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originally posted in:The Black Garden
Edited by Flamerets: 4/25/2013 8:16:05 AM

How to Design a (Balanced) Character

Do you imagine yourself as a Guardian? Do you want to let people read [i]your[/i] story? Join us at [url=]The Black Garden[/url]! A place where people brave enough to write their own stories come together and forge a Destiny. So this is a handy little guide to designing a balanced character and will be summed up at the bottom if you don't want to read walls of text. As an intro, I'd like to say I am not an expert and these are simply my own opinions on the topic at hand. I decided to write this piece because far too many times have I seen "God Characters" who are basically indestructible and outclasses the enemy in every single way. You may not like the way some things are written, you may like how other things are written; either way, I hope you enjoy the read and learn a little something. 1. Make up a background story. Since this is talking about the near extinction of mankind, I made my character have a grim past. However, it should spark something within the character to become a Guardian or fight for mankind. It could be something honourable like protecting the people, or something a little less honourable like the allure of artifacts and money. Either way, make their past significant to their future; show that it [i]actually[/i] effects them in some way. [b]Avoid:[/b] Making their past excessively grim or blessed. 2. Choose a name and traits. Naturally, you want your character to stand out from the crowd and be "original". While I applaud you for the effort, it is nearly guaranteed that someone, somewhere has come up with nearly the exact same character. So don't beat yourself up over it. Start from something simple: What are their facial features? Any particularly noticeable features? What do they enjoy doing? What are their fears? Those sort of things. The name, I find, is usually the most difficult part of a character; so do that last! [b]Avoid:[/b] Making your character the "perfect Human/Awoken/Exo". 3. This is probably the most important part. A generally good concept for balanced character design is like a scale. You [b]should[/b] have an equal amount of strength and weaknesses. It's fine, in my opinion, if you have more weaknesses than strength, but is [u]never[/u] acceptable to have more strengths than weaknesses. Let's take a look at my character, Zwei: [quote]Revelde "Zwei" no last name. Unranked. Human/Awoken cross breed/mutation. Not a Guardian. He had a mentor in his past that was a Guardian, Warlock Dax. Zwei has had a grim past, and it reflects in him. He's [b]uncaring[/b] about most things, [b]borderline psychotic[/b], dangerously [b]sadistic[/b], and has [b]Dissociative Identity Disorder[/b]. Since his mind and heart have been broken an innumerable amount of times, he has adopted a [b]hard shell and also tries to distance himself from others[/b]. However, earn his trust and you will never have a more reliable companion. He seeks his own path and looks towards the future, but is [b]haunted by the ghosts of his past[/b]; nearly literally. He has somewhat of a [b]fear of rain[/b] because it reminds him that everything that's happened is real; and that's when the ghosts of his past confront him. He himself is in an [b]extreme depression[/b] and [b]actively seeks out dangerous situations[/b] in the hope that he'll be able to soon rest in peace.[/quote] Did you count all the flaws he has? That was [i]nine[/i] fatal flaws. While some can be considered strengths, the weaknesses outweigh the strengths it gives him. So, what exactly is he good in? He has: Quick reflexes, Good at CQC (Close Quarters Combat), Reconnaissance, and First-Aid. Basically, he has more than [i]double[/i] the amount weaknesses than he does strengths. These aren't minor "I'm feeling depressed" flaws. These are more along the lines of, "If it's raining while I'm on a battlefield, I will cause [i]my entire team[/i] to die." Naturally, not all flaws have to be mental, it's simply how I chose my own character to be. You can also add a physical restraint in there like asthma, myoclonus, myalgia; just to name a few. [b]Avoid:[/b] Restraints which are just rewordings of previous ones. 4. This is where it becomes personal. Understand your character, and allow other people to understand them. You wrote this character, you know all their defining traits now; so what do they do when they're in a tight spot and why? You have to have them do things related to their character. If they're scared of people, don't have your character talk their way out of a situation, that's OOC (Out of Character). Build up to it, show them stuttering or have nervous shuffling. Something to show that they aren't naturally extroverted. [b]Avoid:[/b] Going Out of Character. 5. Do NOT sympathize with your character. We all love our characters, we've probably all poured over them in customization screens and spent hours just making them perfect. They're the embodiment of our hard work, but do NOT feel sorry for them. If they're in a tight situation, don't ease up the situation and have them take the easy way out; they should face the challenge. This is the same thing as miracles removing obstacles in their path (literally and figuratively). If you DO sympathize with your character, they'll never grow. [b]Avoid:[/b] "Babying" your character, they can handle themselves. 6. Lastly, write from your own experiences. This gives that extra layer of reality and credit to your characters. You should be able to see some of yourself in your character, since everyone is unique; so too will your character. This step is what turns them from just words on paper to something that's tangible, living, and [i]real[/i]. [b]Avoid:[/b] nothing. Summary of Points: 1. Background Story. What [i]drives[/i] your character? 2. Choose Traits and Name. What [i]defines[/i] your character? 3. [i]Balance[/i] Strength and Weaknesses like a scale. 4. [i]Understand[/i] your character and why they do things. 5. Let your character face their [i]challenges[/i]. 6. Make them [i]alive[/i]. Have fun, and write well!

