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11/30/2007 11:35:10 PM

Bungie Weekly Update: 11/30/07

Applying soothing unguents to the Internet's furious rage, one calming paragraph at a time. The Weekly Update. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=13019] click for full story [/url]

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  • Glad too see that the melee issue will be addressed. I am sick of shooting half a clip into and then melee-ing an unsuspecting victim only to have them turn around and smack me down with one return melee when my shields are still full. It's total BS and it happens ALL the time.

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  • i hit "ctrl F" to find the word "swat". no words found. - stopped reading

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  • Theres one Problem I still don't get. How come u didn't give a selection for all Weapons as Starting Weapons? its like, we can't start out with carbines, or plasma rifles, or Spikers, etc. What is the mean of that Problem?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] lukems First. [/quote] Hahaha. I pissed myself.

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  • team hardcore is being put in, now its time to put ranked btb in, stop making excuses

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  • My aussie friend was complaining as we were standing in Zanzibar by ourselves the other day(couldn't get a game in H2) about how Zanzibar was simple and LR tries too hard. Please remember the word "simple" if and when you decide to Midship. It was a very simple straight forward map. Please do not load it down with bells and whistles to the point where it ruins the feel and simplicty of the map. After almost 2 months the Lockout pattern was finally discernable to me on Guardian. Again i miss the simplicty of lockout, in reaction to the myriad of ways one could assualt the sniper tower in Guardian. One of the most fun aspects of Lockout was holding down snipe tower, holding down snipe tower on Guardian is more challanging and less fun although those pharses don't always go together. Sometimes more challanging is more fun. I hope you've tested increasing player speed a lil bit for THC. Thank you for your continued work in striving for perfection and increased tuning to what is at the moment an acceptable game that could be perfect one day and the most funnest eva.

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  • Good Job Bungie I don't what some people expect.The game might have a few bugs,but it looks like you are fixing them is soon as you can.Compared to other games I have played H3 runs really well,and is always fun to play.I think the reason most people gripe is because they want to get every kill and never die in a game,but what fun is that.It could be lead poisioning from wearing diapers made in china! Keep up the good work...

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  • Thanks. Cool update.

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  • Good update.

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  • [quote]we got mixed reactions to some of the revelations. Price for example, was a common complaint. That’s not something we decide unfortunately[/quote] I thought the developers got to choose but some may get pressured by Microsoft to charge, like Epic with Gears' last content (800 Points to begin with and eventually free but I think Mark Rein said he wanted it to be free right from the start).

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  • That was one of the most informative updates in a LONG time. Welcome back from Thanksgiving Frankie and thanks for a great update!

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  • Awesome can't wait for all the new maps and all plus the mario kart thing sounds interesting heh but ii could give a -blam!- about new armor or pelicans etc. the only new vehicle i would want is the civil warthog (like the ones you guys were avertising on billboards on Headstrong in H2 lol) and to play as marines (i've always wanted to be one of em, since Halo 1 even if it can only be in custom games i'll still be happy) could like let the player choose to be either a classic marine of one of the ODST marines (tho personaly i like the ones in The Ark level with short sleeves and fingerless gloves, they looked cool) would be so greateful. Another would be play as flood in infection games, i mean really that's what they do and basicly they ARE dead-like living creatures... but only if it works out so good luck with the updates and all!

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  • Hi, Yeah I read that, but he didnt say on what company? Bungies accountants or MS? And Hes trying to tell us that accountants are telling the boss or who ever what price they should be selling at.. I keep saying this, $10 isnt much,,, eveyone can see that, but add it all up.. Look at how many people are online right now, and add it all up.... They can still make money on these maps, even if they charged $5 or even $1.50

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Stormx1213 Bungie, You said that your as a company dont decied on the price of the DLC? Well who does? Mircosoft? didnt you say that you as a company had stepped away from them?[/quote] Dude, read the part where he talks about accountants deciding.

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  • Its all good, but I just need lockout back. I dont even car if the graphics are the exact same. That map is a necessity.

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  • So, Holding down LT, RT, LB, RB, A, and Down on the D-pad is going to do what? Kill everybody on the map? Wow, I spent three seconds lowering my weapon to kill that Sniper and nothing happened! Do you think everybody's willing to spend $300 on another 360, $60 on another copy of Halo 3, and $40 per controller just to make a nonprofit film? It's like Bungie teamed up with Microsoft to take down machinima! Meh, glad to hear about mm update. My friend spent three -blam!- hours today to get to a 40 in Team Slayer, then he loses two games and becomes a 38. Here's an idea, don't make skill drop when you lose! And WTF is with losing exp when you quit during Rumble and LW?

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  • Bungie, You said that your as a company dont decied on the price of the DLC? Well who does? Mircosoft? didnt you say that you as a company had stepped away from them?

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  • geez bungie, you guys know how to make me want something!

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  • the maps are not going to be good cuz they are in halo 3

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  • Give me any one of the following and I will be happy. > Lockout [EXACT - Don't even touch the size or anything. Sure, remake all the textures but leave it exactly the same.] > Beat Down System ['nuff said] > Maulers, Shotguns [I don't seem to remember Halo 2 having the ability to *BOOMCRACK* kill people in the time span of 0.2 seconds]

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  • what happened to marty's podcast? I thought you guys said that there would be one for the soundtrack?

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  • a grunt on a human turret? O.o

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  • Nice update.. Still longing for a map with a shade in it though.. Likly will never get it.. Oh and commando shoulders please. Other then that Im glad you expland things in the way you did in this update.. People seem to forget many points you made, like one of my friends sould his halo 3 bought Call of duty 4 because he said "bungie dose not care and are never going to fix anything" he dosnt know what he is talking about I have always had faith in you bungie I just hope its not misplaced. P.S If you remake sidewinder someday.. there must be a shade in that map at least. P.S.S: this is a topic about the [url=]shade[/url] if anyone wants to add something about it and this is one about more armor for [url=]elites. [/url] [Edited on 11.30.2007 11:58 PM PST]

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  • how about a update to stop putting the other teams name above there head when they graze across your screen, giving away a perfect hidding spot.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CnR xSSJx thats awsome that the Mr Chief feels the same way about halo 3( rubbish and we got ripped off)[/quote] Lol funny but I don't quite think that’s what was meant but I can agree with you, the game really wasn't as good as it was hyped up to be in the end! And can we plz stop with the bungie kiss-assin, it’s a debate forum not a dating service! So no more comments like 'Great update Bungie we love you for making such a great game', plz use the forum for something more constuctive in future! [Edited on 11.30.2007 11:47 PM PST]

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  • So, where are my commando shoulders? It's all i ask for bungie......please?

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