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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
5/12/2005 5:36:07 AM

A cookie to he who knows what this references.

[quote]It was at that moment that a new feeling began to sweep through me; strength flooded into my body. It was nothing like the feeling from the fluid the scientist had injected into me. That seemed laughable now compared to what I was now experiencing. I looked over at O’Brien and said one thing. [i]“Four.”[/i] I saw - I don’t know how – I saw the needle shoot up to ninety. I was speechless: I could feel nothing. My new strength blocked the pain, absorbed it, transmuted it into yet more strength. O’Brien’s eyes went wide. None of his patients must have acted like this before, I thought to myself. I saw the needle shoot up to ninety-five, and then finally to one hundred, and still I could feel nothing. I lifted my head, which now felt weightless, despite having being fastened down so securely before. O’Brien’s face was pure white at this point, and he began to back towards the wall. I leaned up, the bonds around me breaking as I moved. O’Brien didn’t appear able to speak, and the scientist, who I had paid little attention to until this point, fled the room. I swung my legs off the table and stood. Looking at O’Brien I said “The human mind may believe in any reality it wants. The only true one, however, is the one that exists. Nothing can change that, not you, me, the Party, or the pain. Now you shall see the end of your reality, not through death, but through its utter destruction.” Without another word I leapt up, somehow knowing what was to happen next. Ceilings crumpled before me as I continued upwards at a frightening speed, rubble falling back down behind me. Finally I burst into the night air, somehow knowing before I emerged that it [i]was[/i] night. Hurtling upwards still from the Ministry of Love I saw it shrinking beneath me until finally it appeared no larger than the coral within the glass. My direction gradually reversed, and as I approached the Ministry I knew what the best course of action was. Suddenly the Ministry, like so many of its victims, was vaporized, the area around it melted. The wave of heat spread for nearly a quarter mile, setting fire to every building it passed until it finally dissipated enough. No one could see it, however, as proceeding before it was a light greater than that of the sun, a pure, blinding white. I knew that everyone but me who saw it was blinded by it temporarily. Without warning the pain returned, riding on the mental screams of ten thousand people. I could hear each and every one of them clamoring though my mind; what I experienced now was far worse than anything that was brought by the needle. My mind, unable through this to shut down, froze in suffering, and I fell to earth. I knew, even through the anguish, why this had happened; I had ended the lives of every person in the building below, many of them innocent people who were simply controlled by the Party. The torture tearing now through my mind was from that; I could not cause suffering without experiencing it. The benefit from this would come only later, as the Party fell. The immediate effect was horrible at this moment in reality. As swiftly as it had arrived, the pain was gone. I was unharmed from the fall, and stood up in the middle of the small crater my body had formed, still knowing what must be done. I leapt above London once again, thinking as I rose about what had happened to me. I knew what had occurred: I had been given a precise perception of reality, and an absolute control over it as a result. I knew also that I would never know how this had been given to me. That moment was the one that I did not know. The entirety of the past and present was clear to me; I [i]was[/i] reality. The future could not be known, as the quantum laws of this existence left the future indefinable. As I reached the apex of my leap once again, I looked down. The remaining three ministries abruptly blinked out of existence, and the pain returned threefold as the destruction beneath me spread. My suffering would have killed me without the new strength of my body. Indeed, it was no longer even my body; what I had so abruptly become wasn’t human. My mind, too, had changed from what it was. I was dead, but this new being continued until the pain passed and I was revived. I could not rest though. The Party buildings in America were to come next, followed by their counterparts in Eurasia and Eastasia. The human race had proved insufficient to the task of creating its Utopia: thus, an unhuman must now do it, and I set off in bounds that covered miles at a time. What I was to bring to the human race now was not control but reality, so that each and every human would know, finally and for all time, that two plus two [i]always[/i] equaled four. [/quote] This is a [i]very[/i] alternate ending to...something. I will fax a cookie to the person who knows what this is referencing. Once it is guessed I will explain my motivation (as I really couldn't explain why I wrote this without revealing what I wrote it about).
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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MinkOWar [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Xeroh No more cookies from me, there all tainted with ecoli and very soggy, and smell like tuna diped in a sewer were the rats were ground up into chunky bits and left out on a florida beach only to get puked on by drunken hooligans who don't use protection when buying sex acts from unhealthy and potentially dangerous criminal prostitutes.[/quote] You sold [i]what[/i] to a drunken hooligan?[/quote] 0.o........that was you Xeroh..........0.o......

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