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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Teusz: 6/22/2014 12:51:50 AM

I think more people should see this petition

____________________________________________________ FINAL EDIT (please try to read all of this one): Yup, here goes our little petition. There are more than 100 signs so it probably goes there... somewhere... (it's not mine, I don't know how these things works ;)) HOWEVER... Do I really think that petition will change Bungie's mind? If it was just for that, I don't think that any petition was ever necessary - Bungie perfectly knows that many people would play their game on split screen. They are in this business long enough and they know the numbers. However their priority is to deliver game with beautiful graphics so everyone will see it (DeeJ admited that: [url][/url]), so Bungie can build their position on next gen market. [b]Bungie knows how much split screen is popular and that's exactly the reason why they've not implemented it right now[/b] (and that's why they were waiting with bad news to the last possible moment). Since many people uses split screen, many people would see scaled down graphics (to 50% or 25% of details - depending on how many friends/household members someone's has) and that's exactly what Bungie doesn't want when their so-called next gen franchise is storming the market. Yes, that's actual meaning of their official statement made by DeeJ. No, this approach isn't something new, as the same thing happened with many games when last gen of consoles was starting up. Nevertheless we still should make feedback (just like this petition - signatories: you're the best!), so they know we're not buying their farce as we care more about our friends and families, than we care about how the game looks - last gen, next gen, any gen. [b]Adding split screen in update is always possible[/b] (Bungie isn't denying that, since they know it's true) and that actually happened several times for several different games (in past and very recently, for huge and small games, released by major developers and indie studios). When everybody's done with enjoying their eyes with full screen, this game will need some substance and that's exactly what split screen will deliver for most of us. That's why it's needed ASAP instead of waiting another few years. And Bungie? When dust settles they'll need as many players in their new franchise as they can get (it's constant hype what makes game/dlcs sale and cash flow), and actually they know what will bring these players to it. So... [b]Cheer up people. Keep pushing.[/b] Bungie, stop playing this farce with us. You know what we want so just give it to us. Sooner than later. Also I would like to thank all of those ignorant, clueless, selfish brats who are against and since they never (or rarely) played split screen, don't know shit about how it actually works: With your stupid "arguments" you not only ridicule lack of split screen, but also you're not letting this subject to rot. You're -blam!-ing disgrace for gaming community and I hope you die, but thanks. EDIT 4: There's some serious misinformation about how split screen will affect solo people. Let's get this straight: IT WILL NOT. Adding split screen will in no way affect your perfectly looking, single screen game. If you have any doubts, please let me explain to you some basic facts about rendering: [spoiler]Graphical engines are scalable. If you have split screen, all it will do, is scaling down amount of details, so amount of calculation is same as when you're playing single screen (NOT the other way). For rendering, it makes no difference if it's showing 1 object, that is made out of 20000 polygons (these are triangles which are creating 3d scene), or 2 objects made out of 10000 polygons, or even 4 objects made out of 5000 polygons. This doesn't mean any extra work with making less detailed graphics for split screen, because it's already there: even for single screen graphic engine is scalling down level of details according to what's going on. E.g. it's using low-poly models for objects that are in distance (and actually, same applies to entire world), because otherwise, especially with this huge open world, game would simply not work even on most advanced hardware. In split screen engine just makes scalling down more agressive (BUT ONLY FOR SPLIT SCREEN). When Bungie said that reason for which they dropped down split screen is that they wanted to make better graphics: YES, this is true, BUT only for those of us, who actually will play on split screen. Since split screen people don't have problem with scaled down graphics (they got to used to it since GoldenEye), and it will not affect at all single screen people, this kind of explanation doesn't make sense at all.[/spoiler] Does solo people have any benefits from having split screen? Actually yes. It will increase amount of players for entire game, so there will be more people who can play online with all of you. Why to make 1 online friend when you can have 2 or 3 or 4 at the same time? Also, especially for next gen consoles, it means that all this talk about buying another console (+TV, +game, +PS/Gold subscription), doesn't make any sense, saving your money and space in your house. Let me show you something: [url][/url] What does it mean? It means that most of us playing Destiny on PS4 will not even notice scaled down graphics for 2 player split screen. Even for 4 player split screen, amount of details for each player will be bigger than playing PS3 version single screen! That makes cross playing useless in terms of playing the game with your household members, when you can have just much more with single PS4. BUT is there anything else, apart for graphic, that can drag down game for split screen people? Actually yes: actual gameplay and way these objects are interacting with each other. However for Destiny, all what next gen people get is better graphics. All other elements are same between last and next gen consoles. In these terms PS4 could literally run several Destiny's at once, without a sweat. Since Bungie haven't denied possibility of adding split screen in the future, we all should ask for it. No one loses. Everyone wins. EDIT 5: "But Destiny's online game! Won't my PS4 explode by sending/receiving information about so many players at once?" Your PS4 will do fine. Since you're limited with speed of your internet connection, amount of information that PS4's network hardware can handle is many, many times bigger. However your router may explode if you connect too many devices to it. That's why playing online on single console is better choice than many consoles in single household. Especially with dedicated servers, who don't give a damn if players are playing together or not - they will handle each player equally. *Xbox One users might want to put "XBone" instead of "PS4" - it's ok. ORIGINAL: As some of you know, Bungie said there will be no split screen available in Destiny. That means those of us who actually have real-life friends and families, won't be able to share with them this huge, open world (and actually anything else...). There is other thread where we can talk why, despite Bungie's lame excuses, this is BS (here: ). One good soul started petition and I'm making this thread so more people can see it. If you don't want to play with bunch of random people, when your wife/brother/sister/friend is sitting right next to you, please sign it: [url][/url] EDIT: Yes the game's out in 3 months. However split screen is still possible to be added in a patch. There were games (e.g. UT3 on PS3) who got this feature even several months after release. However it's better earlier than later, and the more people will sign, the more likely Bungie will take it into consideration. EDIT 2: I remind you that there's another thread with tons of arguments for which 1) lack of split screen is BS, 2) adding split screen is not only possible, but necessary. We can all discuss there... ...or actually it's better to bump up this thread a little bit ;) EDIT 3: Even though I know how egocentric this so called "community" is, I'm surprised with some of posts. It's like adding split screen will take away anything from some of you. I think this thread will make clear some things out: [url][/url]

