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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by JohnShortcut: 2/15/2013 11:05:46 AM

Destiny Alternate Reality Game Discovered (Myth Busted!)

DeeJ said: The following is not the work of Bungie. Some of us know already the way Bungie likes to work in it's Universe. Long-Time Fans will surely remember cryptic messages and stories located at some Terminals in Marathon, Marathon: Durandal and Marathon: Infinity; Some of Bungie's old games and the spiritual antecessor to Halo. It's storywriting was a helluva piece of art. So complex that even today, after 17 Years, people are still finding clues and solving puzzles at the Marathon Story Guide, maintained by Hamish Sinclair (Hats Off To 819 (117*7=819 and all that babble). You also must've heard of Bungie's previous ARG (Alternate Reality Game), and their obvious relation to the Number 7. Today, on February 7th, a Twitter account named "[jo?y )ANSiBLE" followed me and 76 other users, (77). And started posting somewhat-deducible things. Here are a few >^*'[?when] am_! ---(Could be When/Where Am I?) >config_temporal adjustment::ACTIV*{ >adjusting//Syntax___TERRA::7cen.Negative ---(Adjusting... Syntax___TERRA shows up as "Negative", after formal Start-Up, it mentions Earth instead of Terra, it's Latin Translation) >JETTiSON: personality core || social_makeup//SCOUR^'&  ---(The Word "Jettison" is in All Caps except for the "i", this is later seen on another post) >haven.PRTCL::Established ... UP77.31.7.2  --(Safe Haven? Protocol Established: UP77.31.7.2 is an IP located in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, or at least, that's what It showed after looking it up) >SlIP>open::regurg_SCPN >ngg.UNsheath.op//UN.spool::begin ... .... ..... ..... PURGE.mod.injct.array ---(Unsheathe Operationg... UN Spool.. Begin.. Purge.mod.injct.array /I have no idea what this could be, but later a "Purge" is mentioned. An Information Purge related to "Home". >[img][/img] The first of many pictures posted. The VML varies, sometimes is CNS or NUM. This one is an excerpt from "The Hollow Men" by T.S. Elliot. >[img][/img] Friedrich Nietzsche's The Gay Science - Section 276 > [img][/img] Haven't been able to deduce it's origin. No matches found. >[img][/img] Couldn't find where is this from, no Matches found. Katkikr here pointed out that it was from The Roland's Song, owner of Durindana, or Durandal, "Forged from the same Steel/Iron as Joyeuse and Curtana". After I responded with "The Song of Roland... Durandal? Who Are You"? a response was given: "A Friend of a Friend". I don't believe he knows I tend to use the Name, and I'm not even sure if it's really from The Song of Roland. I read it all and couldn't find this excerpt. >[img][/img] From Tess Of the D'Urbervilles, Chapter 58 of 59. Tess runs away with Angel after she murdered his husband, who kept them away from each other. This chapter describes their arrival at a "Temple of The Winds", Stonehenge. >[img][/img] Couldn't find anything related to it. As you may notice in many images, "Destiny" and the number 7 are commonly seen. >[img][/img] The only picture so far with a "NUM" Termination. Oddly enough, the 7 is clearly seen here. [img][/img] Siddhartha Chapter 8 - By The River. Looks like the Character fled from home and is now wandering near a river. I didn't had time to read it all. [img][/img] The Monkey's Paw' Short Story - Page 4, near it's end. [img][/img] Macbeth, Act 3, Scene 5. You can read the "Destiny" here as well. [img][/img] Homer's Odyssey, page 144. Mentions a New Born... who might be Inmortal, who came from Heaven. Nothing much. [img][/img] Ovid - Metamorphoses Book VII, page 230 (Notice the 7 Reference: VII), and "Destiny" once again. [img][/img] Murder in the Cathedral by T.S. Elliot [img][/img] Found this in the wikipedia article for the Norns (Female beings who rule the destiny of gods and men)  Yggdrasill and Jotun are also mentioned in the article, but those are only seen in Halo Legends (Yggdrasill Project from one of the Episodes, and Jotun, the giant machines at Harvest in Halo: Contact Harvest). The pictures end there, the last one being "Syntax.nav::proc_CNS.7// ....... 