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Edited by Zeus: 7/24/2014 6:30:18 PM

Should Destiny add splitscreen Post Launch?





Bungie just released that there will be no splitscreen in Destiny. However, they also said that if the community came together on a subject then they WILL listen. We need to band together, and show that we CARE about whether or not there is splitscreen. I want to play with my friends and family. I don't want to spend $400+ just to please these major companies. Ever since Halo, I've loved split-screen. I couldn't STOP. 4-Player FPS was my DREAM, and now Bungie, my HERO, makes the one of the most beautiful games I've ever seen single player, I couldn't stand aside. This is for the gamers who love splitscreen. This is for the people who want to make their OWN choices, not the ones who'd rather have greedy gaming companies chose FOR them. This is for the family. This is for the friends. This is for split-screen. Please comment below why you do or don't want split-screen. Also share this link all over the web. Twitter. Facebook. Bungie. With your help we can bring split-screen back to Destiny. (EDIT #2) The petition was made by someone else. (EDIT) Also everyone. Be nice and respectful of others. Keep it clean out there, I don't want this to be reduced to a shouting match. Keep the peace. I hope you're listening Deej. (EDIT) Guys, lets think for a moment. People talk about consoles not being able to handle splitscreen and single player experiences being ruined because adding splitscreen would reduce single player graphics. If this was [b]true[/b], wouldn't Bungie have just [b]said[/b] that in their explanation of why splitscreen wasn't in Destiny? Think about it. If consoles didn't have the power, wouldn't Bungie have just [b]said [/b]that for their reason why Destiny didn't have splitscreen? If single player graphics were decreased, wouldn't Bungie have just [b]said [/b]that for their reason why Destiny didn't have splitscreen? But Bungie [b]DIDN'T[/b]. Their silence speaks for itself. None of the above is [b]TRUE[/b], because if it [b]WAS [/b]Bungie would have just [b]SAID SO[/b] as their excuse for no splitscreen! [b]Think [/b]about it! If it was [b]TRUE [/b]they would have just used it as their excuse! However they [b]DIDN'T[/b]. Which means only one thing: [b]IT ISN'T TRUE.[/b] They [b]never [/b]mentioned it! They said nothing about console power or single player graphics! So the REASON WHY it wasn't mentioned is because it [b]SIMPLY ISN'T TRUE![/b] Consoles [b]CAN [/b]handle it! Singe player graphics [b]AREN'T [/b]affected! And Bungie doesn't [b]want [/b]us to know! They only technicalities they went into were "rendering" and "tethering", however, they also [b]never [/b]said that splitscreen [b]WASN'T [/b]possible! They speak of rendering and tethering, but never said that it [b]WASN'T [/b]possible! Cmon people! Look at it! Splitscreen [b]IS [/b]possible, and we [b]need [/b]to speak up! Btw MMO's can have splitscreen.

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  • I love how the console manufacturers go to lengths to allow multiple controllers connected at once, but developers decide to troll the customer base by flooding the market with "one player per console" IPs.

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    10 Replies
    • To those wondering why someone would be against a feature that is completely optional: Stop. In all 1000 threads about splitscreen there have been a minimum of 475 posts in each explaining what effect splitscreen has on those who don't use it. You are choosing to ignore those posts so you still have something to gripe about. My numbers are 100% accurate, btw. But let's not forget the most important reason of all: [u]It's Bungie's game and they don't want to. [/u] You were never promised splitscreen in Destiny. If you were expecting it because splitscreen was in Halo, that's your problem. Just like those kids upset that Master Chief isn't in Destiny. That being said, I can't wait to play with you all on 9/9. The wait is almost over.

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      8 Replies
      • Edited by DownwardSpyril: 9/2/2014 9:06:16 PM
        The flow of OP's post reminds me of the Sicilian in the "Prince's Bride". BTW...split-screen for PVP and strikes.

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      • Edited by RogueSPARTAN264: 8/23/2014 3:31:10 PM
        This would only work if it was allowed in areas such as the Crucible, little rendered areas where you have to stay to complete the objective. I hate to say it but make it like CoD where you can't play two player campaign but you can play co-op and multiplayer with splitcreen.

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        3 Replies
        • Absolutely should they add a local Split-Screen Multiplayer/Coop. More coop than PvP IMO. A lot of family members and friends get together to play, removing (aka not adding) a local multiplayer option tears friends apart and forces them to "not get togethet" to play "together". Just wrong in my opinion. One thing I really miss in Destiny, other than that AWESOME game, playing nonstop :-)

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        • Split screen and pvp... 'thinks of other pvp games with split screen' ...and nope, not gonna happen. Would destroy pvp. If you don't understand why, google it.

