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12/23/2007 6:07:55 AM

FAQ on Member Titles / Prefixes / Bar Colors

BASE TITLES [i]-- No title is better than any other; they are for fun only.[/i] [url=/content.aspx?cid=13069]Added 12/10/07 12:25 PM PST[/url] [quote][i][b]Member[/i][/b] - Black bar * Basic title for all members; Vast majority of holds this title [b][i]Heroic Member[/i][/b] - Gray bar * Step above Member; Consistently active for 1-12 months (on average) [b][i]Legendary Member[/i][/b] - White bar * Step above Heroic; Consistently active for about 2 years [b][i]Mythic Member[/i][/b] - Blue bar * Step above Legendary; Consistently active for about 3 years ----- [i]If you get warned/banned you can still achieve a title, but it will take longer[/i][/quote] [b]You must be active to advance in title. Here are a few ways:[/b] [i]Log in daily, join/post in groups & threads daily, create threads, link Gamertag to account[/i] PREFIXES FOR BASE TITLES [i]-- Added to title system on Nov. 13, 2008[/i] [quote][u]Note[/u] - All info. has been gathered from many members; dates are only theories [i]- In order from lowest to highest - Priority comes into play only when a user qualifies for more than one member title[/i] [url=]Approximately[/url]: 1. [b]Honorable[/b] - No bans/warnings in about 1 year* 2. [b]Veteran[/b] - Active member of 4 years 3. [b]Noble[/b] - Active member of 2 years, with no bans for at least 1 year* 4. [b]Senior[/b] - Active member of 5 years 5. [b]Elder[/b] - Active member of 6 years 6. [b]Intrepid[/b] - High post count 7. [b]Fabled[/b] - Very high post count 8. [b]Exalted[/b] - No bans/warnings in 3 years 9. [b]Absent[/b] - inactivity for 2+ months [url=]Definitions[/url] *[i]If banned/warned, you may or may not keep the title, depending on length/number of bans. [url=]Source[/url][/i][/quote] SPECIAL TITLES [quote][b][i]Webcam MVP[/b] Members who participated in webcam games in Summer 2007 and managed to win the game on Monday. Mr Hand/Mr Hand 2 was the contractor in charge of it;[/i] [url=]More info.[/url] * Depending on what normal base title they are, their bar will be that color [b][i]Theme Master[/b] Members who have submitted a group theme that was accepted by the Web Team. These members were honored with a custom avatar.[/i] * Depending on what normal title they are, their bar will be that color; There is no current way to become a Theme Master [b][i]Forum Ninja[/b] Moderators of the Bungie website; [/i][url=]More info.[/url] * One can have any type of member title and still become a ninja. * Their title bar color is a dark orange with a light-orange highlight around it. * In groups, their title bar color changes to the normal base colors. [b][i]Master Forum Ninja[/b] Highest possible title given out to a member. They have a few more tools than a regular Ninja.[/i] * One can have any type of member title and still become a ninja. * Their title bar color is a dark orange with a light-orange highlight around it. * In groups their title bar color changes to normal base colors. [b][i]Bungie Employees[/b] * A few[/i] have golden text; title bar color is a dark yellow with a golden highlight around it. * When they post, a golden Septagon appears on the side of the thread. * In groups, their title bar color changes to the normal base colors. [url=][u]OTHER TITLES[/u][/url] * These titles are given out to special members, Bungie employees, and Forum Ninjas. [/quote] KNOWN TITLE INFO - [i]Thanks JBSpudster, hawkeye543, Old Papa Rich, Pro Kendog, Scapegoat413, Tom T[/i] [u]Base Titles[/u] 3/12 [url=]Trust Rating?[/url] / [url=]Proof[/url] 10/11 [url=]System Isn't Supposed to Make Sense; Going Away Soon?