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Edited by Zeus: 7/24/2014 6:30:18 PM

Should Destiny add splitscreen Post Launch?





Bungie just released that there will be no splitscreen in Destiny. However, they also said that if the community came together on a subject then they WILL listen. We need to band together, and show that we CARE about whether or not there is splitscreen. I want to play with my friends and family. I don't want to spend $400+ just to please these major companies. Ever since Halo, I've loved split-screen. I couldn't STOP. 4-Player FPS was my DREAM, and now Bungie, my HERO, makes the one of the most beautiful games I've ever seen single player, I couldn't stand aside. This is for the gamers who love splitscreen. This is for the people who want to make their OWN choices, not the ones who'd rather have greedy gaming companies chose FOR them. This is for the family. This is for the friends. This is for split-screen. Please comment below why you do or don't want split-screen. Also share this link all over the web. Twitter. Facebook. Bungie. With your help we can bring split-screen back to Destiny. (EDIT #2) The petition was made by someone else. (EDIT) Also everyone. Be nice and respectful of others. Keep it clean out there, I don't want this to be reduced to a shouting match. Keep the peace. I hope you're listening Deej. (EDIT) Guys, lets think for a moment. People talk about consoles not being able to handle splitscreen and single player experiences being ruined because adding splitscreen would reduce single player graphics. If this was [b]true[/b], wouldn't Bungie have just [b]said[/b] that in their explanation of why splitscreen wasn't in Destiny? Think about it. If consoles didn't have the power, wouldn't Bungie have just [b]said [/b]that for their reason why Destiny didn't have splitscreen? If single player graphics were decreased, wouldn't Bungie have just [b]said [/b]that for their reason why Destiny didn't have splitscreen? But Bungie [b]DIDN'T[/b]. Their silence speaks for itself. None of the above is [b]TRUE[/b], because if it [b]WAS [/b]Bungie would have just [b]SAID SO[/b] as their excuse for no splitscreen! [b]Think [/b]about it! If it was [b]TRUE [/b]they would have just used it as their excuse! However they [b]DIDN'T[/b]. Which means only one thing: [b]IT ISN'T TRUE.[/b] They [b]never [/b]mentioned it! They said nothing about console power or single player graphics! So the REASON WHY it wasn't mentioned is because it [b]SIMPLY ISN'T TRUE![/b] Consoles [b]CAN [/b]handle it! Singe player graphics [b]AREN'T [/b]affected! And Bungie doesn't [b]want [/b]us to know! They only technicalities they went into were "rendering" and "tethering", however, they also [b]never [/b]said that splitscreen [b]WASN'T [/b]possible! They speak of rendering and tethering, but never said that it [b]WASN'T [/b]possible! Cmon people! Look at it! Splitscreen [b]IS [/b]possible, and we [b]need [/b]to speak up! Btw MMO's can have splitscreen.

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  • Yes please. Agree all the way, just start with adding simple split screen matches. Then develop a map customization system like Forge, and the game would be golden!(even better than it already is) I would love to play this game when my friends are over instead of playing from home all the time. More people definitely need to get in on this!!

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  • I see both sides. Adding split screening to the game would be kind of cool and would allow people in the same household to play together. However if bungie were to add split screening I think it would be kind of awkward due to the games complexity during battles. Also adding split screening would require a lot of work on bungies part and a pretty big update for us players. But like I said I see both sides.

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  • Yes would love splitscreen, even something similar to what lionhead did in fable 2, where it's not a splitscreen, but second players can drop in/out using the same main screen.

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    1 Reply
    • Edited by UhOhSpaghettiOh: 9/8/2014 4:10:21 AM
      If there is issues with splitscreen diminishing the experience of the graphics then it is quite simple. Just don't play splitscreen. It's not about if the experience is the same, is about player options. Why should we not have the option to splitscreen if we can live with some of the compromises. My boyfriend and I are both gamers and shouldn't have to buy two consoles just to play our favorite games together.

