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10/13/2007 12:24:16 AM

Bungie Weekly Update: 10/12/07

A few tidbits regarding famous Ballers and armor permutations as we head into the weekend. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12857] click for full story [/url]

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  • very nice. But guys at Bungie, how does ranking REALLY work with points and all? The specifics... There was a very detailed explanation for halo 2, can we expect one for halo 3?

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  • "What is steaktacular?" Alright from what I heard, it was added on there when they(Bungie staff) played someone(I believe his name was luke) that said that he will win by 20 or more points. semi-long story short. they(bungie staff) got to 31 kills and the guy(I believe luke) owed them a steak dinner as per the bet he made. so now u get a that medal every time you win (i believe) a slayer game by 20 or more kills. Bungie has a strange sense of humor... :p

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  • Look for Bungie employee gamer tag names (Humpday challenge videos display them playing and "wearing" the flaming helmet.)

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  • I haven't seen and flaming helmets in Halo 3. Someone post a screen shot please. If already posted, then someone send me a link, I don't have all day to just sit around searching the web.

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  • I have just unlocked my "Marathon Man Achievement." I understand that a lot of people are really confused about how it works. What I did was go in order (3 - 3 - 1) and start at the beginning of the mission, not in the middle. I also went all the way through and got them instead of getting one and then going to a check point. get them all at the same time. You can also quit the level after you have gotten them all for that particular level.

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  • I really only have one (and a half) pressing question(s) that I can find no answers to... What is steaktacular, and when does Luke get me my steak? Does anyone hold the keys to the answer?

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  • What is the deal with the whole pants/kahki shorts thing and HR? Shoot, I'm now a Softie and I don't wear pants, shoot, I ride my bike to work and many times go commando as I forget 'other stuff'. I don't talk to HR if I can help it, sounds like you d00ds had some real -blam!- HR flunkes. Y'all sitting around in your underwear, drinking beer and watching the game?

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  • this is really dumb atleast we should be able to buy the helmets with microsoft points if theres no way to get them.

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  • Hey guys, could you release a statement on why some players, including myself can win 10 games in a row and not level up? I'm currently a 46 and won over 10 games tonight... some i went really positive and some i went slightly negative... some were with higher ranks and some with lower... All the games are really tight, aka hard to win, and I'm just wondering on how this system is working, because, to some of the members, it doesn't seem to be working...

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  • L3L yeah, I need a pea-sized head too... especially for those ferkin' shotty sniper rounds. Grrrrrrr.....

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  • why cant i get the little icon next to my name when im playing halo 3? im a member of this site but i dont have the icon next to my gamertag. [Edited on 10.15.2007 11:39 PM PDT]

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  • Dear Luke, If you are the wrong person to contact about a problem of this nature, would you please refer me to the correct person? I may be wrong about this, but I seem to have encountered a bug in the ranking of Halo 3. I have more than 5 experience points in matchmaking, and have played many more than 10 games, but I don't have the "Graduate" achievement. My understanding is that much of the armor available is unlocked by getting achievements, so this may mean that I can't get some piece of the armor. It's also just BLAM! to never be able to get the full 1000 points out of a game because of a silly error, even if it's my error. How do I go about fixing this, without losing everything else for which I have worked. I'm one of the many giant geeks who reads the comics, listened to the ilovebees audio show, purchased the giant geek (legendary) edition of your game, and as you no doubt can tell, frequents (since myth), so you need not ask yourself if I'm really committed to getting all this jazz out of Halo 3. I must have it... all of it. Thank you for your time, -YKantBobReed-

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  • When I'm online I have heard numerous persons complaining about the Halo 3 maps... Many Halo fans want to see some of the favorite Halo 2 maps brought back into play for Halo 3(Ascension, Turf, Terminal, Sanctuary, and Collosus are mainly the maps that I hear). What are the chances that some of these maps are going to be brought back into play???

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  • heh, sure sounds like you're sucking up Tyrant. :p anyway, i think that being employed by a successful game studio would be fun... i don't do anything else anyway. cept, like... eat, sleep... make various messes... uh. where do i sign up, exactly? <.< >.>

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  • Can't wait for the new maps, hopefully some smaller maps, for more combat.

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  • I think there is a way to get that recon armor which only bungie employees can have. Get employed by bungie! lol

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  • actually if u wanna kno the truth i wasnt saying any of this to anyone in this thread. i was saying more for the mind set that alot of people have. Honestly, with the crazy physics engine they have in H3, im sure that they can make some pretty cool (maybe slightly cheap) weps if they really wanted to. the specter was definitely a funny vehicle. maybe bring a pelican or one of those covenant "buses". there are endless possibilities really. hahaha so magas i wasnt pointing you out at all.

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  • Alright to point some things out I wasn't "complaining" about the armor and still not by this message. All I was trying to do was to add a suggestion to Bungie. I know that there are plenty of armor right now but what else is Bungie going to make for downloadable content? Besides maps, I'm pretty posotive that they arent going to make any more weapons. Maybe they can bring back the spectre (wicked funny vehicle) but really what else? I was just making a suggestion I'm sorry some people misread my earlier comment I was not trying to whine or bash anybody.

