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11/10/2007 2:18:51 AM

Bungie Weekly Update: 11/9/07

Heatmaps, DLC objects and housecleaning. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12943] click for full story [/url]

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  • take sword matches out of lone wolves, putting in more slayer game types is good, but making them all weird is not [Edited on 11.13.2007 7:10 PM PST]

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  • First of all, I really enjoy the new Rocket Race Hopper. For some reason though, when playing it, my party gets split oddly. I get teamed with one other person from my party, but the other 2 get split apart. It seems like it would be easiest to just form two teams out of my party. This leads to lots of frustration as my guests kept getting paired with people who either don't know how to play the gametype, are just rude, or don't want to work as a team. On a similar note, it seems odd that with hundreds of thousands of people playing social slayer that I can't find a game that keeps my party together unless I have a party of five and can make up a single team on my own. There should be a list of specifications and options for each hopper, things like, "allow matches that split my party up", "allow rockets", "allow shotty/sniper", "allow such and such map". That way I can specify exactly which games it searches for. I'm sure plenty of people don't enjoy playing their least favorite map over and over, or getting their party split up into different teams for every game, or trying to play team slayer, but instead playing 20 rounds of shotty/sniper.

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  • It is a bad update, not all of it, just most of it. Here's what NEEDED to be fixed and wasn't. There are Medals for infection, but there are no games to earn them on still There are only 3 maps for Big Team Battle, and it's only in Social still Respawns suck still A much easier way to fix gametypes is to have a second veto available. Too many times in Big Team Battle games I get Vip veto it and get territories, or vice versa. A second veto would fix the game type issues. There are no Fuel Rods, Hornets, Tanks, Fire Bombs, Plasma Turrets, Prowlers, etc in the games still. Why have all of those weapons and vehicles in the game but not in matchmaking. Still no custom games search built into the game. Just the tiny bandaid on the bigger issue, by having the pystic's custom game finder thing.

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  • [quote]Social Doubles has been removed from matchmaking Rocket Race Hopper has been added to the Social hopper – 8 players, join in parties of up to 8 players. Multi-team: Hammerzeit game variant has been added The frequency of VIP gametypes has been reduced Swords gametypes will now be to 25 kills, rather than 50 Lone Wolves: Player count has been increased to 6 players Swords gametype has been added Oddball games on Snowbound and Epitaph have been reduced considerably Team Slayer: Guardian has been added to the playlist Valhalla has been added to Team Slayer Social Skirmish Flag gametypes will now appear more regularly Rumble Pit Added both Construct and Isolation to several gametypes[/quote] So this is what has been changed... If im took critical then just let me know but this is not a good update. Im going to examine this closer: 1. Social Doubles removed- I think social doubles is a good list, that we need, but the playlist had too many horrible gametypes. Bungie is making the mistake of thinking that social means players want to joke around. Now I realize that games in a social playlist are more laid back. But in general social just means players want to play with guests. Nobody really wants to play swords...ever. period. So my conclusion is this is a bad decision and the gametypes should have been updated. 2. Rocket Race added- Im going to go ahead and say that this is stupid and that the population in this list will speak for itself soon. Anyways 2 things changed and 2 bad decisions 3. Multi team changes- I dont really want to cover this because its a novelty list and has novelty gametypes. A list like this is needed and to most of us on these forums this list is irrelevant. Either way the changes made I think some are good and some bad. However, im just saying that I dont play this list much and therefore wont speak on it. 4. Lone wolves changes- 4.1 play count increased to 6- Good news considering we are playing on almost all medium sized maps and people with power weapons are winng ever game. I personally feel as though atleast 8 is needed. Possibly even more. Im not sure if this playlist can be fixed at all because of no good FFA maps, however, it makes little sense to get larger maps and reduce the number of players playing in those maps. So my conclusion on this is that more players is good news but 6 still is not enough. I wont mark this as a good or bad decision however because while 6 is an improvement it was a waste of time not to go ahead and add at least 8. 4.2 Oddball gametypes- Reduced? Just get rid of them. Its horrible and you obviously know it or it wouldnt be reduced. Anyways same as 4.1 in that reducing them is good but its a waste not to go ahead and just take them out. 5. Team Slayer changes 5.1- Guardian added- 1st good decision. Good decisions now at 1 and bad decisions at 2. 5.2. Valhalla added- I dont personally think this map fits well for a 4v4. I played it in the beta. However, I think a lot of the communtiy does think this is a good TS map. So im going to once again say impartial and leave it at 2 bad decisions and 1 good. 6. Social Skirmish changes 6.1 Flag gametypes more often- Thats good news... really good news. 2 bad and 2 good now Ive never played a single game of rumble pit so i wont comment on it. Either way overall while there are a lot of bullets up there naming a bunch of changes....very little has actually been changed and even less of it are actually good changes. Instead of changing all these social novelty lists that are mostly there for fun and joking why not give us one good change. For example I would rather have seen just one of these before seeing all of those: -Melee fixed -Team Hardcore added -Lone Wolves objective games taken out -Skirmish VIP/Bomb games reduced and flag/oddball/KOTH greatly increased -Team Snipers added -Ranked BTB added I hate to come in here with everyone else being positive and saying good update, but it wasnt a good update... it was downrigth bad.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Lakeview Cub [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Hannibal Skye ...Oh boy, new forge capabilities so people can create great maps that we don't have an easy way to find a game to play on...[/quote] In my opinion, this is the biggest problem with the game. What good is forge if you can't easily search and [u]play[/u] the maps and game types? Get with it and make a search function that will alow us to play custom games with people that are not on our 'friends' list. Not all of us are LAN party nerds that make plans to play a custom game.[/quote] Exactly! On top of that, the custom games are the only way to play with the hornet, gauss hogs, tanks, fire bombs, plasma cannons, Fuel Rod, etc etc.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Hannibal Skye ...Oh boy, new forge capabilities so people can create great maps that we don't have an easy way to find a game to play on...[/quote] In my opinion, this is the biggest problem with the game. What good is forge if you can't easily search and [u]play[/u] the maps and game types? Get with it and make a search function that will alow us to play custom games with people that are not on our 'friends' list. Not all of us are LAN party nerds that make plans to play a custom game.

