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originally posted in: Western manga
9/10/2013 8:57:22 PM
Just as a word of advice, check out the "Nuzlocke comics". their both an example of how stylised art can work incredibly well if your skills of imitating manga style are limited, additionally the style used natural extension of manga's minimalist principles i.e. only show what needs to be shown (the eye's are massive for cuteness and emotional display's, whilst the nose, which reveals little is lacking any emphasis). It is fan made and might give you some good ideas. Also just a general question now, are you familiar with anime character archetypes, if not I would suggest you try and acquaint yourself with them as they are one of the most reliable and repeatable features of any manga. Finally many manga comics are inspired by novels so even if you can't find an artist you could try doing this pm me for an example (the best one I can think of is somewhat adult content and as I don't know your age I would rather not expose you without your confirmation of age).

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