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Edited by Choopie: 7/15/2014 5:27:24 AM

What Are Your Views On Marijuana?

I'm actually very intrigued by it. So much that I research it, study it and want to pursue it into a career. I'm attending college and have taken several classes on growing and business. I want to help others with problems they have medically or if they just need something to take the edge off. Plus i would love to use hemp for recreational use. It's not just something to get high off of in my opinion. It's a life style to me. Legalize It, Regulate It, Tax It. What is it to you?

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  • My opinion would be biased atm. Because I am currently stoned.

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  • Edited by BannedLlama: 4/21/2014 8:41:36 AM
    Skooma is beter. I give it to my Khajjit everyday.

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  • Edited by Jornn_: 4/1/2014 1:27:30 AM
    I don't mind it, but I do find a lot of stoners to be annoying (or atleast a very loud minority of them)

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  • My roommate was a pot dealer this past year. After seeing the purely psychological effects of having marijuana around, I'd personally never want to see it legalized. The lackadaisical nature it brought about, the lying, cheating, and stealing necessary to fund it (he stole almost $5,000 from his mom in a single month so he could smoke 2-3 times a day 7 days a week with his fellow dealers/smokers), and, put bluntly, the fact that he smoked because he had crippling depression he had left untreated following his parents divorce, was enough to let me know that smoking pot, in some cases (I won't negate the medical benefits it can have in patients who need it purely for medicinal purposes), smoking pot is just a way to escape and cover up deep-seated psychological issues, such as depression, anxiety, or adhd (all of which were exhibited by my roommate and his fellow smokers, both physically and verbally expressed directly to me).

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    2 Replies
    • Bringing this shit back!

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      3 Replies
      • It's a plant.

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          Bec Rizk ❤️ - old

          [url=]It's[/url] [url=]good[/url].

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        • -blam!- lolcannabis Red Sand is where it's at.

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          3 Replies
          • Could not give half a shit. That said, if you start puffing in my face I'm gonna fu,king deck you. In. The. Snoze!

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          • I think that it needs to be legalized, but for the right reasons. Not because "hur dur it cures all the cancers" but because it could benefit nations because of the tax dollars it would bring in and the drug trade it would curb. I'm no expert on the subject and I won't pretend to be but I think that if people understood the negatives and positives of the plant it would be a good idea to legalize it.

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          • none. potheads who keep pushing it just annoy me. i dont care how much you smoke. i dont care that its 4:20. I dont care that its 4/20. shut. up.

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            • Legalize it Tax it Use said tax money for space programs ???? Profit

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              • Edited by Jebediah Kerman : 4/20/2014 5:11:35 AM

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              • I don't really care if its legalized or not. I don't smoke pot anymore. Now, what I have come to realize is that the feeling of being high has come to replace the feeling of achievement in pot smokers. Not all, mind you, but most. So, while I would work hard for the feeling of reward of completing grad school, my idiot brother just sparks the bong up and feels he did something that day.

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                7 Replies
                • Well weed is just as bad as tobacco smokes just weed is a bit worse in a way but there both bad for you but go ahead. Simple way. Legalese that S**t whats the worse that can happen?

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                  5 Replies
                  • Cigarettes/Tobacco: Linked to a plethora of types of lung and mouth cancer. Even when you don't smoke it and just "chew" it it can give you mouth cancer. It's bad shit. It completely wrecks your lungs, coating it in tar and a bunch of other nonsense that I don't have time to look up. Highly physically addictive. Helps relieve stress. Alcohol: Can kill you in an afternoon. Causes liver disease/cancer and [i]heavily[/i] impairs the ability to walk, talk, and operate any sort of vehicle, putting those who choose to ignore this impairment at risk as well as everyone around them. Can make people overly aggressive to the point of violence. Kills brain cells. Also possible to become physically addicted. Not known to cure anything in anyone. Socially accepted. Sometimes people say they're better at things when they've got a buzz (writing, bowling, video games, piano, stuff like that). Helps relieve stress Marijuana: Makes you paranoid. Smokeable version is also, in recent studies, linked to (FAR LESS SEVERE) types of lung disease. Kills brain cells. Impairs ability to operate motor vehicles as well and puts people in just as much danger if you choose to ignore your impairment as alcohol. Able to be consumed without smoking and without any sort of repercussions like additional types of disease or cancer. Shown to increase appetite which is a plus for anybody in chemotherapy. Linked to the curing or assisting in curing of several types of cancer (i.e. has medicinal properties, unlike tobacco and alcohol). No known signs of physical dependencies or addictions caused by smoking or other consumption. Any addiction thereof is likely entirely mental in nature. Helps relieve stress. If legalized, would no longer be a gateway drug (and I'll tell you why). When one goes to buy recreational marijuana now, one must buy it illegally (unless one lives in Washington or Colorado). Because one is already buying illegally from a dealer who probably either has on them or has access to more than just pot, it is easy to be offered and coaxed into taking other drugs like meth and harder drugs like acid, cocaine, heroine, etc. where you CAN over-dose on it. I'd posit that marijuana only acts as a gateway drug in its illegal state. Yeah, I think it totally makes sense that Marijuana is the illegal one of the three. /sarcasm.

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                    8 Replies
                    • Edited by Jono: 4/1/2014 1:44:22 AM
                      It smells like skunk spray mixed with cow shit so I stay away from it.

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                      4 Replies
                      • I only smoke [i]extremely[/i] rarely now. 10-15 sack of pot every 5-6 months and 3-4 stoges every 1-2 weeks. I just really don't feel like smoking much anymore. All that's consisting my life right now is training, working, and gaming. But have fun pursuing your career, then create a medicinal shop :-)

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                        2 Replies
                        • I completely agree!

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                          • I love it

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                          • I can't believe this has more than 700 replies.

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                            7 Replies
                            • I don't understand how cannabis is illegal but alcohol isnt.

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                            • I'm indifferent. I've smoked weed before with some friends but it's nothing I'd regularly get into it. I can't say I care if it's legal or not, at least for recreational use. I'm for medicinal marijuana.

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                            • Overuse of it makes you lazy and stupid. That's all I have to say about it. Idc if they legalize it or not.

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                            • Pretty meh about it to be honest.

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                            • Legalize it. Tax it. And regulate it alongside alcohol and tobacco.

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