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1/3/2008 5:02:13 PM

Love is in the Air

Did you meet your true love playing Halo? Did you get a job using your Halo skills? Did you become president of a small country because you could pwn noobs? We're looking for real life stories of romance, adventure and social wonder directly related to your Halo experience. Read on! [url=/news/content.aspx?type=news&cid=13133] click for full story [/url]

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  • Well... I first discovered Halo when I was on the tiny Pacific island of Tuvalu. The locals frequently performed a sacrifice to someone they called "God Chief," clearly a hamming of "Master Chief." Every day, before the sun came up, the whole island held a halo tournament. The loser was deemed the sacrificial "n00b," and would be sacrificed to ensure the rising of the sun. After having to play through about four rounds, my beginner's luck wore off, and I lost my fifth morning there. Of course, I had no intention of being sacrificed, so I bolted for the treeline. Unfortunately, Tuvalu is incredibly small. Really small. As such, I realized that I would not be able to escape for good. However, I theorized that if I could live it out until the sun came up, the tribe would realize how unnecessary the sacrifice was. At one point, I was hiding on a roof. The roof caved in and I fell into the lap of the Princess Cavalu. She fell in love with me, we had an R-rated sex scene, and then she agreed to help me out. As we were running through the streets, hiding from alley to alley, I glanced at my watch. 7:45. Dawn was minutes away. I looked to the horizon. Where was the sun streaming over the crystal blue? Nothing there but the relentless waves, pounding at the shore as the sacrificial drums. Then I realized that there was something to their mythology--without Halo, the sun doesn't come up. I had made a discovery, and my life was still on the line. However, I suddenly came up with an idea. I ran to their temple and stood at the top of the stairs. "I am the n00b!" I said. "But Jubbinju (the person who defeated me) is a H4X0R!!!" The crowd gasped and swung to look at him. Astonished, he did not reply in time, and was carted off to be sacrificed in my place. I used that day to get the hell off the island. To this day, my friends and I play halo every night to ensure the sun arises the next day.

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  • i started playing halo when i was going through reconstructive surgery on my knee i was quite depressed to say the least having 5 operations over a year being bed ridden i was bored, so i purchased a copy of the said halo 2 to start playing online. so on the day that turf gets released on halo 2 i met muad dib 21 we have been friends ever since we talk on the fone we video chat on live we send each other christmas presents i count him as a real friend. it was good to meet a friend on halo when i was going through a rough time.

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  • Been playing since '02 with many close friends, with some crazy Halo 1 LAN's. What happened a lot of times were me and my brother would get into it and a friend of mine (G) and his brother would get into it. Pretty funny now that we look back on it, but Halo has brought many of us together. Halo 2 came out and G and I met some guys from Cali, and we started a clan and have been playing with them ever since. If there weren't thousands of miles between us, I'm pretty sure we would definitely be friends with them because most of the time we just chat in the lobby with the rest of the clan members. Thanks to Bungie for making a great community-oriented game and I can't wait to see what their next project is!

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  • I met my BFF Rose on Halo 3, does that count?...

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  • I was just a lowly cashier at Target. But once Halo 3 came out, and my supervisor saw just how obsessed I had become with it, she immediately began to quiz me on electronic know how. After a few conversations, and a week of waiting, she transferred me to the Electronics department. Target then realized that the electronics department is where I was suppose to be all along. The sales at this particular store have gone up quite a lot now that I am working in that department. It turns out that they are now calling me the Game Specialist. Of course I recommend Halo when ever possible. I have a great time in Electronics, and my being there is all thanks to Halo and my obsession with it.

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  • well i did meet my last 3 girlfriends via the Red vs Blue community website if that counts??? apart from that no... my little brother beat me out the ruling of a small country by one kill :p no but seriously the girlfriend thing is true... sad but true

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  • Ill just keep it short but, I acually met my current girlfriend back in the days of Halo:Ce at my friends lan parties.

