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10/13/2007 12:24:16 AM

Bungie Weekly Update: 10/12/07

A few tidbits regarding famous Ballers and armor permutations as we head into the weekend. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12857] click for full story [/url]

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  • bungie, i physically want to say sorry for every person that has talked trash to you guys on live. i dont get it. people are just ungrateful. you give them an amazing game, and they end up disrespecting you later when playing the game. but then again, i hope you ban hammered his ass back to the stone age. ungrateful bastard.

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  • This isn't really any complaint, just a question. Why are all the maps only spawning Warthogs, instead of Prowlers? Don't get me wrong, I like driving/riding a Warthog as much as the next guy, but I think the Prowler is a pretty nifty vehicle. Again, much thanks for Halo 3 and a toast to you guys remaking Marathon.

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  • Sincerest apologies about the one who told you to turn down the retardation. It may have been my step dad. : l However, I have to say what a spectacular jip it is that it isn't even being considered that the recon helmet among other varient armor pieces are not even being thought about in terms of public release as dc at some point. You would simply abuse your power as the game creators giving yourself some cooler crap than the rest of us!?! YOU DEVILS! I'd do the same. Don't give anybody nothin!

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  • yo lukems! ok o i realize that i am no better than ANYONE else in life or Halo ir w/e but i am really curious 'bout what they look like, if either you can send me a message here or in Halo about where i can see what they look like would b awsome...! PS... thats awsome that u guys were born on the same day! PSS um... hmm... uhhh... yeah... omg i frgot!! lol oh well! (>^.^)>© <== have a cookie!

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  • i lauagh you arnet geting the armor haha.. Bungie rocks

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  • Ha! Ha!

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  • I don't want your steak dinners Luke, they're probably poisoned... Here, go eat them by yourself.

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  • Reeeeeeeecon! XD Can`t wait to see the new maps! I like the prospect of snipers and swords; an interesting combination to say the least (although it is true as far as balance is concerned, it all depends on the map you play on, as noted by lukems).

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  • "I’m making a list, I’m checking it twice, and it’s a list of dumb messages (and perfectly polite ones) inquiring about the Recon armor permutation. The short answer to those inquiries is, “No, you can’t have it.” The people you see with the Recon helmet are Bungie employees, and they did nothing in-game to unlock it. There is nothing you can do to unlock it." there you have it... to those who ARENT bungie staff and somehow managed to get it, congrats... it would be sweet to have Legit Level 40 In Lonewolves (Yeah Thats Right, I Dont Need Any Help) [Edited on 10.13.2007 6:11 PM PDT]

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  • So um.......I'm pretty sure I use the Recon helmet...I'm at drill right now and left yesterday...did something change between now and then?

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  • [i]"Your rank and advancement through the ranking system isn’t a linear experience. There isn’t a “if I win 8 games in a row, I should go up X ranks.” Behind the scenes, we’re calculating all manner of information about your play style, skill, foes and party mates. Because the “leveling curve” isn’t a straight line, someone might get to level 30 in Team Slayer in 50 games, or someone might take a year to reach level 30 in Team Slayer. There’s no hard and fast rule to gaining rank aside from winning games, but even then, there’s no rule as to how fast you’ll advance. The system is infinitely more complicated than just a number being displayed in your profile." [/i] Just as Bungie has no explanation for me and a few of my friends can win 28 out of 30 Team Slayer matches, getting "steak dinners" in about 1/2 of them, and still only level up twice. I'm not saying I should level up "X ranks", but being a level 24, I wouldn't expect it to be this difficult to level up. I don't want to hear the explanation that it relates to the skill level of your opponents (nearly every game was against opponents eual in skill level to our own). I don't want to hear anything about individual performances and kill to death ratios (every one of us took turns being the MVP, having the most kills, having the best K/D ratio). What I want to know is how can we completely dominate for 30 matches, and NOT level up? I guess I wouldn't be annoyed except for that when we finally lost, we lose a skill level (no matter if that 1 loss just broke a 13 game win streak). Not trying to be rude, just curious if their could be an error of some sort in the calculation system? Does it relate to the time period that my in-game stats were not linked with my bungie profile? Just curious, that is all. ~SKOALtacular

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Brand of Honor It's the coolest since you can't have it. If you couldn't have hayabusa, it would be the coolest.[/quote] too true. btw just for the people who are as confused as i was ^^ [b][/b] ----> take the space out of ".gif" dunno why its there ^^ top right is Recon i think. and the "unknown" is the rogue...again...i think :) marathon gear looks just as cool as recon imo...well...maybe not quite ;P [Edited on 10.13.2007 5:12 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Greyfox135 Totally bummed that we do not get the Recon Armour. It is seriously the coolest looking Armour out of them all. I hope that one day Bungie will change their minds and let the public have it...Oh Well...At least I have an awesome game to play!! In all seriousness: Thank you Bungie! Great update.[/quote] It's the coolest since you can't have it. If you couldn't have hayabusa, it would be the coolest.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] x Vennom x All of you whiners out there who are pissed off about not being told that the recon armor is unlockable get over it! I don't believe that they ever told you it was available and yet you still wasted hours of your life jumping through hoops to get something just because someone else had it and you thought it looked cool. You can't even see your spartan unless you die, who are you trying to look cool for in the game. Who gives a rat what you look like, you die the same whatever armor you are wearing! By the way I saw a guy wearing armor with crossed katanas on his back.[/quote] ugh. shut up you crying little -blam!-

