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10/8/2007 5:14:30 AM

Anyone else insulted by this?

"What you’re seeing is roughly the same situation as you would have in Halo 2, but with movies and screenshots available to examine this stuff, you’re seeing more alleged injustice on a frame by frame basis. The sniper IS harder to use now, so sack up, it requires more skill." This is what we got in response to asking why the hit detection is glitchy in the sniper rifle. Are we really being told, in the face of irrefutable evidence that the sniper is glitchy, that we should just deal with it because it's now "harder to use"? I wouldn't mind if the hit detection was a little off and from time to time shots go through heads...I can deal with that. The problem is that IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME. By the way, for those who are going to tell me it's's not. I've done it in local games, and against stationary (afk) players on Live. It's not a lag issue. It's a hit-detection issue. I've got over 15 clips of this happening in the past 2 days. (I've uploaded some of the more blatant ones, and more are coming later) PLEASE, Bungie, don't throw this back in our face and tell us it's our fault. The first step to fixing a problem is to admit it's there. PLEASE admit the hit-detection's a little off...even if it can't be fixed. And don't even get me started on the Double Reload glitch... By the way, I know this has been discussed, but it's so infuriating that I needed to vent a little. I was really pissed when I read that "sack up, it requires more skill" crap. Sorry.
#Halo #Halo3

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  • lol u wish

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  • dude it seldom happens.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Oddley765 [b]Why don't Bungie allow us to download the host fileshare of every game we play?[/b] This would allow us to 'sack up' and define exactly the difference between client and host saved films! Simple![/quote] It's established that this happens during Local play. Therefore, it's not a lag issue. Bringing host into this will not get us anywhere.

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  • [b]Why don't Bungie allow us to download the host fileshare of every game we play?[/b] This would allow us to 'sack up' and define exactly the difference between client and host saved films! Simple! [Edited on 10.07.2007 10:28 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CK DESPERADO For those people that say this problem is purely lag: How do you explain hitting someone 4 times in the head or body as they stand still and not doing any damage at all? Here's the kicker. The same situation, but playing locally on your 360?[/quote] Yeah there is only one way to describe that... BROKEN. Definitely NOT lag. ~telengard

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ShadowBrood [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Bungie What you’re seeing is roughly the same situation as you would have in Halo 2, but with movies and screenshots available to examine this stuff, you’re seeing more alleged injustice on a frame by frame basis. The sniper IS harder to use now, so sack up, it requires more skill.[/quote] Bungie doesn't deny it. Hell, they admit it's been there since Halo 2. Seriously though, cry the hell more, if getting headshots is so glitchy just shoot the body, it's only 2 shots.[/quote] You're missing the point. I'm not pissed about the glitch existing. I'm pissed about it being denied and those of us experiencing it being insulted. BTW body shots also have some hit-detection issues, they're just not as frequent.

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  • Look guys, it all has to do with what the host sees. If the host replays the films, it won't show up like you getting sniped through a wall. The host saw you get sniped ever so close to the wall, and then 85ms later you see a sniper that gets you killed through the wall. Its all about what the host sees. [Edited on 10.07.2007 10:23 PM PDT]

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  • I would like to see proof of these allegations (especially via system link games) because I for one have never experienced this, nor have my friends or anybody else I personally know that play Halo 3 online. I think it is a lag factor that comes into play and alot of people who claim they have done a head shot with the Beam Rifle or the Sniper Rifle are either lying, clearly didn't shoot the person in the head or just have lag during that game. It happens. I have noticed (and am not blaming or putting you guys into this group) that many Halo 2 fans claim that Halo 3's sniping is terrible and is way off. Well let me say right now that it is the player who is off. Halo 2 compensated ALOT for players with its auto-aim on steroids. Halo 3 has done a massive wind down with its auto aim and now when you are playing online you know that if you miss, you miss, if you hit somebody then hey you hit them by yourself without auto-aiming holding your hand.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] IntrepidMerc420 oh...I've been down a long road with this today... Not only will it not update for a while like you said, but the nasty surprise for many of you who haven't learned it yet: when it does update, it's going to be missing tons of games. If not all for several days. For those of us who have already realized this, we've stopped playing.[/quote] What's this? What's wrong...I haven't heard anything about this. Excuse my ignorance, but why are games going to be missing?

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  • Ya I dont understand why Bungie tells us to get more skill and suck it up, i think if i shoot the guy in the head and on the replay it shows me doing just that, that the skill is alwready their! I JUST SHOT HIM IN THE HEAD! dont tell me to get more skill bungie. I watched a 3 hour lan tourney and this happened more than once, so dont tell me its a connection issue either.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Bungie What you’re seeing is roughly the same situation as you would have in Halo 2, but with movies and screenshots available to examine this stuff, you’re seeing more alleged injustice on a frame by frame basis. The sniper IS harder to use now, so sack up, it requires more skill.[/quote] Bungie doesn't deny it. Hell, they admit it's been there since Halo 2. Seriously though, cry the hell more, if getting headshots is so glitchy just shoot the body, it's only 2 shots.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gunslinger_X_19 While it wasn't the nicest way to say it, I still fail to see how he is wrong. This kind of thing did happen all the time in Halo 2, and a rediculously amount more in Halo when using XboxConnect. Also the Sniper rifle IS a lot harder to use now since they removed almost all auto-aim from it.[/quote] I played Halo 2 nearly everyday since it came out(haloholic) and i rarely noticed headshots that didn't register and i used sniper all the time in halo 2. I've noticed it happens a ton in halo 3, with saved films we have proof(vs halo 2 we only had capture cards), and since the sniper is more difficult to use AND takes longer to shoot the second burst, so when we don't get a kill on a headshot it can mean the person escaping or even your death. Just playing doubles tonight i noticed atleast 3 headshots in 2 games that didn't give me a kill, 1 headshot that drained the guys shields, and 2 body shots that did no damage. This is obviously some type of mess up in the hit detection and should be fixed even if it brings back sweep sniping.