[/url] 4/09 [url=]You Can Earn Trust Without Posting[/url] 4/09 [url=]Trust Rating Includes Game Playing; Labels>Ranks[/url] 2/09 [url=]5 Digit Max Trust Value & No Minimum Value[/url] 2/09 [url=]Max Value; Join Date Heavily Weighted; Can't Get Locked Out of Title; Negative Ban Effects[/url] 2/09 [url=]Trust System Enabled Before Titles; Only Superusers See Trust; Bans Fade in Time[/url] 11/08 [url=]Tweaked Math to Normalize Higher Titles; 67 Mythics[/url] 11/08 [url=]Heavy Math Change to Titles; No Max # but Specific Tiers; Result=Lower Base Titles[/url] 11/08 [url=]Rating No Longer Relative to Other Users; Titles More Predictable[/url] 8/08 [url=]Trust Rating = Quality Metrics; Main Title Use = Fun/Positive Boost; Titles = Contributions[/url] 6/08 [url=]Consistency Rewarded Over Inconsistency[/url] 6/08 [url=]Time Not Only Factor[/url] 6/08 [url=]259 Mythic, 3848 Legendary, 11351 Heroic; Quick Titles if Contribute; Consistent Formula[/url] 4/08 [url=]Title Determined by Highest Max Compared to Your Score[/url] 3/08 [url=]Max Value Changes Daily = Title Changes Can Occur Without Trust Changes[/url] 3/08 [url=]Trust Rating & Trust Modifier Assigned to Account[/url] 2/08 [url=]70000 Accounts Lose Heroic title After Bug Fix[/url] 2/08 [url=]Bug fixed; 200 Mythic[/url] 2/08 [url=]13 Mythic, 1736 Legendary, 82000 Heroic; Lopsided-Should be 15000 Heroic, 200 Mythic[/url] 2/08 [url=]Titles Percentage Based; Too Many Heroics/Not Enough Mythics Glitch[/url] 2/08 [url=]Many Caches/Servers for Titles; Have to Sync; Changes Aren't Instant[/url] 2/08 [url=]Titles Based On Max Rating/Relativity; Cache Glitch; Cache Refreshes Daily; Everybody Mythic[/url] 2/08 [url=]Titles Based on Where Your Trust Rating Falls for that Day[/url] 12/07 [url=]System Accounts for Spamming Reports[/url] 12/07 [url=]Bans/Warnings Stop Affecting Title in Time[/url] 12/07 [url=]Bans/Warnings Aren't Permanent Marks on Trust Rating[/url] 12/07 [url=]Join Dates & Other Affect Titles; Titles Rewards for Trust[/url] 12/07 [url=]Titles Don't Affect Reports[/url] 12/07 [url=]Use Many Combinations of Activity, both Negative & Positive[/url] 12/07 [url=]Join Dates Don't Affect Entire Title[/url] 12/07 [url=]Titles Determined by Trust Rating-Generated Each Day[/url] [u]Prefixes[/u] 2/09 [url=]Prefixes Not Related To Trust Value[/url] 11/08 [url=]Prioritization[/url] 11/08 [url=]3 Ban Prefixes & Qualifications[/url] 11/08 [url=]Veteran/Senior/Elder for Longtime Users; Honorable/Noble/Exalted for No Bans; Intrepid/Fabled for Forums/Groups; Prioritized; Honorable/Noble Bug[/url] 11/08 [url=]Honorable/Noble/Exalted Related; Honorable/Noble Priority Bug[/url] 11/08 [url=]Veteran Not Ban Related; Imbalanced Priority Bug; Prefixes=Performance Fixes[/url] 11/08 [url=]Higher Titles More Likely To Have Rare Prefixes / Exalted = Highest Prefix[/url] 11/08 [url=]9 Prefixes With Different Criteria[/url] 11/08 [url=]Prefixes=Badges & Good Behavior Indicators[/url] 11/08 [url=]Prefixes Independent of Titles[/url] [u]Other[/u] 4/10 [url=]Titles Meant To Encourage Investing Into an Account[/url] 4/09 [url=]Arbitrary Titles; Accidental Bans; New Title System in Development[/url] 4/09 [url=]Current System=Impossible To Understand in Absolute Terms[/url] 4/09 [url=]Ultimate Goal=Fun[/url] 4/09 [url=]Personally Customizable Titles > Titles Of Arbitrary Numbers[/url] 4/09 [url=]Speculation On Unlockable Titles & Game Participation[/url] 4/09 [url=]Possibility Of Losing Titles & Increased Linking To Game Participation[/url] 12/08 [url=]Speculative: Titles As a Sorting Device Intended for New Members?[/url] 12/08 [url=]Titles Initially Intended To Be User Rating System; Nowhere Near Completion or Reality[/url] 12/08 [url=]Building Like-Minded Community Barriers[/url] 12/08 [url=]Elitism Isn't Always Bad; Titles As A Sorting Device[/url] 8/08 [url=]Titles Aren't Pointless[/url] 2/08 [url=]1736 Legendary Members, 13 Mythic; Manual Calculations Not Adding Up[/url] 2/08 [url=]Trust Formula Changed; Possible Bug[/url] 3/07 [url=]System Purpose Defeated Once Figured Out; Seeing Trust Rating Meaningless[/url] 3/07 [url=]Secretive Trust Consequences Against Alt Accounts[/url] 3/07 [url=]System Awards? System Intentionally Vague[/url] 3/07 [url=]System Decides if Criteria is Met=Rewards[/url] 3/07 [url=]System Guesses Trust; Prototype Collecting Data[/url] 3/07 [url=]System Functions Must Remain Hidden For Functionality[/url] 3/07 [url=]Trust Ratings Can't be Biased for Functionality[/url] 3/07 [url=]Automatic Trust System > Manual Karma System[/url] 3/07 [url=]Prototype Collected Trust Before Title Implementation[/url] [url=]THEORIES[/url]> [b][i]Note: No one except the Bungie Webteam knows exactly how this system works.[/i][/b] [Edited on 10.31.2012 8:47 PM PDT]

