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9/23/2007 12:28:02 AM

Halo 3 How-to: Matchmaking Playlists

What are the Day 1 Matchmaking Hoppers? Never played Halo and want to know what Matchmaking is? Get introduced here. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12802] click for full story [/url]

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  • Hopefully the playlist will change once they "figure out who the good hosts are".

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  • WhAt kind of idea was thats to take out big team? your crazy do you know how many kids love to play big team even the grown men?

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  • I love the tactical playlist, sounds sweet. I think there is one thing missing though... BTB Skrimish. Cmon Bungie, it only had low ratings in Halo 2 because of the lag and people only went in when they had 8 people in their party (which rarely happens). Give it another shot, there's gonna be thousands more players playing Halo 3 than have ever played Halo 2. Another thing is that Team Snipers is missing. I like the shotty snipers idea, but Team Snipes deserves its own playlist. It was a very succesful playlist that should be put into Halo 3. Although this is just my opinion, i hope you integrate playlists that everyone can enjoy. Edit: One more thing i missed, no BR starts? c'mon Bungie you just completely took out all of the competiton from Halo 3. I don't feel like talking much about this, but just know that removing Hardcore was a terrible decision. [Edited on 09.22.2007 7:53 PM PDT]

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  • ok let me clear some things up here. yes, snipers is missing and swat is missing. im quite ashmaed about that, but, bungie said themselves. their servers need time to get used to all of the playlists,matchmaking,players,etc..., and i dont feel you need to single out a game(yeah youre still hyped about it like the rest of us) just because of something like that. does anyone here play the game somewhat not only for multiplayer but also for the campaign? to end the god of a trilogy that has been "The Halo"? i sure has hell didnt pre-order/buy halo 3 just for the multiplayer goodness. i did it so that i could mend an incomplete path in my life. and that would be the halo storyline. when i get halo 3 at 12:00a.m. on the 25th i will be sacrificing $11.50 an hour for 5 days(i work sat.) just for this moment. and it wont be to play multiplayer, it will be to "Finish The Fight" then mash it up on multiplayer. im done now. go on my children, go on

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  • Why are people saying they already hate this, hate that, and a little on the side? We have the right to discuss this selected topic. Stating Facts is another thing, when we have not played Halo 3 matchmaking yet. So don't.

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  • [b]RANK BTB[/b] Seriously....what do we have to do? Please tell us. You have know idea what kind of sick psychopathic ideas are running through my head because of this news. [Edited on 09.22.2007 7:49 PM PDT]

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  • I can't wait for the first Community inspired hopper. Fun times ahead. Though, I've still got work on and perfect my Overlord Territories variant first. Thank you Bungie for the Forge; It's like Gary's Mod all over again. :)

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  • terrible idea with 5 man FFA, truely horrible.

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  • Thank you Bungie, for all of your pain-eye blistering-dedication to bringing this experience to our living rooms. This high caliber of matchmaking will keep all of us occupied and happy for years to come from a studio who loves it's fans. Of all this coverage and community leading, the new bar from good enough to best to infinite is well on it's way on September 25th, and will reach. Thank you & nice read - Fritzster

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  • We are definitely missing a snipers playlist

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  • Sorry to offend and I know that you are taking a marketing class and everything, but your and idiot do they teach you about the people your marketing to. Bungie knows what they have and they tell us a little bit at a time. The hype comes from us froathing at the mouth to get thier product. I am sorry but you can have an opinion about it when you market a multi-billion dollar product. Not just take a 101 course on it college it's called real world experience which they have and you don't. Also, I for one have heard the hype and been very excited about all that Halo has to offer and they have exceed my expectations every time, and when you see 90,000 players all playing Halo at the same time (not just in one day, but AT THE SAME TIME) then I would say there are pleny of people who would agree with me.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] kff No enemy chat in ranked? That's crap.[/quote] I think thats one of the best features Ive ever seen. and im impressed with the plan to map out good hosts before allowing full scale BTB

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] OutlawWill117 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SteelCougar307 No ranked Big Team again? This is the main reason that I quit H2 multiplayer. I fully understand why Bungie cut down the original BTB Skirmish/Slayer at the end of H2's life cycle, but why not resurrect it for H3? There's going to be something like a gazillion people playing matchmaking in Halo3, and I imagine that at least [i]some[/i] of those people would be interested in a large, competitive playlist. My most favorite experiences have been in BTB Skirmish, and the original Big Team Battle before that...but hell, i won't bother with the details anymore. Check my other posts if you're interested in rant material. Anyway, my point is I won't be among the millions of people out there playing Halo3 at launch without my ranked Big Team. I'll be picking up H3 [b]used[/b] this time around.[/quote] why? cause 1 playlist isnt ranked youre gonna wait 4 months to get it used. dude, youre a dumba$$. [/quote] Maybe I didn't make this clear enough: I'm still [b]very interested[/b] in Halo3. It has fantastic features and I [b]know[/b] that it will be a great game. I mean, the saved films/Forge ViDoc made me soil myself just a little bit. But you know what? This is called [b]voting with my money[/b]. I didn't buy the last H2 map pack because they took away ranked Big Team. I played a few rounds in the other playlists, and I even played some Big Team Battle after the maps were released for free. I'm still dying to play Halo3, matchmaking and campaign! But I refuse to chip in to the launch profits with such an easily-implemented feature missing. H3's not going anywhere for a few years, what's a few months to wait for them to make multiplayer better?