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        • Edited by xiawei_NL: 10/21/2014 9:09:05 PM
          A great game as Destiny aims to empower social interaction. By offering an online platform that connects individuals Bungie has enabled many players today to enjoy the dynamic features this platform can offer. Fact is, however, that much of the actual real social interaction happens when people meet up. I don't meet friends in online bars and actually drinking a beer at home alone. The urge to meet each other is an essential part for reaching that thing we call 'happiness'. That is why women who live in cities still go out with friends to shop, while actually more and more of their purchases are done online (incl. clothes). Happiness or in this case 'FUN' is there when it can be shared and understood immediately. Destiny offers fun online while disregarding the other. Having played Halo on the couch with friends for many years has brought me a lot of fun. Destiny which in many aspects is a far superior game than Halo, just doesn't bring the fun part for me. Split-Screen!

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          1 Reply
          • If you're gonna splitscreen, might as well make it a three way split that way you can play with an entire fireteam of friends sitting in one room sharing one screen. I don't use splitscreen because my friends don't mooch off of me and can afford to just buy the game themselves and play online with me.

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            2 Replies
            • Bump for justice!

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            • Split pea post lunch! Yum yum!

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            • Edited by SerenityNOWWW: 10/21/2014 9:19:34 PM
              Maybe Bungie should look at this through a marketing perspective. If we had splitscreen, when a friend shows up at my house and they are like hey what's that game you were playing? I can be like, "Destiny. Have you played it?" And they will be like... "no, but it looks cool!" "Hell YAH it is, want to try?" "That was a rhetorical question right?" "DUH, let me turn on split screen mofo" ...5 hours later "Shit dude, I was only supposed to stop by for a few minutes, this game is sickkkkkkkkk!" /e today's scenario hey what's that game you were playing? I can be like, "Destiny. Have you played it?" And they will be like... "no, but it looks cool!" "Yeah it is" end of scenario

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            • Edited by Albus Dumbledore: 9/7/2014 2:09:01 AM
              I'm not sure why 35% of people voted no? If somebody could give me their argument that would be great. Borderlands 2 was an open world sandbox which had split screen and it worked great. Anyway, it doesn't matter because I don't believe Bungie could add split screen with an update. You probably won't see it till Destiny 2 :(

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              7 Replies
              • they don't mind about players....they only mind about money so if u want to play, u buy a console and a game, also if u want to play with your brother/sister/wife/husband/cousin maybe they have no friends, so they don't know how fun is to play next to another people

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              • they should at least have it just for pvp... but sadly I just don't see it happening :(

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              • Edited by Adhock: 10/3/2014 7:42:40 PM
                So you want to stir up the old SimCity controversy and try to take this game into an offline mode.... ...I'll get the popcorn.... BTW, game is meant to run in three person groups. What do you propose will fill up that fourth split slot while the three players play?

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                3 Replies
                • No game has ever had a major hardware related component added post-launch. Splitscreen on last-gen would make the game literally unplayable. Splitscreen on next-gen would offend the delicate sensibilities of people who are already complaining that there is not enough of a graphical upgrade from last-gen to next. Basically, never gonna happen. There are hardware constraints and the fact that many people buy two copies of video games to solve this problem for themselves. Publishers do not like splitscreen. Splitscreen is dead. I guarantee you that this now current gen will see an end to splitscreen games in all but the rarest occasion and indie titles.

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                  14 Replies
                  • I don't think it makes a lot of sense to have a "splitty" for PVE. Would they match their host's stats like in COD? That seems awkward. What would their character look like? A generic "sidekick" type character like in Fable 2? Idk, it seems weird to me. I don't have a preference, really, but I don't see it making sense for anything other than PVP. I'd be ok with that.

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                    2 Replies
                    • The problem with split screen is that then their profit would be slashed. Es no bueno

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                      • Split screen or not, in the end Its disappointing that I can't play local co-op with it.

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                      • RIP split screen

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                      • they wont add splitscreen because they wont make any money off of it. consoles can handle split screen just fine, plenty of games have done it.

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                      • Yes, If graphics (you can't prove they can, regardless if they didn't say anything about it..) can take the toll, Then I'm all for it. On the x1 and ps4 at least.

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                      • As much as I like it it would be abused too much so I don't think it should happen.

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                      • I still want splitscreen...

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                      • Options are always nice.

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