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10/8/2007 5:14:30 AM

Anyone else insulted by this?

"What you’re seeing is roughly the same situation as you would have in Halo 2, but with movies and screenshots available to examine this stuff, you’re seeing more alleged injustice on a frame by frame basis. The sniper IS harder to use now, so sack up, it requires more skill." This is what we got in response to asking why the hit detection is glitchy in the sniper rifle. Are we really being told, in the face of irrefutable evidence that the sniper is glitchy, that we should just deal with it because it's now "harder to use"? I wouldn't mind if the hit detection was a little off and from time to time shots go through heads...I can deal with that. The problem is that IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME. By the way, for those who are going to tell me it's's not. I've done it in local games, and against stationary (afk) players on Live. It's not a lag issue. It's a hit-detection issue. I've got over 15 clips of this happening in the past 2 days. (I've uploaded some of the more blatant ones, and more are coming later) PLEASE, Bungie, don't throw this back in our face and tell us it's our fault. The first step to fixing a problem is to admit it's there. PLEASE admit the hit-detection's a little off...even if it can't be fixed. And don't even get me started on the Double Reload glitch... By the way, I know this has been discussed, but it's so infuriating that I needed to vent a little. I was really pissed when I read that "sack up, it requires more skill" crap. Sorry.
#Halo #Halo3

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  • not the only problem with the game,also bungies repsonce or to be more specific achronos really piss me off. "to each is own" or whateva so if thers problems with the game we have to deal with it? like if your xbox breaks you got to deal with it?

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  • Bungie seems to be blaming every problem with Halo 3 (99% mutiplayer, campaign was amazing.) on the players. [Edited on 10.07.2007 11:28 PM PDT]

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  • Actually, the REAL reason is that the 3rd person view puts things into a different perspective of where the shot actually registered. If I see a first-person view of that happening I'll believe it. Because, in a similar situation I tried shooting somebody with the Spartan Laser. First person says I clearly missed. I pressed Y to go into free-roam, and it says I hit the guy, but with no effect. That may be exactly what you guys are seeing - a change in perspective changing the graphical view of where the bullet/trail is. If I see any videos of this problem in first-person, then I'd be a little more worried. This seems to be a graphical glitch with the third person mode in theater... maybe. [Edited on 10.07.2007 11:29 PM PDT]

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  • Watch any of the videos I've seen from first person. They're headshots. If I had missed from the first-person, I wouldn't need to go investigate why they're alive.

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  • I just want to know, if I'm now lacking some skill according to Bungie with the sniper, how exactly am I supposed to be better at killing people when I dome-shot them? Should I pull the right trigger harder? Should I try to hit them even more in the head than I'm already hitting them? I don't see any skill requirements necessary so that your shot registers. Although that would be funny. "Dude my shots aren't registering!!" "Well it's obviously because you're really bad."

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  • Yeah, this is definitely not peoples' imagination. Saw a guy in The Pit in one of the upper-level areas sniping at people below. Completely stationary. I pull out my sniper rifle and shoot him in the head... FOUR TIMES. And he doesn't die. I was about to try to report him as a cheater when someone else killed him via non-sniper-rifle means. But... yeah, this is definitely a glitch.

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  • In my entire online and offline experience with halo 3, I have seen this happen maybe 4-5 times. The sniper is no longer a god-weapon, It is much harder to use. But I rarely see shots hitting with no damage, and never on a game that wasn't already laggy. I'm not saying everything said here is false. But it seems like a very rare glich, though a glich none the less.

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  • I see no flaw in Bungie's explanation of this at all. It makes total sense and is completely logical. My cable connection blazes and I have no problems with this. My friend's DSL is slower and he has more lag issues in general, and we saw this occur more there. Makes sense to me.

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  • OP: Tried local and LAN, you say? Maybe your Box just sucks. Poor you, not having your insta-kill weapon any longer. Don't like the sniper? Pick up something else. Don't like anything else? Leave the game, for Pete's Sake. The moment you can get into the code and fix the issue yourself, you can complain. But Bungie poured in 3 years of programming to make this game work and look the way it does. But because it doesn't work exactly the way YOU want it to, it's wrong. It takes SKILL. There are ways of beating lag. Try leading the guy next time and see what happens. You know... compensate for bullet travel time, however negligible it is. EDIT: fixed a spelling error. [Edited on 10.08.2007 12:31 AM PDT]

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  • I've played nearly 250 games online. I've got Freinds who's played well over 100 games Online. NONE of us have experienced any proble with the Sniper Rifle. This wouldn't be another They balanced the weapons better in Halo 3 than Halo 2 and i dont like it thread would it??? Halo 2 sucked, Unballanced weapons, Auto Aim which ment you only needed to point in the general direction fo your opponent Totaly destroyed Halo 2 online for me and Most of my freinds. After trowling thru these and forums I found that 90% of the time the people calling glitches and/or weapons/weapon power bugs etc are halo 2 players.Halo 3 is more balanced, Weapons now require you use some skill and judgment to use, GET used to it or go back ot Halo 2. No Doubt some where in the code will be a bug or glitch, it's virtually impossible to get every bug unless you want to spend 10yrs playtesting a game. But bungie did do something that most dev's do not.... play test over the live network with teams based in the US and Japan. Any Obvious Glitch bug and most not so obvious bugs/glitch caused by latency would of most probably been found.. including Snipers rifles that don't snipe.

