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4/25/2013 7:27:55 PM

Your Weapon

Based on recent articles I've read, your equipment will be an integral part of your character's identity. And I think that, aside from your class and appearance, your weapon(s) will be the most defining and personal piece of equipment your character will carry around. Since Destiny is briefly described as "mythic science fiction" (a concept I find very appealing), it is influenced by a long list of genres. Among these you will find fantasy as one of the most prominent. Many ancient fantasy tales tell of unique and powerful weapons wielded by heroes. Dozens of mythical weapons are found in mythologies, epics, and histories. Wikipedia has a list here that spans many cultures: [url][/url] I think a concept of unique weapons that can be found in the Lord of the Rings mythos could be beautifully adapted for Destiny. Blades such as Glamdring (Foe-hammer) and Orcrist (Goblin-cleaver) had magical attributes upon being forged, but they did not earn their names and reputation until they where used time and time again to slay goblins and orcs (correct me if I'm wrong about this, I just recently began to seriously invest time into reading Tolkien's works). For example, after defeating a powerful commander or general of the Fallen, you could claim his infamous sword, and then, after countless battles and encounters, it becomes part of you, part of your legend. If it doesn't have a well established one already, you give it the perfect name. The name is based on the weapon's specific function, any special attributes it has, something amazing you once did with it, or a concept or idea you uphold with it. The name is an important, if not an outright defining element of such a weapon. In the manner that mythical weapons are perceived in their respective cultures, weapons in Destiny don't need to have legendary status in the whole Destiny community. Such a phenomenon will cause envy among other players. Instead, your weapon's "sphere of reputation", if it has one at all, should only naturally extend to your friends, those you play with, and perhaps even any clan/guild/group you are a member of. Players will walk around with their own personal legends. Your character's weapon will not only be a tool to accomplish whatever tasks he or she sets out undertake, it will be an extension of your character's soul, personality, legend, and being. A testimony to countless stories and defining moments of your character's history. It will be unique, it will have a name. It will be part of you. Your Excalibur. Your Joyeuse. Your weapon. What do you think your weapon(s) will be? What will its name be? What, if something specific, will you use it for? How does it define your character?

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  • Edited by BlessedSeraph: 4/26/2013 9:35:25 PM
    I haven't decided on a class yet, but I might try something hyper-offensive. Maybe a Hunter or Warlock. [u][b]Gáe Bolg[/b] - "The Spear of Mortal Pain"[/u] This incredibly powerful shotgun is jet black with cyan tracings that illuminate when the weapon is fired. The heavy rounds provide excellent damage up close, and the weapon has fair accuracy up to 10 meters. There is substantial kick-back, and the weapon can only fire-off two shells before it needs to be reloaded. If I'm running around as a Warlock, I'll rush in to cast powerful AOE spells and DOT curses. The gun is for punishing anything that gets too close between castings. If I'm playing as a Hunter, I'm going for the [i]Shotgun Ninja[/i] approach. I cloak, run in, fire off a round or two and find somewhere to hide and reload. Enemy forces are whittled down before they even knew what hit them. >:D

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