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  • Sounds good so far. I, personally, very pleased that htere will be no Team rockets, it fils me with glee! Its insane to think that in just [url=]this much time[/url] Halo 3 will finally be out and my life will be one step closer to being complete.

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  • I'm kindoff disapointed that BTB isnt ranked, but Team tactical and Team Objective seem to make up for it. At least I'll still be getting XP points in BTB, but I'm still going to miss that number next to my name...

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  • come on bungie... make lone wolves more than 5 players please. can you get ffa games with more than 5 people? if not then :-( :-( :-( :-( looks like ill be spending a lot of time in big team battle then

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  • I have a question. When I like CTF on High Ground with 8 vs 8 so much that I only want to play multiplayer matches off this type. Is it possible to search for your a custom game in a playermatch? And is it now possible to join peoples there hosteds custom matches. Because in Halo 2 you had to invite your friends. And do you know how low the chance is that enough off your friends are online. The chance that they have Halo 3 (hmm kinda big) the chance they want to play that map. the chance they want to play that gametyp. The chance they want to play with those weapons/vehicles. And the chance thet are online. Thats kinda low. So it takes a lot of luck to get your game full. So if you guys on bungie make something like this. Multiplayer- ranked/player match When you go player match you can select "search custom match", "search for matchmaking player match", "host custom match". And when you chose "search custom match" You can filter for Map Gametyp Max and Min players starting weapon secondary weapon primary light vehicle secundaire light vehicle primary havy vehicle secundaire havy vehicle granetes on/off (connection quality/ping) So in this way I can just play my favorit match with my friends as a guest. Thank you Bungie!

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  • Dude, the Halo Matchmaking system is only the brillant in the video game world. You just pick a game type, Like Team Slayer and hit go. The system does the rest. It matches you with players who are of a similar skill level. Now the first couple of days will be a little rocky for even matching because there are some of us who have played halo since it's divine birth into our homes and our hearts, but after a few weeks its starts to get better and then a month later your rock'in heart pounding by the seat of your pants wins or losses and that my friend is the beauty of the Halo matchmaking system. Anyone claiming to be anything like Halo's system.... Not to name any names or anything **cough** (Shadowrun) **cough** does in no way compare. It is the man reason why I keep coming back to the game. Dont get me wrong the game is awsome, but I thought Gears was awsome to. I didn't however stick with that game because the matchmaking WAS LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!! and no fun at all. If Bungie has been able to improve matchmaking from a system that is was already perfect (except for cheaters but that is not thier fault) then lukems you will bow down to the halo gods and thank them for the matchmaking.

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  • This game will blow for people who play MLG. GG Bungie, listen to the noobs on the forum.

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  • Guess I better play a lot of SWAT the next few days since it won't be in Halo 3 right off the bat.

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  • WERE IS SWAT?!?!?!?!?

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  • in halo 3 team hardcore would be pointless unless you want to play it with carbines the br is no where close to what it was in h2. and that is for the better i'v always wanted more games for guests, now me and my brother can play more than just team training or rumble training together(boring) but no team snipers.... i hope this is a joke bungie

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] OutlawWill117 ok, so why does it say that there is 1,601 players online in halo 3 right now?[/quote] Because some people got copies early, the press got early copies, and many people pirated it. Also this weekend Bungie is turning on the Halo 3 features of the site.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SteelCougar307 No ranked Big Team again? This is the main reason that I quit H2 multiplayer. I fully understand why Bungie cut down the original BTB Skirmish/Slayer at the end of H2's life cycle, but why not resurrect it for H3? There's going to be something like a gazillion people playing matchmaking in Halo3, and I imagine that at least [i]some[/i] of those people would be interested in a large, competitive playlist. My most favorite experiences have been in BTB Skirmish, and the original Big Team Battle before that...but hell, i won't bother with the details anymore. Check my other posts if you're interested in rant material. Anyway, my point is I won't be among the millions of people out there playing Halo3 at launch without my ranked Big Team. I'll be picking up H3 [b]used[/b] this time around.[/quote] why? cause 1 playlist isnt ranked youre gonna wait 4 months to get it used. dude, youre a dumba$$.

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  • ok, so why does it say that there is 1,601 players online in halo 3 right now?

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  • No ranked Big Team again? This is the main reason that I quit H2 multiplayer. I fully understand why Bungie cut down the original BTB Skirmish/Slayer at the end of H2's life cycle, but why not resurrect it for H3? There's going to be something like a gazillion people playing matchmaking in Halo3, and I imagine that at least [i]some[/i] of those people would be interested in a large, competitive playlist. My most favorite experiences have been in BTB Skirmish, and the original Big Team Battle before that...but hell, i won't bother with the details anymore. Check my other posts if you're interested in rant material. Anyway, my point is I won't be among the millions of people out there playing Halo3 at launch without my ranked Big Team. I'll be picking up H3 [b]used[/b] this time around.

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