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9/26/2007 11:09:44 PM

Halo 3 Launch Week FAQ

Now that Halo 3 is released, many of you have questions. Fortunately we have answers. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=news&cid=12819] click for full story [/url]

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  • Hey Bungie, why did I get an exp. penalty for leaving the game, when i really finished the game and we won (first i got the exp. point for winning and they they took away). Why is this so messed up. Can I get the recon shoulder pads, for making thing right, or at least my exp. point back?

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  • You earned the achievement when you were offline and you didn't set the clock and data right. It probably stout on the year 1753.

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  • Do screenshots I take also appear on my service record if I only have a xbox live sliver-account? cause I have made a lot of screenshots but my service record sads I've never made a single screenshot!

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  • Is it possible to change map default attributes using Forge? That is to set map default primary and secondary weapons, and map default grenades.

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  • I just want to point out the obvious down of this game. The MATCHMAKING!!!!!!! Its stupid to not even have at least a filter let alone no lobbies. Every successful online game has lobbies or filters. anyone who has played socom 2 on ps2 would agree with me, that was one of the most organized online game ever. If Halo could match the organization of other online games. the game would be ultimate. Let alone no clans!?!?!??! Make online more worth wild, make it more to play every single time you log in. Organize it!!!!!! Anybody would agree with me that they want to play a map that they want to play and what people they want to play with all the time. I would like to play guardian more...but i cant because every time i play team slayer ranked its NARROWS!!!! (i exagerate but just to make a point) The organization is horrible. lets face it

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  • I was not able to post my question to the Q&A session in time. Are you the right person to ask? If not can you point me in the right direction please? My questions is why can I not download my Halo saved films to my computer like a can with the screen shots? I can only send them to my xbox to be viewed in game. I really want to do some editing to my halo films and post them places online. Will this feature ever be available? Things you might respond with: 1. Too high bandwidth requirement - My response: Right now films have to be sent to the xbox, so whats the difference about sending to pc? 2. File format can not be played on a computer -My response: Can you not make a codec for computer based media players or create film player application for the pc? I really think this would spawn enormous creativity amongst your fans and some amazing videos would swarm the internet. Isn't that good free advertisement and marketing? Thanks for the great game, I hope to hear from you soon! Signed, AirborneChamp

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  • I was looking over my halo 3 stats when I noticed something out of place about some of my achievements; "Date Earned: Monday, January 01, 1753" okay... What?

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  • Why is there no black armor. It was in Halo, then it was gone out of Halo 2. I thought, hey maybe they'll put it back in Halo 3 so I can be happy. WHERE'S MY BLACK ARMOR???????? And the green (as in Kelly Green) that you had in the first two are gone and now replaced by some crappy light green even though it says "Green." Are there gonna be updates to add new colors(that should be an easy update)? Also when I unlock new armor why does it take up to 2 days before I can access and use it? Other than those questions, Love the Game. [Edited on 10.08.2007 10:34 PM PDT]

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  • Is this thing updating with questions? Well anyway. Why isn't my Service record in not updating?

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  • I agree, the Forge should give players a lot more freedom than it currently does. For some reason, certain weapons can't even be selected as the starting weapon in custom games. After going through Halo 3's campaign with friends playing as an elite and spawning with the Carbine all of the time, it became my favorite weapon, and it really bothers me that not only can I not spawn with a Carbine under any circumstances, I can't even use the Forge to place them anywhere on a custom map. As of right now, the Forge is too limited to give the million plus Halo 3 players a chance to create unique and entertaining variations of the default maps. The Forge aside, Halo 3 would be even better if every weapon featured in the campaign was available for custom games and any one of them could be set as a starting weapon. On a different subject, Halo 3's achievement/armor-unlocking system seems to have some glitches in it. Although I haven't experienced this myself, I've seen some of my friend's profiles who have fulfilled the requirements for some of the armor-unlocking free for all achievements and haven't unlocked the corresponding armor pieces (this mostly seems to be a problem with elite armor). Does anyone know anything about that?

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  • i only have one question: Why is there no option to disable rumble. i find it a little inconvenient due to the fact I've been playing without it since h1. I know that it adds to the campaign, but just irritates me in multiplayer.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] XgamerfoolX I could've sworn I read somewhere b4 release that there would be a social room so even if you had no friends online, you could jump in a social room and get w/ people to go play customs or w/e. [/quote] Yea Bungie said that I remember. Idk what happened. IF you could answer him that would be great cus I really want to know. That feature would have been great btw.

