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10/8/2007 5:14:30 AM

Anyone else insulted by this?

"What you’re seeing is roughly the same situation as you would have in Halo 2, but with movies and screenshots available to examine this stuff, you’re seeing more alleged injustice on a frame by frame basis. The sniper IS harder to use now, so sack up, it requires more skill." This is what we got in response to asking why the hit detection is glitchy in the sniper rifle. Are we really being told, in the face of irrefutable evidence that the sniper is glitchy, that we should just deal with it because it's now "harder to use"? I wouldn't mind if the hit detection was a little off and from time to time shots go through heads...I can deal with that. The problem is that IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME. By the way, for those who are going to tell me it's's not. I've done it in local games, and against stationary (afk) players on Live. It's not a lag issue. It's a hit-detection issue. I've got over 15 clips of this happening in the past 2 days. (I've uploaded some of the more blatant ones, and more are coming later) PLEASE, Bungie, don't throw this back in our face and tell us it's our fault. The first step to fixing a problem is to admit it's there. PLEASE admit the hit-detection's a little off...even if it can't be fixed. And don't even get me started on the Double Reload glitch... By the way, I know this has been discussed, but it's so infuriating that I needed to vent a little. I was really pissed when I read that "sack up, it requires more skill" crap. Sorry.
#Halo #Halo3

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  • Yeah, this is definitely not peoples' imagination. Saw a guy in The Pit in one of the upper-level areas sniping at people below. Completely stationary. I pull out my sniper rifle and shoot him in the head... FOUR TIMES. And he doesn't die. I was about to try to report him as a cheater when someone else killed him via non-sniper-rifle means. But... yeah, this is definitely a glitch.

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  • I just want to know, if I'm now lacking some skill according to Bungie with the sniper, how exactly am I supposed to be better at killing people when I dome-shot them? Should I pull the right trigger harder? Should I try to hit them even more in the head than I'm already hitting them? I don't see any skill requirements necessary so that your shot registers. Although that would be funny. "Dude my shots aren't registering!!" "Well it's obviously because you're really bad."

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  • Watch any of the videos I've seen from first person. They're headshots. If I had missed from the first-person, I wouldn't need to go investigate why they're alive.

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  • Actually, the REAL reason is that the 3rd person view puts things into a different perspective of where the shot actually registered. If I see a first-person view of that happening I'll believe it. Because, in a similar situation I tried shooting somebody with the Spartan Laser. First person says I clearly missed. I pressed Y to go into free-roam, and it says I hit the guy, but with no effect. That may be exactly what you guys are seeing - a change in perspective changing the graphical view of where the bullet/trail is. If I see any videos of this problem in first-person, then I'd be a little more worried. This seems to be a graphical glitch with the third person mode in theater... maybe. [Edited on 10.07.2007 11:29 PM PDT]

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  • Bungie seems to be blaming every problem with Halo 3 (99% mutiplayer, campaign was amazing.) on the players. [Edited on 10.07.2007 11:28 PM PDT]

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  • not the only problem with the game,also bungies repsonce or to be more specific achronos really piss me off. "to each is own" or whateva so if thers problems with the game we have to deal with it? like if your xbox breaks you got to deal with it?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] party on parlow this isnt lag or a hit detection problem...just learn how to snipe. the sniper IS harder to use, just get used to it. im sure bungie would have noticed that the hit detection was off after three years in development. Bungie gave us an awesome game and if you dont like it, then leave.[/quote] Oh, crap. You guys are all right. Everything's perfect, Halo 3 has no issues and is flawless and every way. Turns out I just suck! In all seriousness, is this guy a troll or just a huge fanboy?

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  • I think I might be reminded why I hate this forum. The ignorance is going to make my chest explode.

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  • this isnt lag or a hit detection problem...just learn how to snipe. the sniper IS harder to use, just get used to it. im sure bungie would have noticed that the hit detection was off after three years in development. Bungie gave us an awesome game and if you dont like it, then leave.

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  • wow stop crying about it, the sniper works fine. You just need to work on your aim.

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  • Thanks, OP. Someone had to say it. Then let's see if we can fix all of the other broken stuff, it Bungie ever mans up.

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  • Yeah, I have to agree with a lot of people on this one, I know that the sniper is harder to use, and I can deal with that, but it IS glitchy, I used to be alright with the sniper in Halo 2, now when I get it, half the time even when I know I should be hitting the person I am sniping, it appears my shots are doing no damage at all. I hadnt really thought of it as a glitch, I thought maybe I am just horrible now because its different, but if tons and tons of other people are having the same problems, then I know its got to be some kind of glitch. I dont hit so many shots that I know I should be hitting, its gotten so I pretty much dont use the sniper, its junk now. Please dont be stupid about this bungie, either explain to us why you think we suck now, or else tell us how you changed the sniper so much that its garbage now. dont be stupid just because you made tons of money off halo3.

