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11/28/2007 7:38:37 AM

Creepiest things that have happened to you.

Well I was setting traps out in a field at my cabin and a few hours later I returned and found that they were sucessful and caught a rabbit. This was at midnight and it is 3 miles away from the cabin. But then I started to hear coyotes howling and there was lots of them... I made it home safely but boy it was a long and erie walk back or shall I say run. EDIT: Wow I never expected this to be so popular! Sad thing is, that Halo3mnky was just an account I made to bug Halo2mnky, If only I created this thread on my main account. So I may receive the credit for this there. [Edited on 02.02.2009 10:04 PM PST]
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  • I feel like I have to tell someone because it's something that has been on my mind ever since I was a child. When I was around 6 years old, I would be afraid to sleep alone so every once in a while, i'd sleep in my sister's bed with her. Probably about once a year, we would both see a shadowy figure just outside the doorway, almost watching us. We felt that it was something that was watching out for us, which is pretty cool. We called him the man with the black hat. Eventually we didn't see it anymore. Never has this shadow ever set foot in any of our bedrooms, though it has taken a particular liking to my sisters bedroom. My sister moved out and her room is now mine. Recently, I decided to see if anyone has had similar things happen to them. I have surprisingly found a lot of similar cases, though all of them are particular to the shadow being of an evil presence. This surprised me. I felt like I shouldn't have read these things because it made me a little paranoid at night. The very night after reading different cases, I felt a similar presence to what we've seen in our childhood years, only this time its a feeling of fear. Like I should literally fear it. Now I realize the mind is a very strong thing, and we can fabricate things out of fear or paranoia. But what I saw will be forever with me. The room was pitch black of course and I was just beginning to fall asleep when I felt almost a cloud of despair come over me. I grabbed my phone and used the light to search around the room. I aimed it at the corner of the bedroom door by my feet and I saw a black cloud. I had the balls to quickly turn on the lights which was right by the doorway and for a brief second, (not a moment, but a second) I saw the black cloud dissolve. Well ill tell you ive never been so scared in my whole life. Ive only told my family about it because I have been afraid. This took a lot of courage to tell you guys so let me know if anyone has had a similar experience.

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    • I was asked for money. I thought she might stab me to death. I hate homeless people. I never understood how one could prefer homelessness over suicide :/

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      • Well, I like to stay up late, right? I enjoy bring the only one awake, and usually I just hang out in my basement and watch tv, play video games, work out, etc. my basement is roughly shaped like an H, with two arms stretching out from a middle hallway thing. Sometimes, really late at night, I swear to god I've seen movement out of the corner of my eye coming from the other side of the basement. A few nights ago I woke up in the middle of the night and I thought I say a figure standing over my bed to the point where I actually called out to it.

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        • when i was a sophomore in high school, we all piled in my friends 8 of us, and were driving on the highway--6 lines, midnight, hardly a soul. this old muscle car comes up and this guy leans out the passenger window in a Jason mask. he is to the left of us and the car is just kind of swerving a little bit. so he looks a bit crazy and odd, but hey, it's halloween. we decide to slow down, just to let them go on their way...(going maybe 55-60mph). their car goes forward, and then comes back to our side. the guy leans out the passenger window, (as in his entire upper body out leaning agains the door), with a Jason mask and brandishing a machete this time. little bit freaky. so they pull in front of us and start throwing something at us. we weren't sure what they were at first but one hit the windshield and burst into liquid. we put the windshield wipers on. several more hit the car and burst. turns out he was throwing water balloons at us. he then gets maybe 20 - 30 yards in front of us and leans down and scrapes the machete against the asphalt causing all these sparks to fly. "wtf is this nut job doing?" we thought. definitely a little freaked out now, and then we start to smell gasoline. pulled off at the next exit freaked out. turns out the "water balloons" were filled with gasoline which he had thrown at our car and was then trying to light on fire from the sparks with the machete. though extremely "creepy" at the time, I always thought this would make an unsettling movie scene if done just right to evoke the same scenario we were in.