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  • Dude just give up. Would you rather them not give us dlc for a year. Or add coop with the chance of hurting graphic quality or space limits. It's not in the game for a reason. You really want to play with someone else in a game like this. Go play halo on Xbox. Good bye.

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  • Bump

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  • Wether they add split-screen or not is absolutely up to Bungie, they made their game how they envisioned it and so far it's been great imo. Unfortunately for many gamers, yourself included, they decided they didn't want it to have a split-screen. It is understandable for people to want balance in the game such as with class abilities/weapons/etc once the game launches, but I don't believe we have any right to demand them to add a feature that does not contribute to how the game works/performs and is simply a personal want. We will see at launch wether or not the lack of split-screen will hurt game sales, and if they hurt enough I'm sure they will consider adding the feature.

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    7 Replies
    • Let it die

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      4 Replies
      • Muted for rampant stupidity.

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        • Deej! add SPLIT SCREEN, even add a dlc for it god dmit PLEASE i'll be wasting £400+ amount just to play with my brother jeez you're putting alot of ur users money in the bucket. congratz..

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          2 Replies
          • I seem to remember reading a similar post on this forum, therefore I shall respond with the same thought I did at that time: If you desire split-screen so fanatically then simply take a chainsaw and swiftly apply it in a downwards motion upon the center of your television.

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            6 Replies
            • while you're at it why not start a petition to bring back rotary phones, VCRs, and iceboxes

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            • About 100 people out of 1 million pre orders.... Huh...

