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11/10/2007 2:18:51 AM

Bungie Weekly Update: 11/9/07

Heatmaps, DLC objects and housecleaning. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12943] click for full story [/url]

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  • cool so ur saying we can put(a spasific number per map)Mancannons by useing forge?THATS HELLA KOOL

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  • man cannons in forge will be great. i was talking to someone about that yesterday and now i find its gonna happen! would we ever get the chance to post our custom games/forged maps in a matchmaking list to fill our partys and test our maps?

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  • What are hoppers? Will the maps be free? [Edited on 11.11.2007 9:58 AM PST]

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  • Hey Bungie, uh the screeshot thing in the H3 section of your website is kind of screwed up. When I try to view a screenshot, I get taken back to the first screenshot, or a random screenshot that I've already seen. So if you could be so nice as to iron that out thad'd be great. Thanks.

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  • When will the Shoulders be fixed? Anyone?

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  • Has the changes been added then because i don't think they have.... because lone wolves is the same.... tbh?

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  • You really, really suck at updates right now. You had something so good but then messed up yet again, you're just making the playlists worse and worse for the more serious players among us, and updates like this are just gonna mess everything up: 1. Social doubles must have been one of the best social playlists there are, its great for warming up and the bet thing you can play when you have a guest around; 2. Please repeat what you said about slayer, Guardian's already in TS so you can't act like you're doing something when you're not. 3. This really hacks me off: SWORDS IN LW! WTF!!! Ranked maps are for serious games, not -blam!- like this, now every time people veto one of your other gametypes on LW like this they'll get stuck with it, you should honestly leave swords for unranked rumble pit, come on, are you guys all high or something?! Also, 5 people is better than 6 as proven from the Beta, people like it more so what are you thinking?! 4. Quit skipping around the updates that actually count and fix the glitches instead of just adding stuff people dont care about to pretend you're actually trying right now. You'd better do something fast cos I'm telling you theres a reason everyones playing CoD4 instead now and reverting back to Halo 2, please release a decent update for once, you must all be insane.

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  • You mentioned forge updates, and there are a few things that I noticed that could need attention. First, starting frag grenades do not get picked up by the candy moniter and are not cleaned off of the map. This has some amusing effects, but probably not what you intended. Also, all maps have the same starting [u]default[/u] weapons and grenades. This makes this option the exact same as selecting starting weapons of assault rifles and frag grenades, which is cool 95% of the time, however forge created maps could use thier own default weapons. 7hanks Bungie!

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  • Halo 3 running 3 times faster than Halo 2! Wow according to 360Voice the game seems slowly dying! (Source : ). So who's right? Moreover the engine is too long to find a game, are you sure there's more games played than ever? Maybe too much game types...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Purpleorange "There are a couple of still-secret, still-in testing adjustments and changes that come to classic Halo vehicles." Carrier Hogs. [/quote] I agree we need the transport hog that was the first thing i looked for in forge other than that sweet deal on the update

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  • Is the very much win music from the 'Believe' trailers in the soundtrack?

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  • Yay for Bungie stopping the Oddball stand-offs in Snowbound and Epitath doorways!!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Walter Jocketty Anyways..what's up with the ratings system? anyone want to explain this? I start as level 19 in Team Slayer 17 kills, 11 deaths on high ground. team lost, didn't level up 14 kills, 4 deaths on Narrows. Team won, didn't level up 7 kills, 10 deaths high ground. Team lost, didn't level up (obviously) 12 kills, 3 deaths on Snowbound. Team won, didn't level up 13 kills, 8 deaths on Guardian. Team won, leveled up! finally Now I don't have much of a problem with that, but then... Very next game on Snowbound, I get 9 kills and 9 deaths for an even kill/death spread..and I go down to level 19 again! Are you kidding? So that's 6 games, 72 kills, 43 deaths, for a combined k/d spread of +29...and I'm the same as I started? I don't mean to complain, but what's up with this?[/quote] IK!!! My friends and I just played team slayer for about 5 hours strait. We won 21 games out of the 31 we played. I started out at lvl 23 and ended at 26. Explain to me how the heck this is freaking possible? There was a time when we had as many as 6 wins in a row and I still didn't level up more than one level and as soon as we lost the first game I would go back down a level. And it wasn't about the stats either. It didn't seem to make a difference whether I went positive 7 or negative 3.

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  • I miss my SWAT! Can't wait for downloadable content. Can you give us a date? Also now that you broke up with Microsoft I'm hoping that the DLC will be free, I know Micro$oft still has some rights and they are greedy but I know Bungie isn't. It's so stupid how we buy a game and have to pay for features after we already bought it [Edited on 11.10.2007 11:46 PM PST]

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  • I'm sorry, but this update really sucked. All it did was fix a couple of things that a few players where complaining about. It didn't really update anything that people really wanted. A couple questions I'm wondering that will help 80% of the people out that are on here. When are the new maps out and when is clan support coming? Because this game won't make it a year without clan support.

