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originally posted in: Weekly What's Update
7/27/2005 2:45:10 AM
bungies pathetic attempts to eradicate cheating are pointless, sure they may have stopped the modders but hackers will soon find a way around the update. Instead of using ppf files they may use gif files, or the encryptions of the maps may be configured to fool the bungie server. Anyways, although modders were a pain, i think that everyone should stop whining about them and bask in the cheater-free time that we have now on live. this will be my one and only post because it is worthless and nobody is going to listen to your measely voices in the crowd. Bungie does not care. All they care about is halo 3, xbox360, and the movie. Halo 2 is far outdated and there is too many problems with the live system. I bet half of you guys are like a level 12 or something and your complaning about stupid things like modders and stand-by...oh no bungie is going to ban my 2 month trial. Talk to me when your a 34 in slayer on two names and theyve been banned in the whole midst of the banhammer. Bungie doesnt know what theyre doing they are simply banning every somewhat high ranked name. Get over it and enjoy halo 2 and xbox live while you can....and also do something productive with your lives.... I will own you

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