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10/24/2007 10:38:14 PM

Bungie Visits MLG Finals in Vegas

Bungie's tales from the Major League Gaming Finals in Las Vegas. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12892] click for full story [/url]

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  • h3 mlg ftw and.... last

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] xI stradix Ix I really could care less about the "Pros". They're gonna be half as good in H3 without their precious double-shot with the BR. P.S. I'm not saying that those guys are horrible, they are [i]really[/i] good, I'm just saying that they win so much because of the double-shot.[/quote] ....No. Watch an MLG 4v4 game form last year. You will see little if any doubleshotting.

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  • mlg is awesome. everyone that participates is flawless. no one ever uses double-shot to win games. everyone there is amazing. yay yay yay [Edited on 10.29.2007 7:39 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Chapstick [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Achronos Poor parenting? Good Lord, man. ESRB ratings are meant as guidelines, just as movie ratings are. Parents can take a kid into an R rated movie if they feel their kid can deal with it (and many do). Same goes for M rated games. The rating system is important, but as a tool for parents, who can and should be the ultimate arbiter of their kids' consumption of such content. Lil' Poison isn't going around to these things by himself, his parents oblivious, you know. He didn't buy Halo by himself, his parents judged he could play it. I'm certainly not going to tell them how to parent their child. You clearly don't understand how the ratings systems is supposed to be used.[/quote] I assure you, I [i]do[/i] understand both the design and the intent of the ESRB ratings system. I recognize that it is self-regulating, and that compliance with its tenets is strictly voluntary. I realize that it is a tool to assist parents in determining what may or may not be appropriate for their child, and that there may be unintended consequences from a child's exposure. I also understand the design and intent behind the Surgeon General's warning so conspicuously placed on cigarette packs. Strange - they seem to be virtually identical both in intent [i]and[/i] in design... I'm not saying anybody did anything illegal, I'm merely saying that Bungie has implicitly endorsed under-aged gaming, which says something - intentional or not - about the position Bungie takes with respect to under-aged gamers, and by proxy the feelings toward the ESRB ratings system in general. I recognize that it is the parent's responsibility in the end, but what happens when that responsibility is neglected? Do we not have a collective responsibility for the children? If I smoke cigarettes in my house, across the table from my three-year-old, should I not be subjected to the harshest of criticism? When my child exhibits symptoms of chronic bronchitis (or any of a number of other similar resultant diseases), am I not culpable? Say what you want about the inherent dangers of smoking tobacco versus playing video games (which have had an industry-sanctioned system created to avoid unintentional exposure to children of varying age groups), but it cannot be argued that exposing a [i][b]five-year-old[/b][/i] - and yes, I know he's currently nine, but per the [url=]Lil Poison website[/url], he started playing in MLG events at the tender age of five (and played Halo at the age of three); you know, before he could [b]read[/b] - it cannot be argued that exposing a child so young, to games so graphic in their depictions of violence, is in any way healthy. Put it this way - a typical five-year-old, at Halloween, can be in the same room as a familiar adult (a parent, uncle, etc.), and watch this adult put on a gorilla suit (or other costume) - minus the headpiece. This typical five-year-old will have no problems with the costume whatsoever - until the headpiece is put on. From the moment the mask is put on, a typical five-year-old will be overwhelmed with fear, and only the removal of the mask (or the adult wearing it) will quell the fear. To suggest that such an impressionable, and inherently naïve child can understand the differences between reality and gaming, when the same child believes his familiar adult has suddenly morphed into a gorilla, is ludicrous. [b][i]Ludicrous[/i][/b]. To similarly suggest that exposing a child at this age to "M" rated games, "R" rated movies, and even movie trailers for titles such as [i]Saw IV[/i], is [i]not[/i] potentially damaging, is ignorant. To [i]actually do so[/i] is neglect. To both do so and to [i]defend[/i] it, is malevolent. Now, before anyone accuses me of being a facist, I will say that I am a staunch advocate of free speech - even the free speech to which I might otherwise object - and I wholly support the rights of game developers to create and market games which might themselves be found objectionable. I do, however, believe that parenthood is [i]not[/i] a right as such, but is instead a privilege and a responsibility of incredible proportion. I feel very strongly that the vast majority of "parents" these days are televisions, game consoles, PCs, and other entertainment media - not the genetic donors of first order. If you want to accuse me of having non-sanctioned political ideals, call me a communist. At any rate, I sincerely wish that Bungie, MLG, Microsoft, et al would distance themselves from the under-aged gaming epidemic, and recognize (indeed, embrace) the responsibility they have of keeping potentially damaging games out of the hands of youngsters. I don't personally enjoy playing with 12- and 13-year-olds on XBL, but there is a [i]huge[/i] difference between a pre-teen and an elementary student (much less a kindergartner). Insofar as I dislike playing with pre-teens, I loathe playing with children whose ages can be expressed with a single digit. In case any potential responder didn't see my other posts on this subject, I [i]am[/i] a father of two. What I haven't said is that my children [i]are[/i] allowed to play video games, watch television, movies, etc., and although I sometimes scoff at the ratings for these various media types, I don't jump across three categories under any circumstances (E-c, E, E-10+, E, T, M - I could technically call that a jump of four...), and I'm not so deluded to think that my children can fathom the myriad of input from any of them. Sure, they'll get the gist of a Dora cartoon, or they'll enjoy [i]Cars[/i], and they love playing the Blue's Clues video game, but they don't catch the underpinnings of any of them (consciously), and certainly don't recognize things like product placement, suggestion, and other psychological bull-blam!- being played out to their senses. Moreover, my video game library consists almost exclusively of "M" rated titles, but these I can only play when my children are not present. Halo, while by far the most played game in my collection (in any of its iterations), and equally well the least worry of the "M" rated titles I own (Crackdown, Gears of War, even Call of Duty are [i]much[/i] worse), is a title I still refrain from playing in my children's presence. If the leading authorities on psychology cannot agree what impact games such as these may have on such young children, then why not exercise some caution? So barring any direct responses which I feel merit a counter, I shall leave it at this: [b]We should endorse responsibility in parenting. Even the appearance of neglect should be discouraged.[/b] Now, I'm going to watch that MLG jumping video again and see what I can learn... Love and hugs, -- Stan[/quote] You sound like a Jack Thompson rip-off. Do us all a favor and GTFO! As a parent of two (supposedly) I'm sure you have better things to do then write up essays about endorsing under-age gaming. Remember folks; games don't kill people. People kill people.