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  • I haven't even noticed this supposed "sniping glitch" at all (and I use the sniper A LOT: just check my stats [although I have seen some of the videos, so I can't say it doesn't exist]). All I've seen is that there's no auto-aim this time around. And to the guy who said he hopes Bungie goes under now that M/Soft has pulled out: What the hell? Do you NOT want to see another Halo game or what? And even if you do, say it in the right forum.

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  • Loyalty =/= turning a blind eye to glitches. This is, if anything, constructive criticism. I have loved Bungie since Marathon and will continue to do so. But I have every right to be upset with them when this stuff happens.

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  • You are obviously not taking into account what we are saying. In halo 3, you can review a saved film and see the bullet entering their skull, and it does not count as a kill. It's nothing to do with the swipe sniping that plagued Halo 2. As to feeling sorry for bungie, please. It's a commercial game, if there are bugs, we should not just sit and praise them. They can sort those bugs, so tell them about it, and let them fix it. As to loyalty, don't be nieve, loyalty to any kind of developer is ridiculous. I get what is best at the time, that goes with hardware and software, I honestly could not care less who makes it. Don't get me wrong, I do respect bungie for creating Halo, and will hope they produce more good games and follow that, but I will damn sure say if I think something is wrong.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] an emo kitten i didnt read all the post[/quote] Clearly. We know the sniper works perfectly most of the time. This thread is to discuss the times that it doesn't.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] telengard [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wody I pity Bungie. They consistently create stellar products, and still have a very unloyal fanbase. What the hell people? Halo 3 is head and shoulders above every other FPS on the 360. There is no problem with the hit boxes.[/quote] Are you reading the posts in this thread? There are claims that it happens on LOCAL play. That's an issue Secondly, I'd say Bungie are the unloyal ones. They have been pretty rude lately to their fanbase. ~telengard[/quote] All started the day they gained their so called "independence". Interesting huh?

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  • We know the sniping was ridiculous in H2. We're discussing shots (perfectly placed, well aimed shots) going through people's heads without causing any sort of harm. Glad you could join us. BTW this is the only glitch I know of that you actually have to be GOOD at the game to experience, as it REQUIRES a sniper headshot. If you haven't experienced it, YOU probably suck with the sniper or just haven't used it much. So we can all stop playing the "you suck at H3" card, now. [Edited on 10.07.2007 10:46 PM PDT]

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  • i didnt read all the post but i have already mad 2 kills with 1 shot in 2 diffrent games

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wody I pity Bungie. They consistently create stellar products, and still have a very unloyal fanbase. What the hell people? Halo 3 is head and shoulders above every other FPS on the 360. There is no problem with the hit boxes.[/quote] Are you reading the posts in this thread? There are claims that it happens on LOCAL play. That's an issue Secondly, I'd say Bungie are the unloyal ones. They have been pretty rude lately to their fanbase. ~telengard

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  • Honestly, if you want to make this argument go play halo 2. Snipe someone. Record the whole thing. Then, watch as the trail of the sniper is 10 ft. away from the head but it still registers. Jesus, some people must suck really bad at halo 3.

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  • I pity Bungie. They consistently create stellar products, and still have a very unloyal fanbase. What the hell people? Halo 3 is head and shoulders above every other FPS on the 360. There is no problem with the hit boxes.

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  • Oh my -blam!- GOD!!!!! Just lead the damn thing and stop sweep sniping!!!!!!!!!! Go play halo 1 and get good with that, and then snipe like that in halo 3. It is not the halo 2 sniper. I know what I'm talking about, its the weapon I have the most kills with overall.

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  • Let's face it, Bungie view themselves as gods of their fanbase, which, lets face it, consists largely of 12-year old idiots. This is them presuming no one will even know the basic ideas behind game programming and the like, and lying to cover their own ass. It's hardly new, all companies lie. There is a problem with the game, as if the bullet is going through his head, it should kill him, if it hasn't killed him, the trail is in the wrong place. Either way, there is a bug. I have had this over system-linked games. On a slightly off-topic note, I am wondering quite how stupid the people who are saying the split from Microsoft is a bad thing are. You do realize Microsoft is the devil incarnate, right? Microsoft are a terrible company, if you are in your right mind, run Linux. (Wonder if Linux is censored here, like it is in Mottos.)

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  • Even if it seldom happens, the point is that it does happen. With millions of people playing, "rare" occurrences happen every second.

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  • lol u wish

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