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          • Edited by Draughtplayer4 : 10/29/2014 9:59:56 PM
            Ok this happened just last night. I was about to fall asleep when I heard some if my papers move( I have some sheets just lying around in my room). I then felt like I heard someone breathing heavily, I ignored it thinking it was my imagination. I stopped ignoring when the breathing got close to my bed, like it was right next to me. By this time I was super scared and then decided to grab the baseball bat next to bed and swing out. Then I quickly grabbed a torch, and there was nothing there. I was so creeped out I didn't sleep in my room that night. Just wondering has anyone had something similar happen to them?

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            • Welcome to 2014

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              • Climbed up a tree about 20-30 feet up/ Fall head first out About 5 feet away from ground my foot gets wedged between a fork in a branch Thank god I wasn't hurt One of the scarier moments for me

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                  Hubert Farnsworth
                  Hubert Farnsworth

                  if you need me I’ll be in the angry dome - old

                  This happened when I was 15, I was playing some game and my neighbors motion detector light went off outside their house. (It's directly across from my room, so when it goes off it lights up my room) I went over to my window and look through it but I didn't see anything that would have set off the motion detector. I thought it was strange but didn't think anything else about it. The next morning I took my dogs outside to the back yard and saw footsteps that originated from my parents window and as I followed the footsteps they lead right to my window. (It was winter and snow on the ground) the footsteps were in a pattern as if the person would have been looking into my window. The creepy thing besides that is that that's all the tracks were, they started from my parents window and followed to my window as if they were looking into my window. There were no other footsteps indicating the person walked away or walked to the side of the fence to jump it. Just a one way track to my window and no exit tracks.

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                  • I used to have 2 beds in my old room, where I slept alone, and would constantly hear someone snoring in the bed next to me almost every night. Also frequently had sleep paralysis in that room. So thankful that I've moved.

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                    • There was this one time, I never really forgot about it. So I'll post it here. I was up playing Halo 3 at about 3:00 am last summer of 2011. What was I doing? Well that's simple, I was trying to find all the skulls in campaign so that I could unlock the "ninja armer" for aesthetics in multiplayer. Of course as always I was alone inside my room, lights were turned off, the volume of the TV was at the lowest possible (because I didn't want to wake everyone inside the house to the sounds of gunfire) and only the AC unit was making the faintest humming noise. Anyways, I was close to completing all of the skulls (only the mythic, famine and fog remained) when I suddenly heard this weird noise outside my door. It sounded like my dog walking inside the hallway (which was strange because my dog never went upstairs). I thought maybe she got scared downstairs and decided to walk upstairs to the family rooms. So I paused the game for awhile and proceeded to my door when suddenly I noticed something different about these tiny footsteps, I would recognize how my dog walks, dogs have four feet so that's four foot sounds on the wooden floor when she's walking. Instead, this had five, FIVE steps. Four with an extra step after the fourth one. I hesitated and went back to playing the game, I thought maybe the noise was just something else. A few minutes after I found the famine skull, I heard another noise outside my room. It came from my cousin's room. He opened his door, maybe he wanted to go to the bathroom. So I checked, I paused the game again and went to my door. This time I didn't hear my dog walking outside. Neither did I hear any footsteps from my cousin, "Is he gonna prank me?", was my initial thought. So before I opened my door, I took the stapler from my study table and made sure it was loaded (yes it's a bad excuse for a weapon but it had to do), I opened the door and took a peek outside. There was no one out there, just darkness. And my cousin's door was locked. I felt kinda creeped out so I closed my door and locked it. I sat on my bed and saved my last mission, "I'll just continue this tomorrow". Then I turned off my xbox. As I was about to reach for my TV's remote there was suddenly a black out. "Oh great" I thought to myself. I wasn't afraid of the dark but those noises outside my room tipped me off a little bit. So I lied down my bed and closed my eyes. There was no more noises, no hum from the AC unit, and no more footsteps outside my door, Just silence. The time was 3:59 am, as it said on my cellphone. Just as I was about to get some Zs I heard a noise outside my door again. This time it sounded like my grandpa walking outside, except he wasn't wearing his night flip-flops, he sounded like he was wearing boots. HEAVY boots. And he was dragging something on the floor. The hair at my back started standing up, and my feet became sweaty. Whatever was outside was NOT my grandpa, he never woke up this late in the night. Then to my horror, the footsteps stopped outside my door and started scratching with what sounded like a sharp object of some sort. Okay I didn't like how this was going. So I took my sheets and my pillows and formed a barricade around my bed, well, if you imagine it. It wasn't really a barricade, just some heavy pillows covered with a thick blanket. I went to prone position and listened in to the sound, and to my horror it was still there. I kept listening for what might've been another 30 minutes before I fell asleep. The next morning, I woke up and ate breakfast with my cousins. All 5 of us apparently heard the same thing. That night, with the exception of them hearing the scratching and the heavy boots. True story? Well yes. I just enjoy typing that's all.