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  • There is a legitimate issue with the sniper rifle. In that sometimes it doesn't do damage. Not meaning we missed. Or lag. But like someone's standing dead still and we shoot and it hits them but no damage is dealt. Very annoying in a Game of Shotty Snipers. I did feel a little snubbed by Bungie's response. Perhaps we are a bit too whiny, but I'd like them to at least acknowledge the issue.

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  • I agree, I shot this guy twice in the head with a sniper rifle and he didn't die. What Frankie said hurt my feelings =(.

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  • wahts the double reload glitch? anyway, bungie, i shot a guy in the face, blood came out...he was standing still..... ....... :/

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  • I still don't believe this is a serious issue. I have played lots of Shotty Sniper games, and never seen this issue. Not once.

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  • Why does the majority of people keep denying that there[b] is [/b]a problem here and say it's because "we have no skill and we should just shut up and learn how to snipe"? Obvivously these people haven't experienced the bug, I've had it happen to me awhile ago, and then again a few days ago. It's not even lag issues because when I play on live the 360's cable is the only one connected to the router and my latency thingy is green.

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  • I have only seen this once. I was using the turret on an Elephant when a sniper round went through one side of my head and out the other, blood and everything. Truth be told, it was kind of cool. That said, it would have pissed off the sniper something awful, and I wasn't particularly happy with it either. I think it is incredibly rare, but it does happen.

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  • ive noticed this "problem" as well and the response to it was rude...but the more sniper matches i played i noticed that it did seem to just take some adapting to get the sniper "working" again. i think it may have to do with shields. i noticed when i shot the person in the chest and brought down the shields i could pull off an instant head shot right after. but if i aimed for the head first it took two or 3 direct spot on hits. i think it was made more difficult but if one person has a semi bad connection it can take a good 4 or 5 shots to the head to kill but then sometimes on a local or lan game a direct hit doesnt kill a stationary i think that sniping is harder but there is a glitch as well.

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  • hell ya, I live by the sniper (look at my service record) and that bull-blam!- happens all the time It seems as though the hit box for the body is huge but the hit box for the head is tiny as -blam!- [Edited on 10.08.2007 1:21 AM PDT]

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  • honestly, i've seen it happen but not to the degree that people are complaining about it. i think we are all forgetting that there are over 900,000 halo players and each one of us have a digital recorder. its gonna happen, and people are going to see it. just consider all the factors; i guarantee that not all of it is a result of a reoccurring bug. there is not only the lag to consider but there is the lack of auto aim, and the fact that reticle will turn red even if you are not directly targeted on the player. as for lan parties, been to three (16 people) and never seen it. also, whoever made the point about the videos changing the game data and not always showing what really happening, you make a very good point. the film doesn't always register everything and it will fudge some data for the sake of space and it will add others for the sake of presentation; this has come out of bungie's mouth. so yeah, sure there may be a bug, but i don't believe it is really that bad. its spotty and it does have alot to do with lag and the lack of auto aim but its not occuring all the time. all this tells me that there really isn't a bug because if there was wouldn't it be happening ALL the time, not just in select situations?

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  • sorry, posted twice. [Edited on 10.08.2007 1:29 AM PDT]

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  • i have absolutely no problems with the sniper even when im playing ppl from america (im in australia) have you actually looked at the saved film to see if your actually hitting them

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Crix Madine I always have sucked with a sniper rifle so it doesn't affect me too much. Sorry for you who use them though, I haven't really done much with them in 3 yet, I figured it was just me. Another funny side note: if anyone has seen the halo 3 beta RvB episode, Griff I believe complains about not being able to hit anything with his sniper rifle, and sarge says that it isnt a bug and that he just sucks. Maybe it was a bug....[/quote]I remeber that, it was frickin hilarious...its too bad they ended thier RvB series..just IMAGINE what they could have done with Halo 3....

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  • They never said they weren't going to fix it, they explained the problem and explained that the sniper is harder to use now. Without the problem the sniper is harder to use now, the aim assist is minimal, the bullet paths don't compensate for lag as much anymore. Halo 2's lag compensation was just crazy! Halo 3's isn't.

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  • I don't even care about the Sniper Rifle...but the few games I've played involving them, yes, I notice that many of the shots do not register, and it is very annoying. There's a difference between bugged content and being harder to use. IRT Descender: We all paid upward of $140 for this game, and have the right to complain about any aspect of it we wish. Especially when it is a legitimate concern. Compensating for lag should not be a hardwired part of the game. It happens, and it sucks, and most people can deal with it, but that doesn't mean that you should leave it there if it's a content problem. If you're not going to discuss this maturely, [i]you[/i] are the one who should leave. [Edited on 10.08.2007 1:43 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CPO Mendez 117 i think we are all forgetting that there are over 900,000 halo players and each one of us have a digital recorder. [/quote] A fair few over 900k, there were 1.5million or so on this weekend at once. How many are complaining about this? A minority who claim to see it "always" yet the majority of us haven't seen it or seen it rarely. Just play the game, wait for patches and have fun, perhaps try different guns, try moving around a little and all that stuff.

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  • It may be glitchy, it might not be, In this game even if the player is red dotted it wont hit unless it is DEAD on target, accounting for the players movement too. Just increase your skill level.

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