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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Spawn: 11/3/2013 10:53:50 PM

Destiny, the swiss army knife of gaming. Addressing all audiences of gamers.

[url=]In DeeJ's mailsack this week, I posed this question:[/url] [quote][b]Posted by: [/b]Spawn How will you be addressing all player audiences within Destiny?[/quote] I'd like to expand on this conversation a bit, because I feel that it's important. Cooperative player or not, I think we can all agree that Destiny will have a wide range of goals, missions, objectives and checkpoints to encounter. Through all of this we have the choice of deciding our own skills as being a solo player, or chiming along with others. We knew that through Bungie's Halo era that there are certainly goals in the game that no achievement can list. The unthinkable. "Mythic" difficulty or "LASO" was invented by the community during Halo 3, only to be later seen used in terminology for Daily/Weekly Challenges in Halo Reach. But during this era, there were certainly more unknown goals to arise - Rube Goldberg machines from forge, screenshot contests, Campaign Challenges, certain medals to attain, style of kills - I'm talking world records. It has been mentioned multiple times in [url=]IGN's article[/url] that [quote]"[b]Destiny is fully playable by yourself, but designed to seamlessly connect you with friends[/b]"[/quote] Since there are no menu screens when you load up Destiny - you're immediately thrown into the world, I'd imagine that there is some-sort of preference system that takes place when your friends are online as well, so you'll appear in the same are as them. But what if you don't want to play with friends online? What if you just want to be a solo player and take things on your own and get that perfect screenshot for that contest? Can you sneak along with other parties of players and take part in their festivities? Will they be able to "kick you out", or perhaps you're part of an enemy group and merely playing the "mole" and trying to gather information. How will this impact your player experience? Have you ever tried to play a massive world game as a solo player? I find it incredibly boring, but that's my own taste and you're entitled to your own. Reversely, if you want to play in Destiny's world, but only for a strictly competitive experience and have no interest in taking part into the lore of Destiny, will that affect you outcome in the world later. (Molyneux anyone?) I hope to see Destiny as the game that fulfills all audiences needs. Some will come to Destiny for competitive matches, others for game progress, achievements and collectables, screenshots and amazing sight seeing, others to have a good laugh at the end of the day. I find it very difficult to address the needs of all these audiences, but I'm not the developer, Bungie is. Will playing as a solo player through a "campaign" be different missions as if you were to play with a group of friends? That's my biggest question at the moment. [i]Should players be forced to experience Destiny with others[/i]? Destiny is being advertised as a coop game, but for those that have no interest in a coop game, will their experience be significantly altered - not better or worse - but may in fact be an entirely different story altogether? Only time will tell. What kind of player are you? What do you hope to achieve as your goals in Destiny? Are you a competitive/casual/social/freelancer player? I believe Destiny's biggest challenge is to preserve the heritage of all kinds of gaming communities. Furthermore, if done right, can also form these communities into new "worlds" so to speak, in that future Destiny games can also be shaped around these ideas that originated from this first community. But that's a whole different topic, speak at what you will. I'll do my best to adress your responses as needed. [quote][b]Questions to address[/b]: > [b]What kind of gamer do you consider yourself? [/b] > [b]What is your most important goal/objective in a video game?[/b] > [b]Are you a solo player? Do you prefer to always game with friends? Maybe somewhere in between?[/b][/quote] [url=]Again, feel free to refer to the picture at the top of my post.[/url]

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  • 1. I consider myself casual in the sense that I like to have fun, but I log enough hours a week to consider gaming a job so I'm not casual in that sense. 2. I like to explore games. Discover things. Learn about the lore and immerse myself in the story. 3. I'm in between. I like playing with friends for the moments that aren't scripted. The "you had to be there" moments, like things someone said or a ridiculous kill. I think you bring up a lot of good points. Based on what little info we have here's my opinion, feel free to disagree...I think Destiny is going to blur the lines of traditional labels (like MMO and FPS) which is why they are calling it a "shared world shooter"...So we need to rethink the idea of "campaign" altogether. I don't think we will be forced to play with others and I don't think the story will be different if anyone chooses to go solo, they'll just won't have the "you had to be there" moments of playing with others. Loot is more satisfying when you don't have to share it though. Like I said above, I like to play with friends, so the majority of the time I will have company. But when they aren't around or I feel like exploring I will be off on my own. Now, if I'm on Mars and I come across you in a battle, I might stop to help you out. As a someone who prefers to play solo, if you see me in a fight, you may choose to keep on going, which is fine. Or you could help me out and when the enemies are gone we part ways. Red Dead Redemption had a multiplayer option where you could explore the sandbox world with others, but once people realized you could kill each other, you would spawn into the map and in 15 seconds someone would ride up and shoot you in the face. There was no reason to work together or even use the designated areas for PvP. It was just mindless killing. It sounds like Bungie has a friendly fire setting in place to prevent that from happening. So far it sounds like Bungie has all the bases covered. If you're a competitive person and don't really care about the story, PvP. If you want to go it alone, feel free...If you run into other Guardians you won't have to worry about them attacking you, and chances are they're on their own path doing their own story and might not be interested in joining you anyway. Again, this is all based on what little info is out and my opinion so feel free to disagree.

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