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            • [u][i][b]Far as I'm concerned, there's arguments to both sides of this. No need to treat the other side like shit with disrespect and stuff though. Let's come at this from a point of respect for both sides of the argument. (:[/b] [/u][/i] As for which side I'm on, I'd [i]like [/i]splitscreen, but can see why they did not include it. Free roaming games and split screen rarely go well, and Split screen has it's issues with the size of the screen for both people. I'd [b]say [/b] make it possible to do Second Screen Gaming with compatible devices like the PSVita and PS4, but that sort of leaves the Xbox Players in the lurch. Maybe they can use that Smartglass stuff with a controller adapter or something, i don't know /:

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            • Omg..some games cant be split matter what.dont mean split screen is dead.just play games that have that dont have a split screen on an MMO..ok Destiny isnt a true MMO.but it doesnt fit the game style.

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            • Oh god dammit you people just will not stop!

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            • Oh god dammit. Get the hell over it people. You guys say you aren't begging even when DeeJ came out and responded and explained and here you are making petitions?! Jesus H Christ people! If you want splitscreen games, THEN PLAY ANOTHER GAME!

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              28 Replies
              • My answer to this, but I suggest you read the entire sub thread from the root, read without bias and understand why your fight is over.

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              • Is WoW Split Screen ? How about DCUO? Wait how bout Final Fantasy? NO? Well darn. Maybe you could name an MMORPG that does. Destiny is at its core FPSMMORPG. And in most RPG EULA's account sharing is forbidden.

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                • There's so much conjecture in this that I don't think it's particularly helping the cause.

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                • I say, -blam!- a delay. You guys are not gonna be the cause of a delay. No, I didn't read the whole book you posted. It's pointless.

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                • >Thinking Bungie makes changes based on community feedback. ULTIMATE HUE

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                • Man I'm sick of people crying like little girls because Destiny doesn't have split screen grow up

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                • I didn't read your whole post, however, I have something I want to ask. Do you really not understand that when an artist, or group of artists aspires to make a masterpiece, they don't inquire the entire community of viewers before they paint it? Bungie is painting a picture called Destiny. This picture is of such grand scale; of such epic proportions; of such amazing innovation, that they have decided they want it done a certain way. This is no different than any other artist. Do you think that when Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel he asked all the locals to tell him what they wanted included in the painting? I highly doubt it. Do you think Tomas Kinkade became who he was by traveling around asking everyone if they can put their two sense into his masterpiece? No. Destiny is a masterpiece created from the minds of some of the most talented people on earth and you think you have the right to tell them how to paint this picture? They have said that they want people to enjoy their game the way it's meant to be experienced. That is without split screen. I understand that it can be frustrating when the stars don't align for everyone, but please don't go around telling people that they need to act quickly so that Bungie will change their vision of their masterpiece simply so they can ease a few hundred people's discomfort. Bungie wants Destiny to be an experience like no other. One that will blow the minds of everyone that plays it. One that will take you on the most epic fps ride you have ever been graced to enjoy. One that will leave you wondering how you lived your life without this game all these years. One that will introduce a new era of gaming to the world. Let them paint their picture. [spoiler]Or, continue to do what you want and embarrass yourself even more.[/spoiler]

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                  11 Replies
                  • Split screen is dead and no one that matters(I.E. Bungie!!!!) thinks it should be in the game so get over your little girl feelings and move on!!!

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                  • Sorry, but the statement that splitscreen will not affect solo players is a blatant lie. If there's splitscreen, there will always be people that use it for cheating and boosting, just like in Halo. Also, there are a large number of guests (who play on splitscreen) who don't have a clue about the game and/or choose to participate in team killing, griefing and general trolling. All these things affect all people. Obviously not everyone uses splitscreen in a negative way, but people often seem to forget that splitscreen generally causes just as much bad as it does good.

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                  • really.....

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                  • Can you split screen WoW? No? Well...

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                    6 Replies
                    • LOL!!!

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                    • Oh damn 139 people now lol. Stop before you crash the site.

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