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  • [url=]Since the beginning[/url] [url=]over[/url] [url=]five years ago[/url], this thread has been a constant source of information for's Member titles. Take a look at the first link and you can see the different incarnations of the FAQ! As one of the oldest threads, and certainly the longest ever in the main forums, I offer everyone my thanks and appreciation for allowing my thread to shine. When this thread was created it was never my intention to have the entire discussion of the titles subjected to it. I simply wanted a thread that had all the information in one place, rather than people giving out information without any facts behind them. [url=]1400 pages later[/url], and here we are. What was once a very simple thread about's Member titles has evolved into something much more: a [i]very detailed[/i] thread about [url=]'s Member titles, prefixes, and bar colors[/url] that has had over 35,000 replies! [i]Unheard of[/i] on the main forums. My layouts were once very simple. Over the years, as more information came to light, the layout went from simple-and-clean to very-detailed-and-ugly to simple-and-informative. I believe right now it is the cleanest and simplest it could ever be, and I am proud of it. Thanks to this thread (and some other FAQs I have created) my perspective on details and "what goes with what" and "how this should look" has greatly improved and has helped me outside the walls of this website. Sadly, the time has come for this thread to end. Although this is simply a thread on an internet forum, it is something that has identified me for the past five years on this website. It's with a heavy heart that I bid it adieu. Thanks to everyone for their contributions within this thread. You've made this become "the most linked thread ever" and certainly the most active. There may come a time when another FAQ will be needed, and if that's true then great!, but it will never be home. If this is the end though, to all Members, Heroics, Legendarys and Mythics: Thank you. *takes off hat*

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    19 Replies
    • I didn't notice we had our first 09 Mythic.

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    • Please.

