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8/8/2012 8:16:15 PM

The Amazing Spiderman sucked so much

Seriously. I hate to repost, but here are my reasons: --- New Uncle Ben was a dick to Peter, and his death was anticlimactic. He never even said his signature line. Mary-Jane wasn't even in it. The new villain, Connors, was -blam!- compared to Osborn from the original. They even tried to pull off a schizophrenic thing where Connors talked to himself in the sewer. If you don't remember that, it's because it was stupid, and it was so much more memorable when Osborn talked to his mirror image in the original. New Aunt Mae was too young. New Peter was cocky, annoying, and too confident. There were no memorable scenes or characters. And the animation was horrible when Connors transformed into the lizard. Spiderman had his mask off way to much. [i]More will come when I think of it.[/i] [Edited on 08.08.2012 12:16 PM PDT]
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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Bane The Bug Guy [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] black49 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Bane The Bug Guy [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Owned Maybe I'm going to assume you meant to say, "Only because I've already gone over all your points elsewhere in this thread." Well, I just looked through the entire thread because maybe you were right, but nope. Nothing was addressed. Also, having a different opinion than other people is fine, but if you can't explain why exactly you didn't like it, your opinion might as well be void. And when I say explain it, I mean state why you didn't like it (which you did) and give specific points as to why you didn't like that aspect of the movie or how it could've been better (which you didn't do). Because anyone can just go around saying things like "I disliked this" or "I hated that", but if you can't back it up, you don't have any credibility.[/quote] In the end, an opinion is an opinion. Walking out of this, your's will remain the same, and so will mine.[/quote]Right now you are just trying to draw attention away from the fact you are obviously losing the argument/debate if you didn't already lose.[/quote] It was never an argument/debate. I was merely expressing my opinion.[/quote]No, it was, though I guess technically more of a discussion. Someone (you) stated an opinion with nothing to back it up, "Owned Maybe" wrote a response, you responded back, etcetera etcetera

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