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8/8/2012 8:16:15 PM

The Amazing Spiderman sucked so much

Seriously. I hate to repost, but here are my reasons: --- New Uncle Ben was a dick to Peter, and his death was anticlimactic. He never even said his signature line. Mary-Jane wasn't even in it. The new villain, Connors, was -blam!- compared to Osborn from the original. They even tried to pull off a schizophrenic thing where Connors talked to himself in the sewer. If you don't remember that, it's because it was stupid, and it was so much more memorable when Osborn talked to his mirror image in the original. New Aunt Mae was too young. New Peter was cocky, annoying, and too confident. There were no memorable scenes or characters. And the animation was horrible when Connors transformed into the lizard. Spiderman had his mask off way to much. [i]More will come when I think of it.[/i] [Edited on 08.08.2012 12:16 PM PDT]
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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Bane The Bug Guy New Uncle Ben was a dick to Peter, and his death was anticlimactic. He never even said his signature line.[/quote] So what? I'm glad they left it out. They milked that phrase way too much in the first trilogy. Every movie they had atleast one scene mentioning that phrase. I was like, "come on, alright already, WE GET IT. Shouldn't Peter by now be learning some new life lessons?" His infamous phrase about power and responsibility is not present in the film, but Uncle Ben does inform Peter that he, like his father, has a responsibility to be mature. Remember the message he left on his phone at the end? I'm sorry it wasn't worded the exact same way as the first movie, but it gets the point across just as effectively. [quote]Mary-Jane wasn't even in it.[/quote] So what? Who cares? If they had Mary Jane in it, it would be waaaaaaay too similar to the original trilogy. I'm soooo glad they chose to go a different direction with the love interest. [quote]The new villain, Connors, was -blam!- compared to Osborn from the original. They even tried to pull off a schizophrenic thing where Connors talked to himself in the sewer. If you don't remember that, it's because it was stupid, and it was so much more memorable when Osborn talked to his mirror image in the original.[/quote] I'll give you this point, but I'd consider them about equal. [quote]New Aunt Mae was too young.[/quote] Um, no she wasn't. Not at all. And Sally Fields is a MUCH better actress than the other Aunt May from the original trilogy. Much better casting on this one. [quote]New Peter was cocky, annoying, and too confident.[/quote] Cocky? Are you kidding me? Not at all. Annoying how exactly? Too confident? Way to just repeat "cocky," but in a different way. Peter's character was much more believable this time around. I'd take a socially awkward, nerdy Peter Parker over the dorky, soft spoken Peter Parker from the original trilogy any day. [quote]Spiderman had his mask off way to much.[/quote] Had his mask off too much? Did you see Spiderman 2? Everyone in the whole city pretty much saw his face in that movie. In this one only three did, Gwen Stacy's dad, the kid in the car, and Dr. Connors. Possibly some of the other cops, but we're never led to believe that. And two of them end up dead or in prison so that leaves one person still in the city who has seen his face and that's the kid. One little kid has seen his face is a big deal to you? What a joke. [Edited on 08.08.2012 2:08 PM PDT]

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