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    • What happened to my title? I didn't even get banned or warned. #WTFBBQBUNGIE

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      5 Replies
      • This thread is a monument to all your sins, Achronos. May it be bumped daily as a painful reminder.

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        5 Replies
        • So, is anchronos going to send the thread off with a bang?

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        • Nice, thanks for the info

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        • dink

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        • Bump.

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        • Edited by Clone: 7/5/2015 9:35:14 PM
          Bump. We need this

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        • We will never forget.

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          2 Replies
          • I would be an Intrepid Mythic by now... *sighs*

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          • SORRY i had to bump this cuz i desperately miss the title system. it was fun tryna get the title on BNet. also yes ik, some people will also say "you only miss it cuz u had a custom title you *blam!* " - WELL THAT MAY BE TRUE TOO!!

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          • Hey cool look at these features.

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          • Super cool post, Duards. [i]Can I call you Duards?[/i] Cool. Anyways, this has always been [i]crazy[/i] helpful, so I just thought I'd rewrite this post, and tell you what a crazy good job you did do and continue to do, so it doesn't look like I'm correcting your hard work for the rest of time. Edit: Totes not joking. [Edited on 02.28.2012 3:52 PM PST]

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            1 Reply
            • Finally, know what these mean.

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            • What an amazing system, wonder what happened to it.

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            • I'm still going to be the first 2010 Mythic. [i]Just you wait..[/i]

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              1 Reply
              • THIS THREAD MAKES ME SAD!

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              • RIP thanks for ruining the best forum online Bungie Admin team "round of applause"

