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originally posted in: The Bungie Weekly Update
7/7/2006 6:14:49 AM
[quote]I Put my Gammer ok i dout there is any thing you can do and if so o well. ok this happend a wile ago but i have not had the time to come here i had an xbox and it brock so i bout a used one because i did not have the monney to i gat home and put my gamertag on the xbox and when on live when i gat on it seid i was band from match making. i was wondering why. then i gat a xbox 360 a few days ago and put my gammer on there thinking it was just that xbox was wierd or something but it told me the same thing. i was just wondering if thiers any thing i can do? my gammertag is [withheld] thank you p.s. sorry i cant spell im only 13 [i]Well, at least you apologized for that spelling. Is this typical spelling for a 13-yeard old? Folks?[/i] [/quote] Frankie the answer to your question (Is this typical spelling for a 13 year old?) is no. The reason being is that I [i]just[/i] turned 13 and I can type around 75-80 wpm, but this guy's spelling and grammar is ridiculous I would say it would be typical spelling for a 7 year old (no offense to the horrible speller but its the truth). I actually spelled better than this guy at age 10 for all I'm concerned. sincerely, DemonicDerek p.s. but considering I'm a [i]huge[/i] computer nerd... (I'm a [i]huge[/i] computer nerd because I know how to build my own computer and I'm only 13 although I am going to video tape me building my own computer so I have proof when I raise enough money for the computer)... maybe I'm wrong but still this guy's grammar sucks [Edited on 7/6/2006]

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