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5/25/2004 9:49:58 PM

Upload your own avatars?

Why are we not allowed to upload our own avatars? It doesnt take up much more bandwidth and having your own avatar would be better in identifying people. If you are worried about bandwidth you could just require us to host the image ourselves, no bandwidth taken up on bungie then. Just a suggestion, i think it would be better that having to choose from a set.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Helljumper76 I want an ODST as my Avatar but there isn't one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ODST's rock!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote] I made one and it might be on bungie soon!

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  • Heh, I'd take a Myrkridia, personally.

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  • though i really wish the mods here would allow custom avatars and signatures, i can understand why they dont. its been my experience going throughout different forums, that as long as the mods do their job and patrol the forums regularly,and clearly state to all current and new members that certain content is not allowed and will not be tolerated, then people usually wont mess w/ the forum (sig/avatar) "codes of conduct". that coupled w/ a system which once banned, keeps you out, would make a forum suited for custom sigs/avatrs. (this is the problem most forums have....leaveing backdoors for members to re-enter through after their banned) and its really too bad that in order to get a new sig or avatar made, you have to send in the picture you doctored yourself, just so EVERYONE ELSE can use it too. dont get me wronge, if i make a tight sig, everyone is welcomed to it, but lets not make it one of the default avatars they give you. then it just becomes unoriginal. (id prefer a system where you send in your pic (already somewhat doctored) to the guys at Bungie, they doctor it so it can be used in the forum and place it in your profile for you. this just makes me wonder how exactly they'll do the whole customization thing for Sparten II units and Elites. will it again be a small list of default images that kinda suck? or will it be setup so we can send in properly formated images that could be used??

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mister Ninja they said that you can make one yourself then submit it to bungie. not that they tell you where to submit it or any of the important things you need to know about making it like what size it has to be...[/quote] Actually they just need to pay more attention, heres a quote from sketch [quote]If you want to create an avatar for, you should make an image file that is 90 pixels by 90 pixels and no more than 10 KB in size. The image should obviously fit our site – i.e. Bungie related in one way or another. We will review and IF we like it, we will add it to our library. Naturally we are trying to maintain quality standards for the site. PLEASE DO NOT JUST TAKE SCREENSHOTS AND IMAGES FROM BUNGIE.NET AND SEND THEM TO US. We can do that ourselves. When your file is ready, you can send it to and we'll check it out. Please be patient, don't expect it to show up on our site immediately.[/quote]

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  • You can stop saying "HI", Neptune. You aren't brand new. I want a heron guard avatar! - Reiginko

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  • HI

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mister Ninja they said that you can make one yourself then submit it to bungie. not that they tell you where to submit it or any of the important things you need to know about making it like what size it has to be...[/quote] um yeah they should tell us. (or die) (twice)

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  • they said that you can make one yourself then submit it to bungie. not that they tell you where to submit it or any of the important things you need to know about making it like what size it has to be...

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  • Try to make one yourself in some sort of photoshop, or picture editor.

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  • I want an ODST as my Avatar but there isn't one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ODST's rock!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • ACK! Disturbing images.

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  • If we let custom avatars come in, then mods would not only have to look out for spam and flame wars, but instead all of that plus obscene, or pornographic avatars.

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