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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
7/21/2005 9:18:44 AM

Kritz's Birthday celebration. Includes a free* rant.

Ok. I managed to find a computer. Yey. I wonder if I can type all this before my $2 runs out. [b]Warning! This contains a selfish rant about me not doing super cool ninja stuff[/b] I wake up at 6:30AM. I didn't know there was such a thing. I had a coffee, breakfast and I -blam!-ed about how everyone else took too long to get moving. I was going to pack my 'box, but I thought "Hey. It's a holiday. I'll have fun without it." We got our gear and left for the airport. One hour later, I was sitting wondering why my hands were so white compared to everyone elses. Something was announced over the com channel, but I wasn't paying attention. I then started to -blam!- about why it was taking so long. I looked around, and my parents were getting on the plane. I ran up and managed to get on in time. But I had to sit next to some random. We went into the great beyond and didn't return for an hour. We started to land and my ear started screwing up. I've been known for a bad ear, but damn. It still hurts now. I got off feeling sick for some reason, not like me because I'm normally good with air travel. I didn't worry too much about it, because I just landed in Melbourne. It was around 9AM, a time I've been awake when I'm at school. At around 9:30AM, I finally found a coffee shop. It wasn't Hudson’s (Best Mochas ever.) but it was good enough. I started reading a bit more of "The Reserant at the End of the Universe". Try to contain your pity, but I've never read any of Douglas Adam's books until the past 4 months. I took a sip of my mocha. Damn, that was a [i]baaad[/i] coffee. It was Luke-warm. I went to put it down, and spilt some on my book. Out of anger, I put it in the bin and started -blam!-ing that I wanted out. Half an hour later, we get out. We bought a ticket for the bus and after some arguing, we got off. We walked for about 30 minutes then realised that we don't know where the tram/train type station was. We walked back to our starting point, -blam!-ed for about 15 minutes, then asked someone. It turns out, if we'd walked an extra 200 metres, We'ld of been there. We got our tickets for the tram, and went to these... horrible walking things... You put a ticket in, the gate opens, and you walk in. My sister out her ticket in, I put mine in, I walked thru, gate closed. My sister put hers in again... nothing. She was stuck on the other side for about 10 minutes, until the guard watching finally decided to stop listing to his iPod and help us. I'm sure my money's running out, so I'll skip a lot of details. Tram. Doors aren't "mum friendly". We didn't get off until one station too late. We went back. We went "home". We went shopping. We got Subway. We couldn't find shopping centre. The reason we were shopping was to get me a cool present. I mean, a book’s nice and all, but... yeah. It's a book. No matter how you look at it. After 5 hours of combined -blam!-ing, screaming, swearing, walking and waiting... I still posses no gift. I could get an iPod, but I can get one at home. Plus, I've got no way to get music on it until I get home. Portable Dvd player? No Dvds. TV? No way of getting it back. Xbox/PC game? My PC's not great enough for Half-life 2 and I don't feel like WoW. I also won't be able to play the game for three days. Probably not a good idea not to bring by 'box. So here I am. Some coffee shop, waiting for my parents. Heh. Happy birthday. Without the happy. I hope Ninja B's doing better then me. *Money. Now. Damnit. >> Kritz [Edited on 7/21/2005]
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  • But you birthday, I wouldn't birthday bump my birthday birthday. That would birthday me too birthday of birthday whore. >> Birthday

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