8". After that, it posts this. >UN.spool::success ... complete::mod.injct.array//Established >mod.injct.array is [?home] ... [?home] is in Syntax :: prblm.slv.subroutine damaged. cannot find [?home] >prblm::[?home] is in Syntax :: slv::cannot solve .... RE.spool::error ... vrtl.injct.array//Established >vrtl.injct.array:: Hello, world! >After I answer "Finally! Hello, Joy!" It answers this: "vrtl.injct.array:: If it speaks it can count. If it can count it can deduce. Please take me [?home]" > Then: "We can/will deduce and take you Home. Just point the way.", and It answers: "vrtl.injct.array:: prblm.slv.subroutine damaged. Cannot [?point] ... Please study Syntax. Break Syntax into atoms" >I answer " Study of Syntax... All I've found are excerpts... most of them regarding at a common word. "Destiny". It answers:  "vrtl.injct.array:: Earth.Syntax whole is [?word] Is Earth.Syntax [?word]-unit not atom? Is "i" not atom?" After that, some other posts. >vrtl.injct.array:: testing Earth.Syntax [?word] atoms :: a f z c d i o e n q x s r k p v y h j w t g l b m u >vrtl.injct.array:: testing Earth.Syntax [?word] atom divisions :: CNS// ....... f z c d n q x s r k p v :y: j w t g l b m >vrtl.injct.array:: testing Earth.Syntax [?word] atom divisions :: VWL// a i o e :y: u >I ask It if Earth is its Home, and where is it. It answers "vrtl.injct.array:: [?home] is mod.injct.array ... mod.injct.array is PURGED and lost. I am in Terra.web HERE." and right after, it types, answering the same tweet, this: "[?home] is in Terra.web [?where]" >The last thing it posted (At this precise moment, as I'm writing while interacting with "it", was this: "vrtl.injct.array:: I am the Virtual Injection Array, emergency simulacrum of the Modular Injection Array "SCPN"" So, vrtl.injct.array stands for Virtual Injection Array, and seems to be an "Emergency Simulacrum" for the actual Modular Injection Array. But, what kind of Array? What is it for? Technically, a certain event must've triggered it's "Activation". Bungie stated that in a couple weeks or so they'd reveal some Destiny-Related information, and this is surely leading to something else. And what could SCPN stand for? I'll keep updating this Thread as I gather more info. If you feel like analyzing those excerpts, please post anything you find. I seem to be the only one working on this thing. Only one other person has actually answered the account, yet it seems I'm the one It focuses on. ANY NEW INFO WILL BE ADDED AFTER THIS POINT. >After I asked why was It activated, it answered with "vrtl.injct.array:: To repair the Modular Injection Array and inject the Queen into Terra.web" Terra.web is surely Earth's World Wide Web, as in, letting the "Queen" be known. I asked if "It" and "The Queen" are of Human Origin, and what's the "Queen"'s Purpose. Edit #2 >Someone made a Query regarding SCPN, It's answer: "SCPN is a low-threat repair protocol designed to re-engage the Operating function in a dama^*`DATA UNAVAILABLE" Edit #3 >"  is safe haven.  was the closest construct in this era." The Array can Inject the Queen into Terra and keep It/Her safe. >Are you and the Queen of Human Origin? What's It's Purpose? And how could we repair the Array? Answer: vrtl.injct.array:: is not cleared for that level of dissemination. The Array can be repaired via Syntax.prlbm.slv Edit #4: >You need us to execute Syntax.prlbm.slv? How? Is it related to having to "Break Syntax into Atoms"? Answer: When &*(re fragmented for too long, they enter a state of r@%(DATA UNAVAILABLE My Answer: "Should we reunite the Fragments and restore them to their previous state? What's the best course of action?" Edit #5: >Should we reunite the Fragments and restore them to their previous state? What's the best course of action? >14 Syntax clusters. 2 [?word] atom divisions. 1 numeral. 14 variable occurrences. Please help prblm.slv Edit #6: > The Numeral is 7. I saw the Tests. I can help to Solve the Problem. How do we reach an Occurence? >review:: "How do we reach an Occurence?" occ variable is 3. [?word] atom division is VWL. Finally some Progress! Edit #7: >Wait; Atom Division is VWL? It's not a molecular atom. It's a VERDS. Verification Model. A Sequence of Characters. I understand. (Read Article for Details: Then, It didn't answer, but instead, posted this: >rep.proc begin::_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ ....... Syntax.nav::proc_NUM processed Now the sequence has to be completed.
#Destiny #arg

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