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  • What's the long answer to the Recon armour? Just curious

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  • what . i love bungie too but i would never say that. it sounds wrong Also HALO 3 is the best. [Edited on 10.13.2007 3:18 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] GrifterCJN When will we get the direct answers from our questions on the big "Q & A" a couple of weeks ago? And BTW, despite any and all complaints about y'alls game, rest assured it's still the best one out there, hands down! [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] lukems A few tidbits regarding famous Ballers and armor permutations as we head into the weekend. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12857] click for full story [/url][/quote][/quote] Oh yes, despite our complaints, which refer to the game sucking, and false promises being made, Halo 3 is the best thing, hands down? People like you piss me off, just because it's made from bungie doesn't mean that it's like a godly -blam!- encased in small packaging (Unless you count the disk hole), jesus christ! We're pissed off because they didn't address any of the issues at all, (Commando shoulders being bugged and so forth) and basically told us that we "Failed" at the terminals. They haven't discussed the Custom Games abscence (not in a weekly update, at least, although I'm sure if they DID they would just lie and say "we can't do it", which, if you go back to one of the "we want a custom games search" threads, Achronos stated that they COULD, but they just don't want to) and they made us waste 2 weeks and 600 pages trying to find the recon armor, which had front page for those 2 weeks, Lukems POSTED in it laughing at someone for lying about beating the game on legendary with all skulls, (and yet he never said it wasn't unlockable) and any Bungie Employee could've easily posted in it (Oh wait! They already did! Too bad they didn't address the issue!) saying that it wasn't! Instead, they post this Update and laugh at us saying that it was never unlockable. I will NEVER buy a bungie product EVER again, they are INCREDIBLY rude, and as far as I'm concerned, the Orange Box is a HELL of a lot better. 2 more things Even if they DIDN'T promise a custom games search, it should STILL be in there And think of Buying Halo 3 like Voting for George Bush, You voted for him, who cares what you think, he can do whatever the hell he wants! Now, while that IS true, it doesn't mean it should be, he should do a good job as president, just the same as buying Halo 3, you bought it, they can do whatever they want! But they probably SHOULDN'T, and actually address the issues and stop being total dicks

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  • So what do you think the maps are that Luke stated? I think Jodrell Bank is something that might be a Hang Em' High remake, a Damnation remake, or Chill Out because of the Observatory part of it. John Carpenter's Prince of Dorkiness might be a new map that is in High Charity or something else. And finally Moonbase Alpha might be a Sidewinder, Burial Mounds or something set in Ice Fields remake. Heck even a Threshold game map.

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  • DAMN YOU BUNGIE!!! Recon armor is best looking armor permutation. Is that why you decided not to give to players? Damn you again. Halo 3 is awesome though. Can we get Recon as DLC? PLEASE!

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  • Just dropping by to say that you guys are the best. Has anyone else found the cavemen yet? message me on this account if you know anything about it! Bungie you need a myspace!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Nothing about the custom search? Okay, you say it won't work... did you ever think about thinking outside the box and putting a search up on this website, not specifically in the game? How bout promoting Ya, you tested it, and it didn't work... you tested Backwash too... Over 2000 of us want a Custom search. 90% of the people who voted do. You can tell us we're the only ones, but if you believe that, I have some Recon armor I can sell you.

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  • I'm sure someone somewhere knows how to get that Recon helmet Why did bungie have to take out the coolest of all helmets and keep it :( they should have kept that fist helmet for themselves, the one that looks like skuba gear

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  • Yeah, who cares about Recon armor? Elite's are where it's at anyway. But seriously, if new maps and game types are being created, why not create more armor as well? While a certain level of inherent coolness comes from simply playing Halo 3, it would be even cooler if armor updates and custom game/forge option updates were made along with the new maps and whatever else Bungie has in store for the Halo 3 community.

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  • anyone happen to have a picture of these helmets i have never seen them, i dont think i will ever be lucky enough to play with bungie people anyway, did play witha PMSer once though that was kinda neet but i digress PICTURES?

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  • cool, i never rly liked the flames helmet thing anyway, im fine with the other armors.... rly cool about the new maps tho...... especially "John Carpenter’s Prince of Dorkness".... sounds scary-exciting haha

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  • Cool update, can't wait for the new maps. I never have heard of EXP boosting though.

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