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  • BUNGiE, why would you remove Social Doubles? It frickin' owned! I suppose it's too easy to boost on it... frick, you could do it on one console.

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  • Oh boy, new forge capabilities so people can create great maps that we don't have an easy way to find a game to play on it, and it doesn't matter for experience points or skill levels. I'm really excited about that. Oh, and do we have the ability yet to create our own maps as far as scenery, make our own waterfalls and hills and bases and make maps that might actually require a different kind of skill, or do we just get to move a couple things around on the current maps? Where are the additional maps for Big Team Battles? Oh, we're just sticking with three maps for that then. Great. Look forward to that update. Also looking forward to the maps update, which will probably be the same ideas with new scenery. Real excited....woot....woot.

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  • Sorry it's difficult to read without breaks and paragraphs let me put it in a phrase. Bungie is too cheap to work hard on a good update.

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  • all of you need to stop complaining about swords. and to those of you that say swords isn't based on skill then why have i only lost one game of swords? i'm just lucky i guess... not to mention if you don't like it VETO duh

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] oOEmergyOo I'm a pretty die hard halo fan/serious player, and halo 2 was WAY better when it came to game play. The only reason halo 2 hit 777,777,777th game play so slowly is because Xbox came out XBOX360 and the masses went to the good system with better graphics... the reason halo 3 is going FASTER now, from what i speculate, is because it is hitting fast and hard due to heavy advertisment. (i couldn't even pick up a bk meal without seeing master chief's face) and its gonna fade out when BETTER Xbox360 games come out. Call of duty 4 is gonna take a heavy hit on halo 3's non-serious A.D.D infested useless under aged fans. (You know, the ones that think HEAT MAPS on is an AWESOME update and completely useful when playing an XBOX 360 game, and that enjoy games such as team swords and team hammers.) And who cares about a Christmas release of halo 3 SOUNDTRACK!? that's not an update on the GAME! That's an attempt to advertise a new PRODUCT that has to DO with the game... You're working on a SOUNDTRACK!? Is he serious!? What about the shotty snipes bug that was pointed out since the BETA?! What about the stupid MELEE problem that's basically a coin toss (Don't give me the story about higher shields... I've had overshield and gotten hit once from in front and died)?! Why did i BUY a $130 helmet that holds 3 DVD cases in the middle if halo 3 legendary edition came with 2 DVD cases... I can tell you, CUT BACKS! Which means you cut corners on EVERYTHING, even the updates. That's why they are adding stupid games to please the little kids who shouldn't even be playing the game in the first place.[/quote] I didn't read a word of this post. You should invest in some paragraph breaks and cut down on the caps lock.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Emo Joe89 [quote] I don't know if anyone has already asked this but is this why you are getting rid of social doubles? [/quote] WOAH!!! Holy Mary Jesus and Joseph! That's freaking insane! This guy is cheating the system! He hasn't won a single match! He just levels up over and over and over because his friend on the other team keeps forfeiting the game, and he ends up leveling up! Seriously! Check this guy's game history [url=]here[/url] It's insane, it really is![/quote] Ha. Wow. Whatever happened to Bungie saying they were going to take care of crap like that? That is exactly why they are getting rid of social doubles, but they should start resetting these people's accounts.