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  • haha been sometime since i posted on these threads. Since I lost my actual user name ill just use this one :) so my post is gonna be a lil random and all tangents so please bare with me hehe people cheat for overall the same reason. They wanna be the "first" in "insert rank/skill/armor/etc. here". Its pretty funny, for the last 2 years in halo 2 I didnt play a game of ranked matchmaking just strictly custom games. I actually had alot of fun just doing that. Rather then the head ache of dealing with cheaters and bad mouthing 12 year olds that thing they got a huge pair. Halo 3 is gonna be no different in respect to cheating. There is no such thing as 100% fool proof way of preventing cheating, and im perfectly ok with that. Alot of players i run across are disgruntled about Halo 3 with the laggy games and "slower" game pace. I cant help but laugh and just tell them how stupid it is to be even annoyed with that. Its a game and because this game was produced by other people, it CANT be 100% perfect 100% of the time. I dealt with lag modders/standbyers/boosters/bridgers for a VERY long time. Since all these modes of cheating popped up from the ashes of stupidity, bungie has made regular updates to deal with it. First with the halo 2 1.1 update which also came with the "blue screen" to prevent people from standbying to COMPLETELY ruining the game to the banhammer to the anti-bridging update. (funny random tid-bit the banhammer & hurrican Katrina thread was the last few threads i read/posted in) The reason I even bother bring any of this up is because i hear other people all the time knock bungie and what they have done with Halo series and the gameplay since halo 1. Players need to see that Bungie could in fact just sit on their a$s and not update anything. People already bought the game so why should they care if "ohh I shot someone in the head and they killed me with a single nade..." or "i went to go beatdown someone and all my melee's went through them..." ill tell ya, I wouldnt care. However the fact is wither through contractual obligation or just because they wanna be loyal to their core community, they have continued to undate and try to "fix" the problems that either they caught behind the scenes or through someones complaint. Now I hear about this EXP "juicing" and complaining about armor. Cmon people. seriously, im sure there are far more important things going on in your life that needs your attention. If people want to "cheat" to jump up in the ranks, thats fine. who cares. I dont, ill earn my rank through hard fought wins and I dont need anyone else approval. As for the bungie armor, why is that even an issue?? There are gonna be future updates that im sure will contain new achievements and maybe new armor or something along those lines. The Game JUST came out, be patient. I had a couple friends that within the first 3-4 days did all the achievements. I hae yet to play a single game of ranked ffa, and I also have yet to beat the game on legendary. Not that I cant do these things but after I finish all these achievements, what is there to do after that. exactly, wait for the next update an hope that there is something achievement related. People just need to learn that the world(as shocking as this is) DOESNT revolve around you. I know it, im sure you(the reader) know it. The thing is you gotta accept it. To summirize for the people that got lost in my endless rambling (yes even I got lost in that incoherent mess, but im too lazy to go over and focus my points so ill just do this) 1. Halo 3 has its faults. GET OVER IT 2. The Bungie employee armor ISNT unlockable and WONT be released atm 3. Most of us are veterans to BS in matchmaking so dont complain about old issues when they have been brought up more times then the total magnification of a electron microscope 4. Halo 3 was just released 2 weeks ago. be content with that fact. -_-" 5. bungie employee's arent robots as much to the dislike to others. They have work hours and they (maybe) have families at home and probably dont wanna work on game 24/7 just to finish up this post. I am.... ...NOT kissing bungie's a$s im stating something that needs to be said. I can careless if they see this or not. I wont get any special treatment either way. ...NOT 100% right all the time. This is based on my own bias opinion of playing and meeting other players and hearing their bickering with my own experiences thrown into the mix. ...NOT ghey ...NOT the best player in halo(2)(3) ...NOT flaming anyone just saying what I felt needed to be said ...REALLY bored :) Thanks for reading my book of a post =p feel free flame away

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  • One of the new maps coming soon or later was nicknamed "Jodrell Bank". Jodrell Bank is where the Lovell telescope is located. Do a Google search for it and you'll find a regualr looking office building beside a massive dish of a telescope. Loking out from the scope is a huge field with a lot of trees and hedges. This reference makes me wonder if this map is going to be related to the part in Halo 3 right before you meet the Flood again after destroying that huge gun. Could it be a map with a central mound. with King of the Hill influences? (Not the show, the game) Can't wait to find out.

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  • I like the eh... eloquent verbiage comment... then in the next paragraph i came up with this grammatical error. "Where “Rank” is the descriptor related to your skill, EXP is essentially a visually description of how much" xD sorry guys.

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  • Hey maybe along with the new levels you guys are creating you could possibly add a couple of other ranked game types like 2 vs.2 vs.2 vs.2 vs. and maybe big team battle.

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  • off topic, but why did you guys remove the trip mine from matchmaking. it was a great device to keep people from coming in a certain way and also funny when you forget that you put one down and get a kill for it towards the end of the game. but yeah just would like some info on the subject. ][Deace Jhh

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  • I really dont see why the recon helmets are just for bungies i meen they have flaming heads isnt that enough? And couldnt they of picked an ugly armor for theres? or atleast give us one as cool as that one

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  • Something about Bungie not wearing pants is a little creepy...

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