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  • oh...I've been down a long road with this today... Not only will it not update for a while like you said, but the nasty surprise for many of you who haven't learned it yet: when it does update, it's going to be missing tons of games. If not all for several days. For those of us who have already realized this, we've stopped playing.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gunslinger_X_19 While it wasn't the nicest way to say it, I still fail to see how he is wrong. This kind of thing did happen all the time in Halo 2, and a rediculously amount more in Halo when using XboxConnect. Also the Sniper rifle IS a lot harder to use now since they removed almost all auto-aim from it.[/quote] As the original poster said, it is happening on LAN and LOCAL play. That is not lag. That is a collision detection/hit box issue. To add insult to injury Bungie gave a nice smug answer as if we are stupid to even bring this up. ~telengard

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] IntrepidMerc420 again..doesn't even matter anymore. Whether you go 30-0 in your next game or 0-30, there won't be any record of it as of now anyway. Combined with the issues that you guys have already laid out...yeah, this past week has taken Halo 3 from god-like status, down to just another shooter.[/quote] Strange. I actually DID go 30-0 in my last game. Funny you should say that. EDIT-BTW the game stats won't update for a while; it's slow as hell so don't go looking. [Edited on 10.07.2007 10:15 PM PDT]

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  • again..doesn't even matter anymore. Whether you go 30-0 in your next game or 0-30, there won't be any record of it as of now anyway. Combined with the issues that you guys have already laid out...yeah, this past week has taken Halo 3 from god-like status, down to just another shooter.

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  • @OP If you have over 15 clips of this happening in 2 days thats pretty messed up. I've only had this happen to me once in Halo 3. In Halo 2 it used to happen to my daily. Bungie's answer is what I've been saying about this stuff from day one. You guys just notice it more because of the film clips and screen shots.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] iKipapa The problem definitely needs to be fixed, as long as it can. I got six headshots on a guy last night, and finally took him down on the seventh. Needless to say, I was pretty pissed off. [/quote] Who is dum enough to not seek cover after getting FOUR sniper shots, then hanging out in there during the time it takes you to reload the sniper, and finally take THREE more sniper shots? Either this is a bull-blam!- story, or the guy you were shooting at is the like the biggest noob in the world!

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  • I have never experienced this problem, huh, odd for how frequent it seems to be, I'll keep an eye out for it. Also, I don't think Bungie was referring to the glitch when they said to 'sack it up', just the new sniper in general. [Edited on 10.07.2007 10:11 PM PDT]

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  • I think they ment that the sniper has become harder to use in terms of its halo 2 counterpart i.e. the new kickback and halo:ce like firing style. (ALOT of people have been -blam!-ing about this). The glitchy detection is a problem though, but i don't think bungie meant it that way.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Innuendo91 It's either lag or your lack of aiming skill. Huge hit boxes in Halo 2 have led you to become a terrible shot. Deal with it.[/quote] This is EXACTLY what I was talking about. "Oh noez something can't possibly be wrong with my Haloz! You must suck!" Fanboy blinders at their finest.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Ver7ig0 "What you’re seeing is roughly the same situation as you would have in Halo 2, but with movies and screenshots available to examine this stuff, you’re seeing more alleged injustice on a frame by frame basis. The sniper IS harder to use now, so sack up, it requires more skill." This is what we got in response to asking why the hit detection is glitchy in the sniper rifle. Are we really being told, in the face of irrefutable evidence that the sniper is glitchy, that we should just deal with it because it's now "harder to use"? I wouldn't mind if the hit detection was a little off and from time to time shots go through heads...I can deal with that. The problem is that IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME. By the way, for those who are going to tell me it's's not. I've done it in local games, and against stationary (afk) players on Live. It's not a lag issue. It's a hit-detection issue. I've got over 15 clips of this happening in the past 2 days. (I've uploaded some of the more blatant ones, and more are coming later) PLEASE, Bungie, don't throw this back in our face and tell us it's our fault. The first step to fixing a problem is to admit it's there. PLEASE admit the hit-detection's a little off...even if it can't be fixed. And don't even get me started on the Double Reload glitch... By the way, I know this has been discussed, but it's so infuriating that I needed to vent a little. I was really pissed when I read that "sack up, it requires more skill" crap. Sorry.[/quote] they stole that "sack up" business from me as I posted it in a thread the night before on the same issue.. I agree its one thing for me to be a dick to others, but they make the game they can't afford to be a-holes to people becuase were paying their rent by buying there moderatly dissappointing game..

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  • Hasn't happened to me.

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  • Look in my file share at the "lolwtf" video. Now THATS some sniper glitch.

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  • I can forgive "sometimes". BS happens. But when it happens consistently I start to get pissed. And then I'm told I'm the one who did something wrong...

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  • It's either lag or your lack of aiming skill. Huge hit boxes in Halo 2 have led you to become a terrible shot. Deal with it.

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