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              • [quote]BASE TITLES [i]-- No title is better than any other; they are for fun only.[/i] [url=/content.aspx?cid=13069]Added 12/10/07 12:25 PM PST[/url] [quote][i][b]Member[/i][/b] - Black bar * Basic title for all members; Vast majority of holds this title [b][i]Heroic Member[/i][/b] - Gray bar * Step above Member; Consistently active for 1-12 months (on average) [b][i]Legendary Member[/i][/b] - White bar * Step above Heroic; Consistently active for about 2 years [b][i]Mythic Member[/i][/b] - Blue bar * Step above Legendary; Consistently active for about 3 years ----- [i]If you get warned/banned you can still achieve a title, but it will take longer[/i][/quote] [b]You must be active to advance in title. Here are a few ways:[/b] [i]Log in daily, join/post in groups & threads daily, create threads, link Gamertag to account[/i] PREFIXES FOR BASE TITLES [i]-- Added to title system on Nov. 13, 2008[/i] [quote][u]Note[/u] - All info. has been gathered from many members; dates are only theories [i]- In order from lowest to highest - Priority comes into play only when a user qualifies for more than one member title[/i] [url=]Approximately[/url]: 1. [b]Honorable[/b] - No bans/warnings in about 1 year* 2. [b]Veteran[/b] - Active member of 4 years 3. [b]Noble[/b] - Active member of 2 years, with no bans for at least 1 year* 4. [b]Senior[/b] - Active member of 5 years 5. [b]Elder[/b] - Active member of 6 years 6. [b]Intrepid[/b] - High post count 7. [b]Fabled[/b] - Very high post count 8. [b]Exalted[/b] - No bans/warnings in 3 years 9. [b]Absent[/b] - inactivity for 2+ months [url=]Definitions[/url] *[i]If banned/warned, you may or may not keep the title, depending on length/number of bans. [url=]Source[/url][/i][/quote] SPECIAL TITLES [quote][b][i]Webcam MVP[/b] Members who participated in webcam games in Summer 2007 and managed to win the game on Monday. Mr Hand/Mr Hand 2 was the contractor in charge of it;[/i] [url=]More info.[/url] * Depending on what normal base title they are, their bar will be that color [b][i]Theme Master[/b] Members who have submitted a group theme that was accepted by the Web Team. These members were honored with a custom avatar.[/i] * Depending on what normal title they are, their bar will be that color; There is no current way to become a Theme Master [b][i]Forum Ninja[/b] Moderators of the Bungie website; [/i][url=]More info.[/url] * One can have any type of member title and still become a ninja. * Their title bar color is a dark orange with a light-orange highlight around it. * In groups, their title bar color changes to the normal base colors. [b][i]Master Forum Ninja[/b] Highest possible title given out to a member. They have a few more tools than a regular Ninja.[/i] * One can have any type of member title and still become a ninja. * Their title bar color is a dark orange with a light-orange highlight around it. * In groups their title bar color changes to normal base colors. [b][i]Bungie Employees[/b] * A few[/i] have golden text; title bar color is a dark yellow with a golden highlight around it. * When they post, a golden Septagon appears on the side of the thread. * In groups, their title bar color changes to the normal base colors. [url=][u]OTHER TITLES[/u][/url] * These titles are given out to special members, Bungie employees, and Forum Ninjas. [/quote] KNOWN TITLE INFO - [i]Thanks JBSpudster, hawkeye543, Old Papa Rich, Pro Kendog, Scapegoat413, Tom T[/i] [u]Base Titles[/u] 3/12 [url=]Trust Rating?[/url] / [url=]Proof[/url] 10/11 [url=]System Isn't Supposed to Make Sense; Going Away Soon?[/url] 4/09 [url=]You Can Earn Trust Without Posting[/url] 4/09 [url=]Trust Rating Includes Game Playing; Labels>Ranks[/url] 2/09 [url=]5 Digit Max Trust Value & No Minimum Value[/url] 2/09 [url=]Max Value; Join Date Heavily Weighted; Can't Get Locked Out of Title; Negative Ban Effects[/url] 2/09 [url=]Trust System Enabled Before Titles; Only Superusers See Trust; Bans Fade in Time[/url] 11/08 [url=]Tweaked Math to Normalize Higher Titles; 67 Mythics[/url] 11/08 [url=]Heavy Math Change to Titles; No Max # but Specific Tiers; Result=Lower Base Titles[/url] 11/08 [url=]Rating No Longer Relative to Other Users; Titles More Predictable[/url] 8/08 [url=]Trust Rating = Quality Metrics; Main Title Use = Fun/Positive Boost; Titles = Contributions[/url] 6/08 [url=]Consistency Rewarded Over Inconsistency[/url] 6/08 [url=]Time Not Only Factor[/url] 6/08 [url=]259 Mythic, 3848 Legendary, 11351 Heroic; Quick Titles if