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                      • Waking up to my bro in a FNAF foxy costume when I find he's in his bed.I hit him in the face screaming when it was my cousin who sneaked into my room and he WAS ASLEEP IN THE COSTUME! I woke him up at the same time. He laughed while I was frantically breathing this was at 3.00am in the morning. I haven't been able to sleep ever since.

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                      • This [spoiler]no joke[/spoiler]

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                        • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] th3m4dblimp3r I woke up one night to hear this absurdly loud object flying overhead, and my house is vibrating. So I look out my window and this thing (whatever it is) is movie rediculously slow, but its LOUD. So, I take a step outside, get one look at this thing, and notice that its not a helicopter. Or a plane. Or a jet. Or a blimp. And that its glowing a faint purple color. At this point I'm going HOLY -blam!-! and running back inside. I make sure all my doors are locked, and by the time I was done, the noise simply stopped. It didn't trail off, it just abruptly stopped. I thought it was a dream... until I heard my neighbor complain about something similar the next day. To this day, I still can't explain what the hell happened that night.[/quote] Why are all the UFO sightings coming from 'merica?

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                          • Some nights when I'm up on my Xbox, I swear I see a hand poking out of a bush

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                            • I was a security guard outside a warehouse. One night after all of the employees had gone home I was doing my mandatory walk through of the yard. The sky was a light color so you could see clouds. I was on my way back when I saw 3 flashes of light ahead of me. I immediately thought it was lightning. I put my phone in my pocket and looked up when it happened again. The light was emitting from a peculiarly shaped cloud. Inside the cloud was this ball of light. It just hovered above a nearby building. As I stared at it I got goosebumps on my arms. It flashed again. I reached into my pocket for my phone and as I opened the camera to snap a video the light just bolted away from me in the blink of an eye. I felt scared and I ran to my office as fast as I could but time seemed to be slowed and as I neared my office it seemed to pull further and further away. Finally after what felt like an eternity I reached my office. I pulled out my phone and realized that only 1 minute had passed since I'd try to video the light. I called my co-worker panicked and asked him to come in asap because I did not want to be alone. He came in and I told him my experience. He showed me a YouTube video of a light in Israel that zooms over the top of a building flashes then zooms back up into the sky. It was shockingly similar to what I saw. The next morning it was all over the news. Apparently a lot of people had caught video and pictures of it. The news reported that it was only a meteorite. But what I saw was nothing like a meteorite.

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                            • Edited by Shadow: 12/13/2014 3:39:22 AM
                              True story. When i was younger I stayed in this house my uncle recently died in. I use to sleep in the basement and the basement was where my uncle condoned his research. Which i have no idea of what that consists of. I always would bring the dog down there to sleep with me for the first few nights as I was a little freaked out about the whole idea of being down there and a dog sure helped me feel a little better about it because of their ability to see and sense things humans cannot. Everything went fine for the first few months. Then one night I awoke in the middle of the night and I was basically paralyzed. I could not move or talk. All I could do was look around with my eyes. I immediately tried the best of my ability to call out to my dog who was sleeping right beside me. I could make out the words but NL voice could be heard. I suddenly noticed a presence in my area. I looked closlely beside me and a shadowy figure was moving very rapidly by my body as if he was twirling something around me. I had no idea wtf it was doing but I was so scared I could've shit myself 5x over. It was pure black with barely any feature to it. Seconds later I finally gained the will to move and I jumped up in terror screaming. It woke the dog and my mom who was fast asleep upstairs. The shadowy figure was gone in the blink if an eye. I never told my mom what happened I just kept it to myself thinking it was all apart of my imagination. A couple weeks later I was getting ready for school. I am usually the only one in the house in the morning and my mom likes to take the dog to work with her. I was upstairs in my mom's room stealing socks because mine where to dirty. Shortly afterwards I heard footsteps coming from my room downstairs and up to my location. I paused to make sure I wasn't going insane as I was the only person in the house. The footsteps seem to stop directly at the door way I was staring out of. I felt a bad tingling in my body so I immediately jolted for the door. Before I left the door I looked to the left because I sensed something else. Now my uncle was a man who traveled the world and he went to Africa and got a life sized wooden carving of him. My mother kept the statue in the house for god knows what reason but that morning when I paused before leaving for the door that statue was turned from its original position and staring directly at me with glowing white eyes. I stayed with my grandmother after that. Not the first haunted house I lived in but it was definitely the worse.

