as long as he doesn't die a bunch. But the team that clears corners and hold points still wins via team work. That x3 score bonus means a lot. Especially when you play an IB type event where your weapon an armor bonuses are on.

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                      • Do you mean mash the one trigger you use to shoot?? You aim you shoot, hows that diff from halo? Stop crying cuz you got out skilled in the crucible bro

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                      • The Crucible is completely balanced. All stats and gear are normalized upon entering a match in the Crucible. A player with a level 20 Legendary weapon (and armor to go with it) has no advantage over a player with level 2 gear. All of you are just mad because you suck. Get over yourselves.

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                        15 Replies
                        • Well man, I'm not sure if you've been under a rock the last 2 year's but this Destiny, not Halo. Halo comes out in November and you can replay all your favs. This is a totally different game.

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                          • You lost me after saying it takes no teamwork.

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