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2/14/2013 7:13:45 AM

Can't We all Just Live Together

We're all living this thing called life together, sure we have different points of views, and sure it's crazy that we can actually have point of views (depends on your point of view I guess). But life, no matter how much you try to simplify it, is a complex and incomprehensible phenomena. Some think this is part of a plan, others this this is just the product of a series of events, some stress divine intervention, others stress scientific theories. Just disregard your personal beliefs right now and try to think about what life [i]actually[/i] is. Or what it isn't. Maybe reality doesn't exist. That's just as fair game as saying ________ does exist, because really, who knows? It's amazing that we all got to experience this, and I feel bad for those who can't acknowledge our very existence like I do. You feel that? FEEL PROUD TO BE ALIVE

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