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                              • So my brother was in his dorm, and he walked past his tv. The tv turned on static. He walked into the next room and it turned off. Whenever he walked past it it would turn on and when e was past it it would turn off. It did this even when unplugged, and it only worked for him. It didnt do that for his friends. He eventually sold it.

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                              • Ok so this might be a little long but there's some backstory that lead up to this. So I come from a smallish medium sized town in Texas and in our one highschool in town we play a game called junior senior war where we play pranks on each other the Friday before homecoming. My 3 friends and I decided to shoot up some houses with PAINTBALL GUNS because a couple juniors shot our friends truck with paintball guns. Anyway it was about 2 or 2:30 and we were all walking around shooting juniors houses. We reached the edge of the community we were at and before Walking into a field to get to the park then following the road to the house we were gonna stay at, we decided to stop and shoot one more house but there weren't any houses that belonged to juniors around so we decided to shoot at an abandoned house right there at the edge. We did it and one of my friends broke a window accidentally, we decides enough was enough so we walked into the field and about halfway through it we heard a screech from behind us and we all freaked out a little, we looked back to see what it was and under the street light in front of the house there was a dark figure. Normally we seniors wouldn't be spooked but we noticed that any normal person would have shouted at us or ran at us. The figure was just standing there. We decided to just walk away, I looked back once more and noticed it was slowly getting closer. I told everyone and they just laughed but then realized I was right,..we all booked it and never went near there again.

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                              • Ok well I live in Dorset in the UK and when I was about 12 I remember looking out of my window at about 6:30pm when the sun was setting and I saw this strange looking cloud, the cloud was verry high up and was quite large and then I noticed that it had lots of flashing lights originating inside the cloud at first I thought that it looked some sort of Jet fighter war going on inside it or that some government was testing some sort of war weapon as it looked very creepy, then I thought it looked a bit like lighting but there was no thunder and the lightning wasn't hitting the ground, I live in a small-medium sized town so the fact that nobody else saw it made me think that I imagined it. But In 2011 I believe, there was another one of these strange clouds and it was caught on tape over Montreal and since this is a large City allot of people saw it, the only difference was that the cloud over Montreal doesn't look very puffy compared to the one I saw, and here is the video in case your wondering what I might have seen [url][/url]

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                                • About 3 times a week, I have a brief 10 second dream, and then the following day that dream happens exactly

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                                  • Lol the creepiest thing that has happened to me is seeing the McDonald's mascot

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                                    • Uh, may not be too creepy, and I can't think of anything else, but once this dude tried to pick my brother and I up off the road when we were little.

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                                    • Edited by SSDxCrunchyWolf: 12/12/2014 10:29:22 AM
                                      One time me and my friend were sitting on one of my others friend's lawn. The two of us we're out side while the third one was inside. We were just sitting there talking just the two of us but all of a sudden we seen something. It was plane. But it wasn't a normal plane, it was extremely low to the ground and the back was on fire. Keep in mind that it was night time so this stood out. Me and my friend thought we were about to witness a plane crash but nothing happened. The plane flew over us and we never seen it again. The plane was way to low to pull up or to make it to the closest airport. It should have have crashed...but it didn't. It just vanished.

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                                    • So what's this guys real account...

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                                    • How old… the memories. Flood this is the oldest most familiar post that I've seen. Tear of justice falls.

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                                      • I once every few months have a dream that shows me 30 seconds of my life 2-4 years from now, its completely random scenarios that range from sports to working out or to just talking to my friends. PS its not deja vu I had a dream once in grade six that was stuck in my head for some reason all the way until grade 8 where the dream played out exactly how i remembered it. These dreams don't have sound or colour but I some how knew what they where going to say. PPS i know you can't trust everything on the internet but I'm being serious

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