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8/18/2005 12:31:58 AM

The Gnome Chronicles: Triple Alliance

[B] The Gnome Chronicles [/b] [I] Chapter Five: Triple Alliance[/I] --------------------------------A long long Code ago,----------- --------------------------------In a Server far far away... As Achronos stared down Gnome, he couldn’t help wonder were the real webmaster had gone to, or if his 7th army was even still alive... Achronos rased his ban hammer high in the air, and the rest of the Advanced guard prepared for battle. With a loud battle cry Achronos charged Gnome, swung his hammer as it whistled through the air, Gnome was quick enough to dodge the weapon and watched it crash to the ground crumbling the very code of which the ground was made of. The first strike had failed but not far behind the overlord was his trusty guard. With ninja sticks and a various assortment of other weaponry they lay waist to the evil before them. But no matter the speed of the moderators, Gnome was still faster. As the Guard and Achronos regrouped, the overlord saw movement behind his prey. Four tentacles slowly rose from the ground quietly, two of which stopped at Gnomes ankles and the others stopped at his wrist. In one sweep of movement the tentacles had grabbed onto Gnome and pinned him against a wall. A hoarded creature arose from the ground, a creature that reeked of death and decay. “Soul.” Achronos whispered under his breath at the spectacle. Gnome struggled to fight the creature but it was too strong. “, what are you?” Gnome asked with anger and disgust. “I am a monument to all your sins, to all of bungie’s sins. All who are deleted have come back to me, all who are banned are within me. I am the Disembodied Soul.” The Creature said in a deathly cold voice. As Achronos steaded his Ban hammer for one quick wack to end it all, Gnome was able to struggle lose from the Soul’s deathly grip. Lose, Gnome started to absorb the Soul’s energy when a quite rumble shocked the room. The Webmaster morphed out from the floor with a drunken smile on his face. First the Gorilla turned to Achronos and said “Sorry im late, but I wanted to make sure you missed me first.” Then Turned to a shocked Gnome, “Your End is nigh, your Gnome army has just been defeated.” The Rumble grew louder “The Disembodied Soul,” He nodded at the creature “The Advanced Guard,” he looked back at the Moderators. By now the rumbling was unignorable. The webmaster concentrated on the wall behind Gnome. Finally, Gnome thought as he saw the very creature that had given him this virus, ‘He had created me.’ Gnome Started to strike when the wall behind him blew. Chunks of code flew everywhere, and when the dust settled Gnome and everyone in the room could see millions of Forum members ready to fight. “And the 7th column, the Triple alliance has been set.” The Webmaster finished Astounded, Gnome got ready for a battle... To be continued. . . [url=]-Gnome-[/url] Upcoming Chapters Chapter Six: The Battle for [Edited on 8/17/2005]
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