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  • A few questions: Can we get a zombies unranked playlist sometime? It's one of the most entertaining customs but sometimes it's really difficult to find a game. Also what happened to team swat? I played the tactical playlist today expecting BR no shields no radar but was sadly disappointed. That was one of the best lists in halo 2, can you guys bring it back for us? Does co-op count in your service record? I knocked out the campaign on legendary with a few friends yesterday but in my service record it still says I'm in progress. Do you guys intend on making some new unlockable armor skins for multiplayer? I really like the ones that are out there but now that everyone seems to have the full hayabusa set already, I was wondering if any more would be added in the future. Finally, will the new maps you're working on include halo 2 ports? I love what you did with zanzibar but I'd really like to see some beaver creek, coag, backwash, etc in halo 3. Congrats on all the success, it really is a great game!

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  • Hey is it possible to make more than one character without making a new profile?

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  • When will we get the Diorama video that's dated 10-01-07? I checked just now, but it was still unavailable. And no, some of our complaints about Halo 3's marketing are much more valid than expecting the Fantanas to show up when we drink their soda. This is a narrative closely followed by its fans, and maybe some of us found it a little confusing when we saw this epic battle scene depicted in the commercial, in which Master Chief gives himself up to the enemy as a temporary distraction in order to ultimately stage a comeback, only to never have it take place in the game. Did it really happen? Where do we place it chronologically? It's still cool as hell, but I just don't see where it fits, and I think many people would agree.

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  • Is there any way to bypass the error message and join a party if you don't have a open NAT setting. This would be quite useful for college people and such since we cant change any of these type of setting.

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  • I've got a question. Why are certain weapons and veichles removed from certain levels? There's a full list here- Forge is meant to give freedom, and a new level of creativity to Halo gametypes? It doesn't help when simple things such as the Mauler and Carbine are unavailable to us.on multiple levels.Why can't I use a Brute Chopper in Last Resort? Even the Wraith is omitted, which was in Zanzibar. If this is all in the name of "Balancing maps" and "keeping it realistic", that's bull i'm atraid. Forge was meant to give us the freedom to go nuts, and frankly, it's a bit of a joke. It's failed in this respect. :If there are real technical reasons why a Carbine on Last Resort would muck the game up internally, i'm sure myself, and the rest of the forum goers would be interested to know. Otherwise, Halo 3 is an awesome game, and thank you for reading this.

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  • not sure if this was asked already... Why is it that the "save films" feature in the full release of H3 is different from the "save films" feature that was in the H3: Beta? I just find it a little bit of an inconvenience that you now have to "switch lobbies" to have to save a film in the full release, when you just had to press one button on the post game stats page in the beta. The way it was set up in the beta you could save the game you just played, while still moving on to finding a new game. Just seemed easier and less of an obstruction to the MM experience... btw, MASSIVE RESPECT for bringing the thunder with H3. REALLY impressed and glad to have wasted so much time playing one finely made game... oh p.s. - if there is any chance i can throw a vote in the ring, for a RATRACE remake, please let it be heard!!! [Edited on 10.05.2007 10:21 PM PDT]

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  • I've just gotta say..bring back lockout!!! seriously, guardian just doesn't cut it. I spent 97.9% of my time on halo2 on lockout, and i'm sure many, many other gamers feel the same way. ALSO..I could've sworn I read somewhere b4 release that there would be a social room so even if you had no friends online, you could jump in a social room and get w/ people to go play customs or w/e.

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  • Just one question... Who's idea was it too make almost ALL of the online achievements in FFA? I hate FFA. I have all of the pain in the azz FFA achivements (Steppin' Razor, Overkill, etc.), and many tears were shed trying to get them. BUNGIE ANSWER ME!!!!! [Edited on 10.04.2007 8:13 PM PDT]

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  • Couple of questions, i'll try to keep it simple. When are new maps coming out (if they are)? Why is your game so awesome? whats the deal with the controls for saved films? I went to try and take some pictures of the endgame, and there was no rewind. did i do something wrong? are you punishing me because i suck with sniper? HELP!

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  • there was such a long line to get the game./

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  • heres some questions. why are there not more maps like the original and halo 2 mulitmaps? what cant you make turrets in the froge and fuelrod cannons? why cant you play infection in multiplayer? why cant you choose your game type before you search in mm? why not have a mutiplayer flood moode you and players vs endless flood how long can you suvive

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  • Halo 3 soundtrack. Now please?

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  • AND it'd be pretty cool to have more slayer in lone wolves, and way less ball and king. it almost always gets vetoed anyway. lone wolves should have some random -blam!-. like all hammers, or needlers..... elimination maybe. or last man standing zombies (infection)

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