Contribute; Consistent Formula[/url] 4/08 [url=]Title Determined by Highest Max Compared to Your Score[/url] 3/08 [url=]Max Value Changes Daily = Title Changes Can Occur Without Trust Changes[/url] 3/08 [url=]Trust Rating & Trust Modifier Assigned to Account[/url] 2/08 [url=]70000 Accounts Lose Heroic title After Bug Fix[/url] 2/08 [url=]Bug fixed; 200 Mythic[/url] 2/08 [url=]13 Mythic, 1736 Legendary, 82000 Heroic; Lopsided-Should be 15000 Heroic, 200 Mythic[/url] 2/08 [url=]Titles Percentage Based; Too Many Heroics/Not Enough Mythics Glitch[/url] 2/08 [url=]Many Caches/Servers for Titles; Have to Sync; Changes Aren't Instant[/url] 2/08 [url=]Titles Based On Max Rating/Relativity; Cache Glitch; Cache Refreshes Daily; Everybody Mythic[/url] 2/08 [url=]Titles Based on Where Your Trust Rating Falls for that Day[/url] 12/07 [url=]System Accounts for Spamming Reports[/url] 12/07 [url=]Bans/Warnings Stop Affecting Title in Time[/url] 12/07 [url=]Bans/Warnings Aren't Permanent Marks on Trust Rating[/url] 12/07 [url=]Join Dates & Other Affect Titles; Titles Rewards for Trust[/url] 12/07 [url=]Titles Don't Affect Reports[/url] 12/07 [url=]Use Many Combinations of Activity, both Negative & Positive[/url] 12/07 [url=]Join Dates Don't Affect Entire Title[/url] 12/07 [url=]Titles Determined by Trust Rating-Generated Each Day[/url] [u]Prefixes[/u] 2/09 [url=]Prefixes Not Related To Trust Value[/url] 11/08 [url=]Prioritization[/url] 11/08 [url=]3 Ban Prefixes & Qualifications[/url] 11/08 [url=]Veteran/Senior/Elder for Longtime Users; Honorable/Noble/Exalted for No Bans; Intrepid/Fabled for Forums/Groups; Prioritized; Honorable/Noble Bug[/url] 11/08 [url=]Honorable/Noble/Exalted Related; Honorable/Noble Priority Bug[/url] 11/08 [url=]Veteran Not Ban Related; Imbalanced Priority Bug; Prefixes=Performance Fixes[/url] 11/08 [url=]Higher Titles More Likely To Have Rare Prefixes / Exalted = Highest Prefix[/url] 11/08 [url=]9 Prefixes With Different Criteria[/url] 11/08 [url=]Prefixes=Badges & Good Behavior Indicators[/url] 11/08 [url=]Prefixes Independent of Titles[/url] [u]Other[/u] 4/10 [url=]Titles Meant To Encourage Investing Into an Account[/url] 4/09 [url=]Arbitrary Titles; Accidental Bans; New Title System in Development[/url] 4/09 [url=]Current System=Impossible To Understand in Absolute Terms[/url] 4/09 [url=]Ultimate Goal=Fun[/url] 4/09 [url=]Personally Customizable Titles > Titles Of Arbitrary Numbers[/url] 4/09 [url=]Speculation On Unlockable Titles & Game Participation[/url] 4/09 [url=]Possibility Of Losing Titles & Increased Linking To Game Participation[/url] 12/08 [url=]Speculative: Titles As a Sorting Device Intended for New Members?[/url] 12/08 [url=]Titles Initially Intended To Be User Rating System; Nowhere Near Completion or Reality[/url] 12/08 [url=]Building Like-Minded Community Barriers[/url] 12/08 [url=]Elitism Isn't Always Bad; Titles As A Sorting Device[/url] 8/08 [url=]Titles Aren't Pointless[/url] 2/08 [url=]1736 Legendary Members, 13 Mythic; Manual Calculations Not Adding Up[/url] 2/08 [url=]Trust Formula Changed; Possible Bug[/url] 3/07 [url=]System Purpose Defeated Once Figured Out; Seeing Trust Rating Meaningless[/url] 3/07 [url=]Secretive Trust Consequences Against Alt Accounts[/url] 3/07 [url=]System Awards? System Intentionally Vague[/url] 3/07 [url=]System Decides if Criteria is Met=Rewards[/url] 3/07 [url=]System Guesses Trust; Prototype Collecting Data[/url] 3/07 [url=]System Functions Must Remain Hidden For Functionality[/url] 3/07 [url=]Trust Ratings Can't be Biased for Functionality[/url] 3/07 [url=]Automatic Trust System > Manual Karma System[/url] 3/07 [url=]Prototype Collected Trust Before Title Implementation[/url] [url=]THEORIES[/url]> [b][i]Note: No one except the Bungie Webteam knows exactly how this system works.[/i][/b] [Edited on 10.31.2012 8:47 PM PDT][/quote]

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                • Try for pvp gameplay ^^ Schmelztiegel ;) (German/engl)

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                • I was at least a heroic member, but pretty sure I was a legendary member. Never got a Shield of Heroes or Legends.

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                • Hey Guys my Youtube Channel : GermanGames GG and my New destiny montage Please Subscribe :) Thanks

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                • Damn you have to be active for atleast a year... hmm , does participating in clan chats count? haha

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