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  • is that little kid lil poison? he looks like him

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Achronos Just a few quick points. The guys who run MLG and the guys who are regularly playing on their touring tournaments are awesome guys - professional, excellent players. The "MLG" on the Internet, however, is composed of mostly a bunch of imposters who think that because they prefer playing the same gametypes as the official MLG tournament gametypes that they are somehow allowed to dictate how the game should be played to everyone who doesn't l ike to play like that. As to the animation glitching - as you might have noticed on Xbox Live, it is pretty impossible to police that kind of thing, even with judges. So, they simply allow it because they recognize that teamwork and communication are far more important to winning in Halo than any stupid animation glitch. Saying that 90% of the "real" tournament players would be helpless without animation glitches is utterly absurd, and is bordering on trolling. As for Lil' Poison, his parents know that the ESRB is meant as a guideline to assist parents in making appropriate choices for their children. Based on my knowledge of him and my exposure to you, Morpheus414, Lil' Poison is apparently more mature than you are (and he's not 3, I think he's like 9 or 10). Way to propagate ignorance, though. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Morpheus414 MLG=ballswallowers. And shame on Bungie for promoting a company that supports, exploits and includes Button Combos in their rules to help amplify their game. I guaranteee you if you take those animation stopping glitches away, a good 90% of these "pros" would be helpless in battle. And don't even get me started on Lil Poison. What kinda dumbass parent would give a 3 year old kid a box with a huge -blam!- 'M' on it?!? Double shame for condoning him, too. The world is going to hell in a handbasket and so help me, I'll help him out too.[/quote][/quote] Achronos, I just want to thank you for this post. This truly re-affirms my faith that bungie has been able to distinguish between the actual MLG community and the "poser" MLG community. It truly saddens me to see some of the opinions of some of the "Anti MLG players" on these boards, but I can't say I completely blame them. Based upon some of the posts I've seen on this forum from immature gamers claiming to be "MLG" players and community members, I can begin to understand how these opinions were formed. Personally, I have no problem with other players playing the game the way they choose. I would never knock another player for not liking or using MLG gametypes. I just hope that you won't discriminate and insult me because I enjoy playing that way. Insulting my likes, or making personal insults because I play a game differently than you is extremely unfair. I wish that every halo player could have a chance to compete at an event. It is truly an amazing experience, and I wish bungie would have had a chance to come to a full event. Almost every other event for the past two years has had over 180 teams show up for halo, and I hope bungie knows that. I'm glad bungie got a chance to appreciate the spectator side of MLG though. You really can't imagine it until you've actually experienced it first hand. Watching MLG grow over the past couple of years has been extremely rewarding and exciting to me. I hope to see Bungie even more involved in the future, and I thank them for all they have done in the past. On a separate note.....To those of you bashing "LiL Poison" or the parenting of his father. [b]How Dare You. [/b]99.9% of you have never, and will never meet either of them. How dare you judge either of them. Are you honestly going to tell me that you're going to criticize someone on their merit as a parent, when your exposure of them is limited to a few news articles and hearsay? I have personally met both LiL Poison and his father Sic Vic, and although my experience with both was short and limited, I've seen them both at events for several years now. I've sat down in a chair next to LP and I've played next to him for long periods of time. I've spoke to his father in person, and I can safely say that I was extremely impressed not only by the maturity and respect enumerating from his son, but by the amazing personality and responsibility of his father. I spoke to Sic Vic at my first tournament several years ago and it really amazed me to see how much Vic cares about his son. I cannot believe someone would actually criticize him for allowing his son to play a video game. The game is not a realistic game by any means. That was not it's intent. Contrary to what you believe, Vic is not some irresponsible, unfit parent, allowing his son to potentially harm himself or ruin his life. Vic would never do anything or allow his son to participate in anything that could potentially harm him. I have a ton of respect for Vic not lashing out against some of you. I doubt I could do the same in the same situation. I'll say it again. How dare you.

