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originally posted in: Laser War: Empires
7/3/2005 10:34:12 PM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gladius 1000 One of the Regulars was picked up and 3 were swept down into the catacombs.Fighter's bombed the artilery peices to tiny bits.Octavian Yelled"Everyone into the Catacombs NOW".The Squad and what remained of the conscrips(as well as the other regular's) got into the catacombs with all due haste and for god reason to fore the demons claws had uptured the power core of the Regular and the power core exploded in the force equal to a small Nukeular bomb totaly obliterateing the 2 demons and a few conscripts who lagged behind.The Catacombs sheilded them slightly the conscrips soon fell to radiation poisoning.The Regular's got back up to the surface...[/quote] was i one of those 2 demons? If i was, isnt that against the rules or something, 1 hit kills? [Edited on 7/3/2005]

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