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9/11/2012 2:16:43 AM
Just wanted to start off saying that I love the intellectual conversation you guys have carried(or at least as much as you can talking about video games). My personal opinion is that no matter what happens, there will be a group of people that dislike the ending, and that the group will get more gaming publicity. Look at it like this: 1. If Chief Dies, no matter how they do it, people will say that killing the hero was cliche, and they will pick at every little thing in the plot that could have pointed in the other direction. 2. If he lives with a happy ending, the nitpickers will complain that ONI will never let that happen and that the ending doesn't fit canon. People will get angry and again, every lttle thing will be found that could point to a different ending 3. He lives with a Dark Knight Rises ending, and people will complain that again, ONI will do something to find out what is going on. You're not just going to hide when what will be the most powerful organization in the universe, with the Covenant and the Prometheans gone (pretty sure that's what the new guys are called), and the Spartan that saved the universe isn't going to just leave. 4. He lives with bad ending, and you have people whining like with ME3, where people just didn't like the real life ending of nothing going right for one side. Ending a large franchise that is based off of one character, and having that character die in a pretty bad way, will inevitably have an issue later on. ME3 had potential for an epic ending, but was stopped short by the fact that the RPG element of those games was ignored. Halo has no real RPG element so the comparison stops there. So, to sum up everything I just said, there will always be a group that isn't pleased with said ending. 343i, being a people pleaser, like other businesses, will go with an ending that will keep the most people happy. that ending will probably be a climatic show stopper, with either him dying in a way that is "special", which means it will eventually be copied and turned into a cliche, or in another ending that is like Halo 3, where there is an element that the player decides wether or not the protagonist is dead. Which will feel, to some people, like a rehash of the same ending that, for the most part, was pretty good. So, we reach the point where we realize there cannot be a "good" ending, because there will ALWAYS be unsatisfied parties involved. So we reach the old phrase that is universally true. "Beauty (art) is in the eye of the beholder." -Plato The ending will be whatever the H*ll 343i wants it to be, and the individual will decide wether or not it was good. But when the ending comes, it will be THE END, wether we like it or not, so you have to live with what happens.

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