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  • For everyone saying mlg is crap because they allow button glitches then you are stupid. It's impossible to stop when it's in the game. You can't watch a 100 screens at once making sure no one is doing it. Super bouncing is banned because it is obvious and an exploit of the game.

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  • i played a game with lil poison...he didnt like the fact that i was out BRing him and the one time he out BR'd me, he called me a "nub -blam!-"....I told him to put his dad on the mic. hahahahaha The kid is good...for his age...outside of that, he is an average mlg player that gets alot of attention because of his skill : age ratio.

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  • Haha! Does any one know what the score was with Charlie vs. Lil Poison?

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  • I just wish there was no button glitches so no one could question who is good at halo

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] FevaAa [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Cool The Legend The Ogre twins might be nice guys but there are more than enough guys in MLG who are just complete jerks.[/quote] I have been to many MLG events and the old AGP events and I have only met mabie 5 or 6 jerks while there. [/quote] Good point. You'll find jerk accountants, jerk Jews, jerk smart people, jerk dumb people...jerks are everywhere. Don't discount a whole group just because they have a few bad apples on their tree; chances are, you do, too.

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  • Achronos, props for bringing in a busload of common sense and reason.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Cool The Legend The Ogre twins might be nice guys but there are more than enough guys in MLG who are just complete jerks.[/quote] I have been to many MLG events and the old AGP events and I have only met mabie 5 or 6 jerks while there.

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  • The Ogre twins might be nice guys but there are more than enough guys in MLG who are just complete jerks.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] nyleon00 hey stan :) this is lp dad. as long as i say he can play he can play. the competitive side of the game is no way M (thats my opinion). and besides its the parents decision and not yours to choose or assume what kids could or can't play. the rating system is set for stores not to sell particular games to younger gamers but for the parents to do so if they see the game is suitable for their child to play. its no way a law stating that they can not play at all. he is no way allowed to play any game of his choosing. i as a parent always review and go over everything that he plays, watches and hears. and its not only video games.(documentary coming soon :) ) anyways thanks for having such a great game. the halo game has kept our family and many other families and friends come together and also keeping a lot of kids out of the street doing things that parents aren't there to visually see. and also thanks to mlg for a great 4+ years. Vic[/quote] Vic, good to see you respond in this thread. BTW, Halo 3 tourney in Wallingford Conn sometime before the New Years. I will let you know about it when I get more info. -Fever-

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Chapstick My feelings on MLG aside (they have their uses, despite their egos), I am saddened at the implied condoning of "Lil Poison" and his gameplay. This is a nine-year-old. He, and anyone else under the age of 17, has no business playing an M-rated game - much less being a member of a "professional" organization. Most tournaments - casual or otherwise - require players to be over the age of 18 to play, nevermind the minimum age required to [i]purchase[/i] this game. I don't get it. MLG, whatver. Underage gamers? This should in no way be condoned, and should in no way be encouraged. By posting images and accounts of playing this game with a -blam!- fourth-grader, Bungie has done both. I wonder if "Lil Poison" played Gears of War (with all its profanity and gore)... So shame be upon you, Bungie, for exalting the poor parenting so prevalent today, and for your implication that it's okay for [b][i]children[/i][/b] to play M-rated games. By this same implication, I suppose Bungie also supports under-aged drinking, under-aged viewing of X-rated material, under-aged smoking, etc. Sure, you say, that's preposterous, but why is it that the Halo series is rated "M" in the first place? Could Bungie not have removed and/or altered content to achieve an "E", or even a "T" rating? Absolutely. But they didn't. This suggests that they [i]wanted[/i] an "M" rating, or that they at the least didn't want to edit their game to reduce its rating. So, they [b][i]clearly[/i][/b] don't believe in the rating system, and [b][i]clearly[/i][/b] condone under-age gaming with respect to their, and evidently other, "M" rated games. Thanks. -- Stan[/quote] I am friends with Lil Poison and his dad Victor and Sic Vic has raised his son up nicely. I have seen Lil P grow up from being a little 4 year old boy to where he is now 6 years later and not once have I heard Lil P swear. Do you know the kids who act up and act out what they see in video games are kids whose parents are usually never around to parent them? Lil Poison is always around his parents at all times and they taught him right from wrong. -Fever- (AKA Da Fever, TNA FEVER)