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  • From the Halo 3 Beta, I met a couple of guys who I know come to think of as very good friends. Through them, I've met yet more people who, whilst I don't know as well, are still extremely cool. In some respects, I'd say that they are better friends than some of the people I know in real-life; I talk to them because we have a lot in common, not simply because we went to school together. So far, no girlfriends (alas), but I'm sure it's only a matter of time :p Playing on Halo has also shown me the worst and best sides of other nationalities; as someone with a decidedly 'posh' English accent, some of the American players comments have ranged from hilariously funny to just plain abusive, but it's shown me that there are some utterly awesome American/Australian/Canadian people out there. And of course there's the French who, for their continual bickering in their heathen tongue, must be continually reminded of the arse-kicking they got at Agincourt :p [Edited on 01.03.2008 9:43 AM PST]

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  • Well, the closest thing I have is the following: I was at a party, and in the middle of getting a number from this girl, one of my friends starts texting me. So afterwards I jokingly yelled at him for "interrupting", and he responds "I didn't know Cortana gave out her phone number". ah, good laughs.

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  • Several years ago I met the love of my life, at the time living together was not even a remote thought. My gaming habits were firmly set as were those of my good friends. Fast forward a few years and bam we are living under the same roof. Pretty much not a day would go by without my Halo fix. I get up go to work , come home , eat dinner, call buddies and play Halo! My significant other was not very thrilled with this routine , and this became all too apparent within the first few months of our cohabitation. Soon the routine evolved into I come home , she gets pissed off and goes upstairs, buddies and I continue to play Halo. In all honesty Halo could have been a deal breaker on our relationship. So in an ironic twist... one day I came home from lunch early to find none other than my girlfriend sitting on the couch playing Halo 2 all by herself. "What the hell!" I thought in my head, here she is getting pissed at me for playing and she is actually a closet player herself! Not quite sure what to make of this I asked what was going on, and the reply sliced through me like a friggin covenant energy sword. "Shut up! I am teaching myself to play, deal with it"! I am not sure if you guys have encountered female gamers online but I think it is safe to say there is something wrong with them, and my girl is now a trained assassin. Within a very short amount of time she of course required her own account and before I knew it my beloved was better than me, and my friends! Give this girl a BR and a S.W.A.T. match and all I can say is its on! Talk about about Matchmaking, god I love this girl!

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  • I won an Xbox 360 because of my Halo 3 skills. I won a contest put on by Xbox live and a Seattle local sports radio show. The contest is "[url=]Play the Producer[/url]." Every Monday a screenshot of an old school game was put up on the website. Be the first caller on Thursday to name the game in the screenshot to win Halo 3 and a year subscription of Xbox live. The screenshot was of Double Dragon when I called and won. Upon winning that I got entered in an end of the month Halo 3 FFA contest to play the producer and the other winners. The winner of that contest gets an Xbox 360. Let me put it this way, there were two games. A [url=]warm-up[/url] game and then the [url=]real deal[/url]. I won both games. My real motivation to winning this was to give all of my winnings to my dad for the Holidays. You can check out his gamertag on Bungie, he goes by [url=]Papa Aldo[/url]. I even set up a Bungie profile for him linked his gamertag and all of that good stuff. Peace. [Edited on 01.03.2008 9:51 AM PST]

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  • Because of video games, i have met many people. Some of them have become close friends who i talk to all the time, others because of distance we talk once in a while. Halo 3 has been pretty good to me in that way, my friends list went from 0 , cause i just got gold a week after halo 3 came out, and now i have a pretty decent list of people i enjoy talking and gaming with. As for true loves and such. Playing neverwinter nights a 2 years ago i met someone i use to really enjoy gaming with that i lost touch with 2 years before then. We really hit it off and eventually after talking for 6 months we decided it would be cool to meet , she lives about 5 hours away , across the border in the USA , i live in canada. Went great really, other then getting pulled over at the border , the trip was nice, was a great weekend , and i learned how much of a friend people from over the net can be. Its one going to be one of those things i remember for the rest of my life, cause i still have a great friend in her, although we don't talk to much these days. But it was great . I think its very cool to see people purposing using video games and making it part of day to day life , in a healthy way. But of course the warning, don't meet people over the net if you can't trust them and let someone know your going. Cause my story of love and lust is a positive one, yours might not be.

