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originally posted in: Weekly What's Update
6/11/2005 12:50:45 PM
This is Ledzeppelin18 or Daz3dnConfus3d and I am the creator and overlord of the clan All hail hilt3r. First off the name of the clan was meant as a joke. Secondly, Masterbawney119 is just a one armed annoying kid that I removed from my friends list because he was annoying the crap out of me. That is the only reason he has posted these complaints about me and my clan. For anyone else who has posted complaints I am sorry it you were offended by the name. Like I said it was meant as a joke. Another thing yes I did boost my clan. My gamertags and a few of my clans gamertags along with the clan have been blacklisted. Considering my clan was only a level 34 and there are clans in the 40s that are still on the leaderboard it seems we were punished on behalf of all the people that were crying about our name. Me and a few of my clan members have been suspended from matchmaking. If you ask me this is bull-blam!- considering we are not even the top boosting clan. Blazed Players is the top clan and they boosted all the way. If we were suspended because of our name then what about the clan the -blam!-. I have seen many clans like that and I don't consider mine to be near as bad. The blacklisting of my clan I really don't care about, but blacklisting mine and my friends stats and suspending us is outrageous. Masterbawney119 you can suck my -blam!-.

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