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  • Name: Ankhai Koros Age: 32 years Race: Awoken Gender: Male Class: Vanguard Hunter Known As: Wolfrunner Quote: "Target eliminated." Personality: Silent and unstrusting. However, if Ankhai's trust can be gained he is loyal to death. Weapons: Railbow, Fallen Sword, Knife Centuries ago, prejudiced humans drove the first Awoken from the City. The Awoken were meant to be a gift from the Traveler, an evolution of humans to lead civilization past the Collapse. But, regardless, they were exiled, sent out from the humans' city to survive in the wilds of Old Russia. Against all odds, these first, banished Awoken survived. They built their own small fortress, on a plateau, hundreds of miles away from the City, and defended it valiantly against all who would destroy them. This cycle of defense and rebuilding continued for hundreds of years. Ankhai was born amongst this fortress. For years, he was trained to defend its walls. He learned how to drop a Fallen at 600 yards with a high powered sniper rifle. His final test to be accepted as a man in his society was to kill a Fallen Captain with its own sword. He carries that sword with him to this day. When the final Fallen assault came, it lasted for days. The brave defenders killed hundreds to find that hundreds more would take their place. When the walls fell, it became a massacre. Ankhai watched in hiding as people he had known for years were torn apart by the vicious beasts. He felt shame for not helping those he loved but he knew if he came out of hiding he would be annihilated. When the dawn finally came and the Fallen went back to their caves, content with victory, Ankhai came out of his hiding place and tried to pay the last respects for those Awoken still mostly in pieces. Then, without looking back, he began to quietly walk off, into the wild. For the years since then, Ankhai has survived on his own, hiding during the day and moving at night. When he ran out of ammunition for his rifle he built the railbow: an advancement upon the archaic bow and arrow that utilizes railgun technology to accelerate arrows to their targets. Then the Traveler called out, a beacon for all Awoken: the City was ready for them to return. And so, Ankhai, last of the exiled, began the long walk back to the home he never knew. When he arrived at the gates of the City, he was unsure. What if the humans were to reject him as they had rejected his ancestors so long ago? He decided to sneak in and talk to the only one the Traveler had told him he could trust: The Mask. Ankhai now does intelligence work for the City as a Vanguard, and is currently doing reconnaissance on Venus. He remains a feeling of survivor's guilt for what happened at the fortress so long ago and maintains great prejudice against the humans who cast out his ancestors. He can see it in their eyes. They think he's strange. They think he's different. He thinks they're not worth his time. He will not kill unless necessary, unless the enemy is a Fallen. For the destruction of his home he has sworn to wipe their scourge off of the galaxy. Ankhai keeps the railbow as a silent and efficient way to deal with enemies and uses his Fallen sword for close combat. My name is Ankhai Koros. And I will become legend.

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