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Edited by burritosenior: 6/22/2014 5:58:36 AM
Using games Call of Duty and The Division as an example of IPs that have timed exclusive content is ridiculous, and completely ignores the historical significance of this particular example. You'll notice people don't complain nearly as much about those games having such content, if at all. Now why do you suppose that is? Well, I'll tell you. It's because the developers for those titles didn't create a market on a particular platform. For this video to claim that the fact that Bungie developed exclusively for the Xbox is irrelevant shows a complete disregard to the historical significance of this problem as well. I don't know if this person is new to the community or what, but that is wholly disrespectful to make such a statement as that. Halo was THE Xbox game. It revolutionized the FPS genre in multiple ways, and cultivated a fanbase both around Halo and, more specifically, around Bungie. When Halo 3 released, it was on the Xbox 360. There were actually many people that followed Bungie to the console because they put out great products- not just people that followed Halo. Therefore, while switching to Playstation as a focus for their content, they are essentially forgetting about those people that followed them in the past, who developed a decade's worth of friendships and experiences on another platform largely due to Bungie. I've said this before and I'll say it again- nobody was complaining about Bungie including the Playstation with Destiny. Fans on the forums were actually PLEASED, because it meant Bungie was growing and would have a larger fanbase. The issue is that they aren't being treated equally- they're being treated BETTER. And after a decade of giving your all to Bungie as a fan of the company instead of the game, that is a very hard pill to swallow. Xbox fans were not asking for exclusive content because of their history with Bungie. Xbox fans were expecting equality. This video goes on to talk about how it is a good business decision. And from a money standpoint, it is... for Sony. And Activision. Not Bungie. And I don't understand how anybody could possibly say 'because it made them more money as a business decision, it is not a betrayal.' Excuse me? That's absolutely idiotic to say! Since when does profit determine morality? I'll tell you when: Since never. Insomniac games making games for Playstation then making an Xbone exclusive? Yeah, that sucks. But guess what? That doesn't suddenly make it acceptable or make it any less of a betrayal that a completely different company is doing nearly the same thing. Again, a really stupid thing to imply otherwise. Later, he goes on to say he would request Sunset Overdrive were only on playstation, but doesn't because he is a 'rational human being.' To which I reply... an ignorant one. This, my friends, is a classic example of somebody only hearing what they want to hear. You see, this user seems to be completely ignoring the fact that Xbox users are NOT asking that Destiny be exclusive to the Xbox One. They are NOT asking that they be given exclusive content instead. What Xbox users ARE asking for is that everybody be given the SAME content. And for this video to say that such talk is irrational? This seems like a very ignorant and close-minded person. Edit: Please note that 5 hours later, this subthread has far too many replies for me to get to everybody. Too many people are replying to random posts and's layout is not conductive of a large discussion. Since notifications only link me to the most recent reply, it is very likely I will miss a lot of you because the subthread is too long and too confusing to scroll through, now. Apologies to those I seemingly ignore.

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  • What facts? Its a rant. give me links where Bungie said "-blam!- those Halo players, we want to screw them over big time." I still do not see how they owe you. That community shit is the community. And Bungie's vision is to reach all gamers, not limited to Xbox. In your ridiculous rant, I put it together that its more Microsoft's fault than anything.

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  • [quote]What facts? [/quote] Read.[quote] Its a rant. [/quote]Partly. Intertwined with facts that support the arguments. [quote]give me links where Bungie said "-blam!- those Halo players, we want to screw them over big time." [/quote]They haven't said that. The actions are what we are upset about, not the words used. If you don't understand that, then you really don't have any platform to make an argument from regarding this topic. [quote] I still do not see how they owe you. [/quote]I never said Bungie 'owed us.' [quote] And Bungie's vision is to reach all gamers, not limited to Xbox. [/quote]Which can be done without telling older fans that they are worth less than the newer fans. [quote] In your ridiculous rant, I put it together that its more Microsoft's fault than anything.[/quote]Then you clearly didn't read the link very well.

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  • One could even go so far as to say if anybody is betrayed it's us mac users. Ever since the marathon games we have received NOTHING. PC got some halo action, Xbox got all the halo, playstation gets all the destiny exclusives. How dare you turn your back on the Mac users bungie! How dare you! (Totally sarcasm here)

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  • Edited by sergeantawesome: 6/22/2014 1:53:12 AM
    Don't get involved with this person that I'm arguing with. Its like arguing with a politician. They could think the world is flat, and they are automatically right no matter what. They will take existing facts and bastardize them to the point where its no longer a fact, but "fits" their argument.

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  • Yeah. Or arguing with a 12 year old with a decent vocabulary. I think people are just blowing stuff out of proportion.

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  • I will say, arguing with this person could be a lot worse. There is a lot of passion behind their logic, which is a good and bad thing.

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  • Passion is good unless you let it cloud your thinking. Arguments are best approached with opinions and the mindset that if someone can explain how you are wrong you accept that you should change how you feel.

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  • [quote]Arguments are best approached with opinions and the mindset that if someone can explain how you are wrong you accept that you should change how you feel.[/quote] [quote]I will just continue to think that your selfish and deluded, and you can think I'm ignorant and whatever else.[/quote]Guess who said the above quote. I'll give you a hint: It wasn't me.

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  • Opinions founded on facts and experiences. When that passion gets too much, then facts are no where to be found, and neither is reasoning. I think this is part of the case. When someone feels betrayed, its definitely a very powerful emotion, clouds judgement like you said.

