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11/10/2007 2:18:51 AM

Bungie Weekly Update: 11/9/07

Heatmaps, DLC objects and housecleaning. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12943] click for full story [/url]

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  • This update gets me very excited for all of the new things coming. I can't wait.

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  • I'm just glad to hear there will be more flag games in skirmish! CTF was my favorite game type in Halo 1 and Halo 2, and it still is Halo 3. Oh, and you might as well delete 1 sided VIP. With the exception of very lopsided matchups (which, theoretically, should never happen), it always seems to result in a tie. My $.02. YMMV.

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  • Does anyone know where I can get the picture "Chief Beach" (option in Edit Profile as profile background) in a download. It just looks sweet. (

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  • I enjoyed the Seinfeld and Pulp Fiction references (Art Vandelay and "The Wolf," respectively). Nice! Obviously the Live experience for Halo 3 is at least 1,000,000,000X better than that of Halo 2, but I just have one (minor) issue: active camo. In Halo 2 active camo gave the user an advantage because their image was obscured, but that of Halo 3 makes the user completely invisible. One could still make out a player using it in Halo 2 without diminishing the user's advantage, but it's truly ridiculous in Halo 3 to be killed by someone not even partially visible. They still appear on the radar, but because of the seldom occurence of one's encounter with a user of active camo, one is sure to assume that the radar dot represents someone above or below in the map. As a result the player pursues the red dot, and runs straight into the hands of a waiting, invisible player. It's nearly impossible to kill a user of active camo. I don't have the time or will to start a forum on this topic, and there might even be one already, but I just wanted to expose others to my opinion. Thanks for reading. [Edited on 11.11.2007 7:38 PM PST]

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  • wow swords is now in lone wolfs...-blam!-...

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  • k, ive had about as much as this ranking system as i can take. i got up to 20 again. the next game i got a +2, but the team lost, and i -blam!- ranked down again. it really is bull-blam!-.

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  • They Really should make a download to get maps from halo 2 and or halo 1 back dont you think like all of my friends dont like all the halo 3 maps they arent as fun and they dont have enough!!!

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  • SWORDS FOR NOOBS COOL H3 SOUNDTRACK [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] lukems Heatmaps, DLC objects and housecleaning. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12943] click for full story [/url][/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] lukems Heatmaps, DLC objects and housecleaning. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12943] click for full story [/url][/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] lukems Heatmaps, DLC objects and housecleaning. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12943] click for full story [/url][/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] lukems Heatmaps, DLC objects and housecleaning. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12943] click for full story [/url][/quote]

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  • Noooo! I love social doubles! It's just because I love ranked doubles, so then I can play doubles with friends when they come over. I'll miss social doubles =[

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  • woot! DLC coming. I can't wait to see what mods they have on vehicles. I also heard from a friend that Vandelay might be a completely blank map and some of the new forge items allowed you to completely make a map. I can see the poblems with lag and such things but that would be awesome. Thanks a bunch Bungie. THE CAKE IS FAKE!!! p.s. Assassin's Creed in 3 days!

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  • What's interesting to me is how many people posted on here that Lone Wolves is "slow paced" with 5 people in it. I took the average life time from all 5 players in my last 10 LW Slayer matches (LVL 30-34 players) which included Snow Bound, Guardian, High Ground, and Construct maps and the average life of all players over those 10 matches was 28.5 seconds. If people are averaging less then half a minute per life in LW's with 5 people in it, how in the world is that "slow paced"? Six people is going to be crowded on some of the smaller maps and I think it's going to really be bad in the KOTH matches. Venturing out into wide open space was already a very deadly thing with 5 people on the maps and with 6 there's going to be even more kill stealing and getting mowed down from behind while in a fire fight then there was before. Mauler hording and camping around corners with 1 shot kill weapons was already a prominent tactic in LW's and this update is only going to make people do it more. Adding a sixth player really adds nothing to the game play in LW's besides making the things we already viewed as unfavorable about it, more prevalent.

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  • BTB Skirmish Ranked...please!! That's all I want for Christmas.

