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11/16/2013 9:38:45 PM

Looking back on Gen 7...

With the WiiU being out for a while now, the PS4 King of the Hill (at the moment) and the Xbox One just over the horizon, let us all take a look back at the last generation, for old times sake. Let's start with the launch of the Xbox 360. With Microsoft being the first ones to dive into the Generation Seven Battlefront, the future of gaming was looking bright. With outstanding launch titles such as Call of Duty 2 and Perfect Dark Zero, and the previous success that was the Original Xbox, it was if Xbox fans were getting everything they wanted in life. (besides sex, but that's another story). However, once the Messiah that was supposed to be the 360 quickly fell short thanks to the infamous Red Ring of Death (Or in my case, the excuse to by a Halo 4 360). Putting that whole fiasco aside, for almost a year Microsoft was on top, but a majority of it's best selling titles wouldn't be out until later in it's lifespan (Halo 3, Gears of War, etc). The start of the 360 was rough, but not as ruff as the next console on the list. The next console to launch was the PlayStation 3. With a lot of third party exclusives going Multi-platform (Final Fantasy, Devil May Cary, Monster Hunter) things were not looking so good, and the $600 price tag wasn't looking appealing either. (This could be blamed on Blu-Ray being a new thing, as Blu-Ray players alone cost around $250 at the time) The PS3 was also harder to develop on, (for reasons I can't explain) with people actually saying early in the consoles life "Anyone making a game, if you're going to make it for both, just lead on the PS3 because if it works on the PS3, it'll work on 360." ([url][/url]) Although Sony had a rougher launch than the 360, in the end it can be said that it was on-par with the 360, if not better. Did I leave something out? I'm pretty sure there was no other importan... oh, that's right... Next on our amazing list we have the Nintendo Wii. This bad boy was released after the 360 and PS3, and boy did it ever explode. With the Wii only being $250 at launch, it didn't take parents (Including mine) to realize "Daaaamn is this thing cheaper than everything else," and so this thing sold faster than hot cakes. With amazing launch titles like... Cars... and Happy feet... ya. Although the launch lineup was weak, with the only Non-Bundled launch title to achieve "Best-Seller" being The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, it did start to pick up the broken pieces with insanely good First-Party titles such as Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, New Super Mario Bros., Umm... I'm pretty sure Super Smash Mario: Redemption of the Ocarina was one. You get the point though, the were all "Super!" Nintendo really put out to much shovel software (Basically releasing the same game with very few things changed... I'm looking at you Mario Galaxy 2) and bogged down what had potential to be the best Console of the Generation. So now the question comes, was this the best Generation? That's not me to decide (cough...PS2...cough) but for you lovely members of the Bungie community. So, was this your favorite generation? Why, or why not?

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