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  • [quote]Opinions founded on facts and experiences. When that passion gets too much, then facts are no where to be found, and neither is reasoning. I think this is part of the case.[/quote]... I typed very literally ten entire pages of reasoning, and that doesn't even count a single post in this thread. Just because you are ignoring it doesn't not mean it isn't there, and to talk like it isn't despite all the effort that went into the attempt to explain it to you is rude.

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  • I don't think anybody's gonna read that long ads shit bro lol [spoiler]no hate[/spoiler]

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  • I'm a little confused here. Maybe you can clear this up for me... Bungie got a contract with Activision for $500 million to make destiny. Then Sony payed Activision [the publisher] for timed exclusives. Why is everyone hating on Bungie?

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  • [quote]Maybe you can clear this up for me... Bungie got a contract with Activision for $500 million to make destiny. [/quote]Well, not quite. Activision is spending that much. This doesn't just go into making the game, though. This goes into the whole process- including promotion. [quote]Then Sony payed Activision [the publisher] for timed exclusives. [/quote]Not quite. Well, sort of. Essentially, the deal is that they get exclusive content and... that's it. Because the Playstation needed something to rally under, Activision knows that if they offered the content to Sony, Sony would promote Destiny on their own. Thus Sony gets to say they have something Microsoft does not, and Activision gets free publicity. [quote]Why is everyone hating on Bungie?[/quote]Make no mistake- I am not 'hating on Bungie.' I love Bungie. This community is more my home than anywhere else on the internet, and after seven years it means the world to me. Now, the distinction here is that Bungie has moved from a community oriented game developer to a clearly more corporate one. [url=]You can find the details here[/url].

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  • Why do people believe that the developer betrays the community because the publisher picks sides in the console war?

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  • As I said in the post you replied to, you can find the details in the link. I talk about it extensively.

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  • Was a very nice read. But still there was no answer as to why people are blaming and upset and feel betrayed by the developer when it was the publisher who made this happen.

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  • [quote]Was a very nice read. But still there was no answer as to why people are blaming and upset and feel betrayed by the developer when it was the publisher who made this happen.[/quote]It's in the post, though. I'm not going to get into as much detail here as I do there, but essentially it is because Bungie was a community oriented company and in an attempt to expand their fanbase they allowed- willingly and knowingly- their already existing fanbase to become ostracized.

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  • So Bungie had a decision to make. Sign contract with Activision or potentially face never being able to create Destiny. And in doing so the publisher is leaving out the Xbox community because it made a deal with sony. So instead of blasting the publisher for everything they instead blast the developer. So my next question will be this. Are Bungie fans really Bungie fans or are they Xbox fans? The reason I ask is because in 2007 the relationship with Microsoft was ended on some pretty bad terms.

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  • [quote]So Bungie had a decision to make. Sign contract with Activision or potentially face never being able to create Destiny. [/quote]Well, Bungie had money. They could create Destiny without Activision having given Sony such a deal. The Bungie/Activision contract is separate from the Sony deal. [quote] So instead of blasting the publisher for everything they instead blast the developer. [/quote]Well here's the thing. Activision has a history of doing that. It's almost expected because it saves Activision a lot of money in the marketing department by doing these deals. The distinction is that... this isn't typical of Bungie. Bungie was a community oriented developer rather than a more corporate-like entity. That was their style- community focused. So if you really want to get into the nitty gritty, it isn't even so much the content itself that people here are really upset about. It's about how Bungie has handled it. Bungie hardly even acknowledges the Xbox exists unless asked about it directly in a way they can't avoid, like an interview. Shoot, they haven't even made the slightest effort to put a positive spin on the exclusivity. They haven't even tried to calm the tide. And again- emphasizing the fact that they prided themselves for a decade on communication with their fans, this silence towards half of their fans is a staggering blow. [quote]Are Bungie fans really Bungie fans or are they Xbox fans?[/quote]Well, I love my PS2. And if you look back at this time last year, I was telling the forums that Microsoft was essentially Satan after their performance at E3 2013. As were many people. So to say people here are just defending Microsoft/ Xbox? Well, that's not true. It's about the history with Bungie. [quote]The reason I ask is because in 2007 the relationship with Microsoft was ended on some pretty bad terms.[/quote]Not in particular. People keep saying this, but I don't recall anything of the sort. In fact, I recall everybody being pretty content.

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  • [quote] So if you really want to get into the nitty gritty, it isn't even so much the content itself that people here are really upset about. It's about how Bungie has handled it. Bungie hardly even acknowledges the Xbox exists unless asked about it directly in a way they can't avoid, like an interview. Shoot, they haven't even made the slightest effort to put a positive spin on the exclusivity. They haven't even tried to calm the tide. And again- emphasizing the fact that they prided themselves for a decade on communication with their fans, this silence towards half of their fans is a staggering blow. [/quote] This I can agree with. I am honestly surprised about how little is said concerning the Xbox for this game. But most of the arguments people are placing on the forums isn't about not receiving information or being ignored. It's about playstation getting exclusives.

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  • You got it mate

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  • I think we could not be in more agreement.

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  • I've provided this link earlier in the thread, but in case you are interested [url=]I do discuss the argument about how the Mac users are the ones that were 'betrayed.'[/url] An argument nobody gives credibility to anyways, but still one I felt like addressing.

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  • Thought you might like to see this a much calmer reply to the Timed Exclusive thing, I agree with you but I'd be fine if it was only a month, a year is wrong though.

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  • Why didnt you get a playstation then?

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