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  • No team SWAT? I was loking forward to the release of Team SWAT for over a month.... [Edited on 11.11.2007 3:44 PM PST]

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  • So uh, I saw something on G4 that caught my eye. During Attack of the Show, one of the bottom headlines was that Bungie's newer employees will continues working on other Halo related games while the grizzled ancients will be working on new games. Will we be hearing about any of these works soon, or is it all just a bunch of hogwash??? Wow, check out page 5, that's a lot of quote boxes lol. Bunch of squabblers getting upset over petty things. [Edited on 11.11.2007 2:13 PM PST]

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  • Awsome update, envyronmental specific details for vehicles sounds like absolute awsomeness, Its what I've allways dreamed of. thanks Bungie.

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  • 2nd best halo 3 suicide "bank shots" check it out, pass it around i can has recon? no, gtfo please

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  • 2nd best halo 3 suicide "bank shots" check it out, pass it around i can has recon?

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  • nice update rocket race rules

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  • One question I believe Nungie is hiding from What is next maybe a HALO4 instead of "Finish the Fight" we start a new one! Besides the flood ins't finished, There is more rings, Brutes on other Planets, and the mystery olf the forerunners isn't done like where they went! Also I wonder what new maps there are, and HOW much there are.

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  • they could add the rocket hog

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  • I had to come back by and say that although I know you basically added a 6th man and Rumble Swords to Lone Wolves so that everyone could get their achievements easier, I wish that Bungie would STOP giving in to all the cry babies that want nothing more for than for Halo 3 to become Halo 2. Now that Lone Wolves has as many people as the Social Rumble Pit, why are we still calling it Lone Wolves? I know I'm not the only person alive with an opinion, but I personally thought that the name of the playlist and the amount of players (Lone Wolves, 5 players) was genius, especially on these slightly larger maps. It made for a much newer balance of gameplay and called for players to think about when and where to strike... not just respawn and see 7 red dots and throw a few nades for a few easy kills like in Halo 2. And come on people... these maps are NOT that much bigger. It's the fact that the ramps are WIDER and the areas are much more OPEN in scope and HEIGHT. You can't honestly say that Guardian, Snowbound or Epitaph are any bigger than say, Ivory Tower.

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  • Can people please stop crying how they no longer equate for the "serious gamer". Bungie has to accomodate more new players with what people would call "lower skilled games". Also with more weapons, playlists have to be slightly different so they can use at least 70% of them, otherwise, you may as well play halo 2.

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  • can ANYONE actually say what was changed for team slayer?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SuperGrover1337 Art Vandelay is George Castanza's alter-ego who was an architect. Absolutely genius. Also genius, rocket race matchmaking. I left arrow three Bungie.[/quote] nice seinfeld quote.... im a big fan and didnt even catch it.

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  • [quote]You really, really suck at updates right now. You had something so good but then messed up yet again, you're just making the playlists worse and worse for the more serious players among us, and updates like this are just gonna mess everything up: 1. Social doubles must have been one of the best social playlists there are, its great for warming up and the bet thing you can play when you have a guest around; 2. Please repeat what you said about slayer, Guardian's already in TS so you can't act like you're doing something when you're not. 3. This really hacks me off: SWORDS IN LW! WTF!!! Ranked maps are for serious games, not -blam!- like this, now every time people veto one of your other gametypes on LW like this they'll get stuck with it, you should honestly leave swords for unranked rumble pit, come on, are you guys all high or something?! Also, 5 people is better than 6 as proven from the Beta, people like it more so what are you thinking?! 4. Quit skipping around the updates that actually count and fix the glitches instead of just adding stuff people dont care about to pretend you're actually trying right now. You'd better do something fast cos I'm telling you theres a reason everyones playing CoD4 instead now and reverting back to Halo 2, please release a decent update for once, you must all be insane.[/quote] go play cod4 then, no one cares so please just gtfo

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  • cool so ur saying we can put(a spasific number per map)Mancannons by useing forge?THATS HELLA KOOL

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