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  • I actually met my "girlfriend" on Halo 2 in January of 2005. We really do like/love each other but she lives two states away which poses a problem. She did go to my Junior prom with me last year. We never fight and I'm currently planning a trip to go visit her sometime in February. For more details, message me.

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  • I've also me a few people at my school who I normally would not talk to with halo.

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  • I loved halo 3. I am currently working ar ruling the cult we called bungie. :) I have met great friends who I play with alot. Its a great experiance.

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  • I work for a large bank and for awhile I worked at a branch in a College town. We purchased an X Box and a copy of Halo 2 and had a drawing for it. You had to open a new account to be entered into the drawing, so needless to say business was good during the entrance period. Well the person that won it was a girl who had never played Halo before and really didn't even know how to hook it up to her TV. So me, being the gentleman that I am, offered to come by her room in the dorm and hook it up for her and show her the ins and outs of Halo 2. After work one day I stopped by and ended up spending a couple hours there getting everything together; she was actually having fun playing Halo and was picking it up pretty quickly. She asked me to come back over the next day to play some more and progressively we ended up dating for quite sometime. Most of our dates centered on playing Halo 2 or HALO CE via LAN parties with other people at her dorm. So not only did Halo get me a fat bonus check from work for sales performance but also was the starting point and catalyst for a good relationship.

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  • I became an object artist on Halo 3 because of my map making skillz with Halo Custom Edition and I became really involved in the community.

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  • I started playing Halo about 2 and a half years ago with my friends and we played system link a lot then went to Xbox Live and we still play together to this day Halo is a great game and I've gained experience from this game

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  • 3 Days after halo2 came out, I got xbox live. I met 2 people at first that I still talk to today. As the days went by I met more and more people, whom of which I still know today. About 3 months later I met this girl, and shes amazing. It had turned out that she had lived in my state (lucky me.) So all in all halo2 was great, and I'm hoping to meet more and more people in halo3. Although I'm kind of busy with the 87 people I met, and still hang out with as we speak today on halo3. Thanks alot for the game, it helped my depression out alot. *Its my antidrug* lol.

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  • Alright here is my story. I went on a job interview, and the interview was going real great, and we were going over my life highlights. So at the end of the interview the guy says "At my very first job interview, the interviewer asked me this question, and I loved it so much that I use it in every interview I have given. It's nothing big, nothing serious. What is your greatest accomplishment?" Now at this point the interview was real casual and we had gone over all my accomplishments, and I said.... "Well this isn't serious, but last night I worked real hard and gained a rank in Halo 2." He looked at me puzzled and I said "It's a video game....and you play against other people, and I did real well last night." So we end the interview and a little over a week goes by. The temp agency calls me and says "You didn't get the job, you went in there and started talking about video games....that was stupid." I was a little floored by this, and the temp agency girl even told me that I need to learn how to handle myself in interviews and that they could no longer represent me. Apparently this guy looks down on people who play video games. The book "Everything bad is good for you" came out around then in the book it talks about how video games are a social experience now and are excellent cognitive experiences. The guy who wrote the book did a signing and I went and bought two copies. One for myself and one for the interview guy. I sent it to his office, and oddly enough I never got a thank you letter back.

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  • I actually had an epiphany within my first 15 minutes of playing Halo 2 on Xbox Live. I realized that any person under the age of 16 with access to the internet is a closed-minded, over-aggressive, vacuous imbecile that will try to convince me of their own superiority in terms of video gaming skill or life experience (or my lack thereof) when given the opportunity to communicate with total strangers while concealing their own person identity. I was also informed by a young man from England that I should be fully respectful of him because he invented the language that I speak.

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  • I got my girlfriend into Halo around a year ago and now it's all we play really.

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  • Throughout high school I met a lot of people who I would of otherwise never have talked to.

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  • i've never met my girlfriend on Halo or Playing Halo, but let me tell ya, Halo 3 is a good excuse to get a girl up to ur room;) and it works!

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  • My friend met a girl playing Halo at a party. They went out for a week. lol

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  • Been playing for about a year now and have made alot friends lan parties keep things fresh with new ppl every other month good times.

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