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7/2/2012 9:43:12 AM

Forget easy/legendary. Let's build a new difficulty.

First of all, it's 4:00 AM here, I'm sleepy and it's really dark, so any grammar mistakes that are pointed out will be cleaned up by morning. Now that we have that little tid bit taken care of, let's get down to business here. I hate easy, mode. Simply because it is essentially what you'd think it is, and doesn't represent the game, and I think nobody should play on it. I also hate Legendary, but I'll talk about that a bit later. Recently I was watching a video on Youtube, that opened the prospect of an Organic difficulty, something that stayed the same, but could also be tweaked by the player in many ways. Unlike some games, which carry Universal difficulty, something that is only tweaked by player skill, Organic difficulty can be tweaked in many ways, making it the most exciting idea I've seen in a while. And I'll explain why. Organic difficulty is one difficulty that is default (unlike in Halo, where you select a difficulty.). I bet you're typing out right now "[i]But what if I want to play casually on easy? Or test myself on Legendary?!?!?[/i], well, organic difficulty [i]is[/i] in fact tweakable, but not through programming, but rather through In-mission experiences. For example, let's say for the tarter sauce fight, you start out with no help. But through a short side "quest", such as breaking open a cell, or going to a phantom LZ, you now have help. That is Organic difficulty, being able to change fights through what you do, not by what the system programs before you even start the mission up. Now what would we do with the other difficulties? Well, dump them. Uh oh, here it comes "[i]Oh invasion, you big noob! You just can't handle Legendary, so you make us deal with your stupid little excuse for a difficulty! Yeah, no way we're going to lesson to such a noob like you!"[/i]. Do I hate Legendary? Uh, I guess. Now don't start saying how I'm a noob again, I have reasons. Believe me, I do. For one, Legendary, to me, is meant for the slow paced player. Due to the fact an enemy can take like what, up to three times the damage as normal, and they kill [b]you[/b] in about 2 seconds, many people draw out fights using, what's that? The n00b combo. Others resort to completely ditching the the slow paced path mostly used, and decide to glitch. Or just simply speed run it and add the lucky charms factor to Legendary (as if it already wasn't there.). Organic difficulty on the other hand, would use a well balanced difficulty (most likely Heroic.) and add ways for the player to more directly impact their experience by allowing players to add or remove certain elements, depending on what the play wanted (challenge wise). Thoughts and opinions are always welcome. As expected, keep it clean. Oh, and for anyone who wanted to see the video, you can click right [url=]here.[/url] However, do not expect to understand the video fully, as it brings up points from RPG's that you guy's have not played and wouldn't understand as hardcore FPS fans.
#Halo #Halo2

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] InvasionImminent For one, Legendary, to me, is meant for the slow paced player. Due to the fact an enemy can take like what, up to three times the damage as normal, and they kill [b]you[/b] in about 2 seconds, many people draw out fights using, what's that? The n00b combo. Others resort to completely ditching the the slow paced path mostly used, and decide to glitch. Or just simply speed run it and add the lucky charms factor to Legendary (as if it already wasn't there.).[/quote]Agreed. Legendary used to be fast. [b]H2[/b]: There's an emphasis on cover, enemies are more aggressive and domineering. Often, you'll be placed into a battle right at the start (Regret, Gravemind, Heretic boss fight) with little time to prepare. This is when people start dying a lot and proceed by trial and error. No level of preparation can truly help. Jackal sniper spawns are often set so they're easy to memorize but it's still a pain in the ass dealing with them. The player is much more vulnerable. Dual wielding stains the sandbox. But the presence of button combos, glitches, skulls, still functioning grenades (before they were nerfed to 2 per each), still decent movement speed, and other things manage to keep gameplay fast. I rarely use the noob combo in H2, preferring other methods. [b]H3[/b]: Main enemies (Brutes) gain more health as they rank up, the highest ranking enemies get unbelievably cheap advantages (power armor deflects grenades, can't be supercombined, Invincibility equipment), the AI are speeded up, and we see AI flaws (going around Chieftains to whack them in the back) and freedom (which means poor pathfinding, unpredictable behavior, kamikaze). This is where gameplay is slowed down to a crawl. Often you're spawned in rooms with no way to flank. There's a heavy emphasis on equipment. [u]Without using equipment, H3 campaign is probably the longest campaign next to Reach.[/u] I rarely use the noob combo nowadays due to exploitable invincible friendly AI and other things. The slowed down cqc makes it so much easier to just assassinate Brutes and melee Flood. [b]Reach[/b]: This is where gameplay is ruined. Took the worst of everything from each Halo game. Things carried over or "evolved" for the worst. The game is AA based. Without using AAs, you're screwed unless you resort to cheap tactics. I rarely use the noob combo, though I see a lot of guides with people using it. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] InvasionImminent Organic difficulty on the other hand, would use a well balanced difficulty (most likely Heroic.) and add ways for the player to more directly impact their experience by allowing players to add or remove certain elements, depending on what the play wanted (challenge wise).[/quote]I skimmed through, but this reminds me of my setups, where I can control AI movement and activity and participation. I'd definitely appreciate such a difficulty. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] InvasionImminent Thoughts and opinions are always welcome. As expected, keep it clean. Oh, and for anyone who wanted to see the video, you can click right [url=]here.[/url] However, do not expect to understand the video fully, as it brings up points from RPG's that you guy's have not played and wouldn't understand as hardcore FPS fans.[/quote]Taking a look now. [Edited on 07.02.2012 2:49 AM PDT]

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