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  • MLG TS is currently one of the most played custom games, so it seems like they are becoming a pretty big part of the community. And the events are amazing; to play in and watch. The atmosphere is just amazing, so if anyone who hasn't been to one gets a chance, make sure you go.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Son of Sparda Dude, MLG is competitive I like both casual and competitive play. I'd like to try an play against a MLG-er[/quote] Maybe someday son. Maybe someday. And why do so many people here hate MLG? And I notice the people who hate MLG the most are the people who are (dare I say it) jealous. Whether it's because you aren't good with BR starts, grenade placement or whatever, the bottom line is that you're just jealous. You know if Bungie or Microsoft held events like MLG, with perhaps SMG or AR start and you could be as successful as the top Pro's in MLG then you know you would in a heartbeat. People here despise MLG simply because they aren't good, just because members Final Boss each have individual $250,000 contracts (over the course of 3 years) are mad because an $80,000+ (per year) salary is more than they make right now, and FB is making it by doing what they love. You wouldn't be trolling these forums if you didn't (for the people who post about hating MLG and saying it takes no skill). You are narrow minded people who are the types of people who set humanity back hundreds of years because you can't embrace the change in our culture. I don't go posting around here stating the people who believe that MM takes more skill than a game with MLG settings should go -blam!- themselves or whatever. I prefer one over the other but I'm not hating. Everyone just needs to chill a bit over the whole MLG vs Bungie/MM or whatever. It's all the same, because it's the same game. Give credit where credit is due. Bungie for making the game and designing MM. And to MLG for balancing the game, making it competitive, and forming the largest most successful console league in the world. On another note, Lil Poison, Poison and Vic are some of the nicest people you can meet at an MLG event. Again people are just jealous that child of 9 is able to comprehend a game that takes skill whether it be MM or MLG. Lil Poison wouldn't be where he is today without excellent parenting skills and a loving and supporting family. And that goes for anyone and anything. Good day everyone. And for everyone who hates and isn't truly jealous......why? And please elaborate. [Edited on 10.25.2007 4:07 PM PDT]

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  • indeed, they are nice guys. as well as all the other mlg pros i've talked to. (i've been to one MLG was good times for sure)

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  • They're actually really nice guys.

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  • By the way Ogre 1 and Ogre 2 give me the creeps.

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  • The "M" rating doesn't really mean anything except there is blood a not much bad language. Oh yah go me! Woot! level 41and going up and i'm 12 and started at 6! Great game Bungie Halo 3 rocks and there is not much glitching options(wich is good and make it better.). Maybe a update when we will get some new maps? //!! rant !!!// Wooot 6th page

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  • It's safe to say that Achronos' comment holds some truth. There is a large number of people who play by MLG's settings and use it as an ego boost. MLG's immediate community and its larger, less vocal following do not, however. Stereotyping the egotist MLG players is an easy way to explain the situation, although he probably should have given his good word to other MLG players who aren't jerks. It's no biggie though, Bungie is already being very generous to MLG.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Achronos Just a few quick points. The guys who run MLG and the guys who are regularly playing on their touring tournaments are awesome guys - professional, excellent players. The "MLG" on the Internet, however, is composed of mostly a bunch of imposters who think that because they prefer playing the same gametypes as the official MLG tournament gametypes that they are somehow allowed to dictate how the game should be played to everyone who doesn't l ike to play like that.[/quote] I don't understand how you can say that when the vast majority of the MLG players in this thread have been civil, and a good portion of the Bungie crowd have been amazingly juvenile. There are jerks online who think they represent MLG, and they give everybody a bad name, but most are just normal, decent, and cool to hang around. And I wouldn't call somebody who enjoys MLG gametypes an 'impostor', but more like someone in the community, just as we are all in a sense in the Halo community, and not 'impostors' because we don't work for Bungie. The hatred I see on this thread and in the Bungie forums is weird and suprising, yet it's MLG who are the jerks? But anyways, thanks for coming down, it was awesome to see the Vegas story on the front page of Bungie.

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  • wow.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] II ORGASMIC II [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] X THUNDER Nice to see Bungie promoting MLG a company which rules for games they play break the Xbox Live Terms of Use.[/quote] They are not breaking any rules. MLG tournaments are played on LAN not Xbox Live. Therefor, Xbox Live Terms of Use do not affect them because they are not on Xbox Live. [/quote] We may disagree on some points here and there, Orgasmic, but your statements are well-thought and well-organized, and I appreciate the difference of opinion. Good show. -- Stan

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