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      6 Replies
      • I want splitscreen :)

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        • I want this game to be split screen!!! Dying to kill it in vanguard & crucible with my significant other!!!! If Destiny were to add split screen, for all of the ppl who don't want this feature just don't have to use it. But if should definitely be an option, but like good ol Halo 3 and Reach. If we have to downgrade a bit on graphics, we will live. I am sure ps4 is strong enough to still handle it. Destiny to, me is one of the best games yet. Adding this feature would make it better.

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        • I love split screen but I personally don't think it would work with destiny.

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        • Wow I've checked this thread first time in few months... ...and there are more "no" than "yes"! I mean, c'mon why would anyone be against of adding some feature that will make more people play the -blam!-ing game?! Sure I 've heard some totally ignorant answers (like that split screen will in any way bother single screen people - this is made by some shitheads who don't understand basics of how game and split screen works) and totally retarded ones (Iike "I won't use it LOL"). This so-called "community" is worse than 4chan. With that kind of fanbase this game is -blam!-ed. BUNGIE! ADD SPLIT SCREEN!

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        • I don't think split screen would be good cause in raids and nightfall noone is gonna pick up a person with them and a them(1)

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          • I think split screen would be good for pve. My friends all have a different console so I can't ever play with them. We usually end up having 2 TVs in the same room playing destiny on different systems. It'd be nice to actually play with them.

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            • I understand why people want split screen but this game doesn't feel like that would work this isn't are normal first person shooter. I personally feel like split screen in a game like this would feel odd.

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              2 Replies
              • I will support splitscreen till I die. Hope Bungie hear the community as they say they do; and do something about it. Its not impossible, and if it were, i would at least want to hear a good excuse with technical specifications, that is what we deserve, no just a "no" because "we dont want to".

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              • My bro and I are always sad because whenever we get a chance to see each other, we can't play splitscreen online in anything new because most new games have stopped supporting it. Next gen CoD requires two accounts with PS+ for online splitscreen, Battlefield still hasn't brought back splitscreen, even older games like Mass Effect don't have splitscreen- Splitscreen is one of the main things that keep people buying consoles over PC's, it would be nice if we started getting our splitscreen online back :'( Not that it has to be in Destiny specifically, but just splitscreen in general is awesome.

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              • The fact that split screen is so rare now is ruining gaming.

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                14 Replies
                • Please shut up. If you take an hour typing complaint, it wasnt worth it.

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                  2 Replies
                  • I'd much rather them work on additional locations. I love my bro but he can play on his own xbox in his own home haha, split screen is balls, in your face.

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                    • No.

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                    • Split screen is outdated tech replaced by the internet. Let it die in peace.

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                      4 Replies
                      • Buy a second console and TV. Problem solved and a 1000% better experience.

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                      • Please add a split screen . The D is an incredible game, I'm just a regular joe not a crazy gamer . When I get home from work my and my boys like to play some video games. Super excited to have my cousin play destiny after talking it up all week. Even bought an extra controller for him and we have to resort to Halo to play some split screen. just make it available , if you don't use it then no harm done, but if you want to link up and play with some friends or family then it's avaible and you can play one of the best games made to date.

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                      • I don't want split screen at all, would ruin the experience

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                        1 Reply
                        • I live in a first world country and don't need petty split screen as I have money for multiple consoles, TVs, and games. We all know split screeners RUIN PvP Prove me wrong Split screeners won't ruin crucible... Protip: You can't We all know they are lowly plebs running about a .4-.7 K/D ratio with no objective points to add onto that.

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                          3 Replies
                          • No one really wants this. It's a wasted feature. It's 2014 I'd you can't afford a console and a game and a tv then you shouldn't be allowed to play.

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                            3 Replies
                            • Splitscreen ruins crucible. Also might as well be arguing for prox chat.... Stop posting on this guys....

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                              • I love how the console manufacturers go to lengths to allow multiple controllers connected at once, but developers decide to troll the customer base by flooding the market with "one player per console" IPs.

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