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Edited by Lord Revan: 1/12/2013 12:23:36 AM

Member Investment Systems

The site upgrade is awesome, yet is seemingly lacking some member investment systems. Though there will be those who will seek stardom by obtaining the most followers possible, there seems to be a genuine lack of something to work toward. The Bungie of old, as we know, had the title system in place as a means to show dedication, trust, and time on the site. Was it perfect? No, but it was something to show just how invested a member was in the community. People strive for that special something that sets them apart. While we know that the webteam has investment systems on the horizon that promise to reward legacy members, why don't we pitch some concepts? Include ideas mainly for non-game integrated systems, but it wouldn't hurt to add game-related systems as well. Don't forget group related ideas! Groups could use some awesome additions too! [b][u]Investment Systems:[/u] [/b] -[i]Title System[/i] with a selection: include time on Bungie, post count, group activity, followers, and how many you follow, and trust, maybe even -blam! counts, image/youtube/link additions (any other metrics I've forgotten -Think of Gears of Wars tier system of title unlocks with medals) as parameters for selection. Ideally, this could even be connected to in-game actions, but ultimately let us pick from available titles. The webteam could also award unique titles for a month period for special actions on site. Groups could use a system similar to this where at a given "tier" members could select from a limited selection of titles for more diversity. -[i]Badge system[/i]: Icon displays on profile page indicating actions on the main site or awarded by group leaders for actions in groups. This, along with titles, is a must have for group leaders. Separating group members into tiers was an awesome way to show their dedication and badges could simply add to the reward systems that group leaders could craft. -[i]Site Currency[/i]: Perhaps a bit too complicated, but I'd love a system of unlocking themes, avatars, and titles based on in-game actions (achievements unlocked), site actions, and mobile app activity for personalization. Could include special badges or titles for legacy members (meaning veterans of Bnet) while providing a healthy amount for newbies too. Most veterans would likely have access to everything immediately, but it could provide something uniquely captivating for new members. -[i]Gallery Additions[/i]: Both an investment concept and just a good idea - Build up a stronger gallery for members to show off their fanart. Reward the top tier submissions with titles/avatars/etc. or something more unique. EDIT: I imagine most of these additions could be contained to the profile page without making it seem overly cluttered. I imagine a clean profile with the ability to display a game screenshot/video of choosing, showcase titles earned in-game or onsite perhaps with accompanying cards (think Call of Duty Black Ops 2), and perhaps a method by which to show game stats. Badges and your title could be restricted to your profile, even those earned in groups (perhaps an ability to showcase one group would be beneficial too). Make the profile the location for a member's accolades and keep the forums clean and based on conversation. Any other ideas, especially in relation to group related investment systems?

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