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  • Aw, they remembered my birthday! Thanks Lukems! >_> .. <_< So what if I share it with Halo 2?

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  • no anything but swords!!!!, theres already enough -blam- game types a.k.a one sided vip and territories and team rockets wth were u guys thinking, colonels brigadiers and genrals should not get team rockets

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  • The concept of the heat map is really cool, but i really wish it worked with customs too. that mostly what i play, MLG FTW. but it if worked for Customs too, that would really help em and my team make some good adjustments to our strategies, also... wheres Team Snipers and Team Hardcore?.. comeon Bungie! I Love you. TheBuggass

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  • Awesome Update! Loved all the changes. Any hints as to how much the new DLC will cost? I never played Social Doubles much so that doesn't affect me. 6 player lone wolves is gunna be great, always thought that 5 people was a little slow-paced. Swords will be nice as an occasional change of pace from the non stop flow of basic slayer. Also I am very glad to hear about a fix for melee being worked on! Suggestions: Give the whiners their Hardcore playlist instead of making team slayer BR spawn like H2 was (which ruined it). Firebomb Grenades! Please! These are soo much fun in campaign but no where to be found in ranked MM. Some more variety within the playlists, like all Covenant or all Human TS, even in social the variations are few and far between. Otherwise keep up the excellent work! At all the people whining for the old maps back, please shut up! This is a new game and thus should have new maps. Halo 2 had 6 original Halo maps in it (mostly from the map packs) and most people complained when they came up in MM. Halo 3 already has 3 of the old maps and everyone is already complaining about them!

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  • Agreed with Flip on the ratings system... Seems like 1 game of negative can put you down but 5 straight games of positive might not bring you up...

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  • That's a sweet idea/map man...I'd never be able to play it bc I suck at infection...but I like the idea! (: Also thanks for showing me how to "double jump" using another player it helped me get a few skulls on campaign! Kill

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  • nighthawk2121 social slayer was fun with a mate, wen there was no need to be serious about it just for a bit of fun but hey hopefully it will be put back in because a rly did enjoy playing it with my mate.

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  • please put a shotty snipers playlist in!!!!!!! or at least a snipers playlist. it would make online sooooo much funner

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  • Also, I read about the ranking system "not being broken" because it takes into account for everything done in the game. Then explain this. My friend who is a beast at this game was a 44 in Team Slayer. We're playing in a party of 4. We play 8 games in a row. We win Every one of them by a good majority to people that are the same rank or close to him. (40+) He has the most kills by far and the least deaths of anyone in the game. He get MVP nearly every game, and has the most headshots. He has the most medals. Still, he doesn't rank up. The next night he plays with a different party. He has to win 6 more games in a row before he goes up to a 45. When I've seen some people suck at this game, go negative every game, yet they still rank up because their team simply wins. Sounds a little broken to me.

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  • Are you EFFING kidding me? SWORDS in RANKED Lone Wolves? That is RETARDED. Still no snipers in lone wolves and most of all no Snipers or Harcore playlists at all? How -blam!- retarded can you people be? Adding gametypes that noobs like to play but taking away the stuff that people use to practice or play when they don't want to worry about rank? -blam!- retarded. Swords is the most host favoring gametype in Halo 3 and you're putting it in a ranked gametype. You people disgust me. I will not be playing halo anymore until there is an update that adds at least snipers and/or hardcore. You made sniping harder and headshots only register 25% of the time (got film clips to prove it) but then you won't give a game type to practice with it? You people really piss me off. Halo 2 was way better thought out. Plus an update that makes shots register would be greatly appreciated. I have a pretty damn good internet connection yet I still can't kill people in four shots with the battle rifle or a shot to the body with the sniper and a shot to the head with the BR. I've got video after video showing it. 6 BR shots to the face of a guy running straight at me and he survives. 8 shots to the side of the head of a guy and he's not even down to no shield. Snipe to the body then 2 head shots and guy is still breathing. I really believe you should focus on making your game less full of bull-blam!- than adding bull-blam!- gametypes to ranked playlists. Whoever has host in a swords game will win every time unless they really suck. One person and the host clash for a duel then the host gets to slash again before the other person. Or the offhost person can hit the host first then die. It's retarded. I didn't care that it was in Rumble pit because it didn't effect rank. Being in lone wolves is -blam!- retarded. The lack of snipers game types for those of us that want to play it is really really really depressing along with all the other bull-blam!-. Rumble pit in Halo 2 was fun because of the Slayer BR and snipers gametypes. You've gotta add some playlists for the people that DON'T suck at this game.

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