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  • I'm a pretty die hard halo fan/serious player, and halo 2 was WAY better when it came to game play. The only reason halo 2 hit 777,777,777th game play so slowly is because Xbox came out XBOX360 and the masses went to the good system with better graphics... the reason halo 3 is going FASTER now, from what i speculate, is because it is hitting fast and hard due to heavy advertisment. (i couldn't even pick up a bk meal without seeing master chief's face) and its gonna fade out when BETTER Xbox360 games come out. Call of duty 4 is gonna take a heavy hit on halo 3's non-serious A.D.D infested useless under aged fans. (You know, the ones that think HEAT MAPS on is an AWESOME update and completely useful when playing an XBOX 360 game, and that enjoy games such as team swords and team hammers.) And who cares about a Christmas release of halo 3 SOUNDTRACK!? that's not an update on the GAME! That's an attempt to advertise a new PRODUCT that has to DO with the game... You're working on a SOUNDTRACK!? Is he serious!? What about the shotty snipes bug that was pointed out since the BETA?! What about the stupid MELEE problem that's basically a coin toss (Don't give me the story about higher shields... I've had overshield and gotten hit once from in front and died)?! Why did i BUY a $130 helmet that holds 3 DVD cases in the middle if halo 3 legendary edition came with 2 DVD cases... I can tell you, CUT BACKS! Which means you cut corners on EVERYTHING, even the updates. That's why they are adding stupid games to please the little kids who shouldn't even be playing the game in the first place.

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  • Sorry to be picky, and you probably posted it as such because I made mention of it, but Lego is a plural singular. Like "moose" you do not need to add an "s" or "es" to denote multiple instances. The english language is a bugger sometimes.

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  • Come on Bungie! We have been waiting forever now for the changes and they still haven't come!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] akuehl Where they went? Really? I kindof thought that was spelled out in Halo 3 if you didn't figure it out from hints in Halo 2.[/quote] *Halo 3 Spoiler* "You [i]are[/i] Forerunner..." -343 Guilty Spark [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sabre002 I want to know what happen to the prox talking, I hear nothing like I did in halo 2 comming through the TV. Is this still something that works in halo 3 or do I have something setup wrong? It just seems that I never hear the other team durring a match at all. [/quote] There is no proximity voicing in any Ranked play lists. But it is in Social play lists and Custom games. [Edited on 11.13.2007 9:04 AM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Col Ackerson One question I believe Nungie is hiding from What is next maybe a HALO4 instead of "Finish the Fight" we start a new one! Besides the flood ins't finished, There is more rings, Brutes on other Planets, and the mystery olf the forerunners isn't done like where they went! Also I wonder what new maps there are, and HOW much there are.[/quote] Where they went? Really? I kindof thought that was spelled out in Halo 3 if you didn't figure it out from hints in Halo 2.

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  • I want to know what happen to the prox talking, I hear nothing like I did in halo 2 comming through the TV. Is this still something that works in halo 3 or do I have something setup wrong? It just seems that I never hear the other team durring a match at all.

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  • I kind of agree with you but I still like the other play lists and why can't bungie just make it so social doubles gives no exp, because that would keep everyone happy

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  • No more social doubles? So how do I practice before my ranked games?? :( I'm glad that we get to suffer because of a small number of cheaters. Yay. And ranked swords? Are you serious!? Is there any other game that's based less on skill? (Apart from rockets) Very disappointed to see swords on the ranked FFA playlist. May mean I give up playing Halo 3 multiplayer all-together. At least until there's a playlist with a decent amount of straight slayer games in it (glad to see less oddball, though, on that note... less crazy king would be good, too!). I am very worried that the priorities of the people setting up the playlists are focused on playing silly, unpredictable game types, rather than tests of the players' skills at playing Halo 3. Ah well, at least team fortress looks pretty good...

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  • The heat maps may be cool but right now they are really slowing down the functionality of the site. Whenever I look at someone else's stats(or my own) it takes 5-10 x longer then usual and sometimes freezes entirely. Can this be looked into?

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  • I think those heat maps are really goining to help out, it will be easier to find where most people are and be able to counter act their strikes.

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  • [quote] I don't know if anyone has already asked this but is this why you are getting rid of social doubles? [/quote] WOAH!!! Holy Mary Jesus and Joseph! That's freaking insane! This guy is cheating the system! He hasn't won a single match! He just levels up over and over and over because his friend on the other team keeps forfeiting the game, and he ends up leveling up! Seriously! Check this guy's game history [url=]here[/url] It's insane, it really is!

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  • I completely agree with you man, they -blam!- garbage at makin updates. All these kids are like good job bungie when Bungies not even doin anything. I agree Bungie is garbage.

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  • Art Vandelay sounds awesome and good joke.

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  • Guys the updates haven't actually been put into play yet, they will be soon. So stop complaining if you had to play Oddball on snowbound last night, it will be gone soon. So just be happy that it IS going:) These updates are awesome though, cept for the swords on lone wolves, dunno bout that. But taking out Epitah and Snowbound on oddball is a GREAT idea, those stupid force feilds make it impossible to get the oddball off anyone. And Valhalla on team slayer is going to be great, i been wanting that for way too long:)

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