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9/23/2007 12:28:02 AM

Halo 3 How-to: Matchmaking Playlists

What are the Day 1 Matchmaking Hoppers? Never played Halo and want to know what Matchmaking is? Get introduced here. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12802] click for full story [/url]

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  • Didn't see swat on the playlists...gonna miss swat

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  • Yeah I definitely want to see a infection playlist, even if unranked because it is one of my most anticipated gametypes. It would be awesome fun to play. And yeah I hope we get ranked BTB, but either way its going to be great.

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  • Define Element might be the coolest kid behind me... RACECAR BED!

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  • so bungie says they are going to crack down on cheating and hav a harsh punishment right. well lets all pray that punishment is a kick to the nuts, or something along those lines, so cheaters DON'T cheat and ruin the game for the rest of us. a kick to the nuts... quote it!

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  • How the hell is Big Team Battle not ranked!? just because its' popularity died down after several YEARS in Halo 2 does not mean it will be underplayed in Halo 3. BTB was by far my most played playlist, and keeping it social only is going to increase the numbers of quitters and griefers by a massive amount. I'm actually pissed! Internet pissed!

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  • Big Team has to be RANKED

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  • Why is everybody asking about Team Hardcore?! How can they make such a thing if MLG has not even made playlists or rules for Halo 3 that are the most competitive.....

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  • W00t! Page 8! My Dixie wrecked.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] USMCxCr3asyKonG now im actually thinking about selling my halo3 on ebay. [/quote] Please do, because based on your attitude, i'm pretty sure that you've got a really high pitched voice and no pubic hair. That being said, stick to Viva Pinata little boy, before mommy slaps some sense into you and sits you in the corner for a halfer or so. And if you sell it on Ebay, please mention in your listing that you were the whiney female dog from teh Bungie forums so we can run up the price to a large Mil and not pay you. g' day

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  • I'm kinda upset that enemy chat is turned off in ranked playlists... booo

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  • PERFECT!!! I LOVE the variety of Social Playlists. In H2 I was always frustrated when I would want to just play straight-up slayer but would go into training and get some CTF game. Thank you BUNGIE!

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  • The question is... what role will guests play in all this? I know that there shouldnt be guests in the "Ranked" lists, but what about the social ones, shouldn't there be some sort of third game set list for people who have guests, because after all, players with guests can bring a lot of disadvantages to their team. They usually have a smaller screen, and some of them tend not to care about winning or losing, while I understand that if you truly care about winning, you could go into ranked games, what if you wanted to have fun while not being betrayed by your teammates? Are guests even allowed onto xbox live at all? Thats just a question that's on my mind.

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  • Everything looks awesome! But, I don't like how ranked rumble pit is only five. That is far to little on most maps, because most of the time, if someone will gain the lead by 3+, it is quite hard to come back (not in a fun way), because you spend so much time searching, rather than fighting. As a somewhat of veteran of Halo 2, I know how FFA is somewhat still a "kill-steal" fest, I still think that 5 is just way to little. Social rumble pit should be 8. Don't flame me, just because I criticize one thing. I sure hope I am not the only one who feels this way, then again, I LOVE FFA.

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  • im disappointed that you can't trash talk no more on ranked, i loved getting the other team riled up. but man i can't wait to play multi-team again!!! they never should have taken it off halo 2

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  • for the people who are complaining.......have you not heard of updates? they can easily add team snipers later on. don t knock on something when you havnt evn played it

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ChitownFan526 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] USMCxCr3asyKonG after all the -blam!- i went thru in the past 4 days BTB BETTER be ranked soon or on September 25th. bungie is terrible at customer service, its obvious but they could atleast fix their mistakes to look better because gith now h3 is looking just like h2, and they are going to let it die like they did to halo2[/quote] 338,000+ Halo 2 players in the last 24 have an interesting definition of the word die...and by the way, if you're taking really should check your spelling. Anybody who knows about marketing or business in general knows that details (like spelling) make all the difference. BTB will be ranked if there's enough people playing it. Bungie has nothing to gain from withholding a playlist from people who want to play that playlist. Ranked BTB was removed in Halo 2 because there weren't enough players to keep it as a functioning playlist, meaning that people could actually find a game in that playlist. If a playlist isn't being used, the few players that want to use it will have a very difficult time finding a fair, fun game, and that's what matchmaking is all about. Most of the people in here that are complaining are presenting no good evidence to support their claims other than something to the effect of "...this is stupid...Bungie sucks...what the blam are they thinking..." If you guys want Bungie to take you seriously, then this is not the way to get it done. They have much better things to do than listen to pointless whining, and I don't mean to offend anyone, but that's what all this stuff amounts to, by and large. The reality is the people who have made this game, and Halo 2, know what they're doing, and there's over a quarter of a million unique players in the last day alone in Halo 2 to prove that. Also, the majority of the Halo 2 players don't post in these forums, and Bungie's job is to keep as many people happy as possibe, not just those of us who post in the forums. We may care more, yes, but that doesn't mean we're the only votes that count. The number of people still playing speaks to the fact that Bungie knows how to do Matchmaking. I wonder about the new matchmaking system too, but I'm not gonna knock it until I've tried it. [/quote] Fact is, bungie knows what they are doing. They stated they needed time to get used to the networking w-e in BTB unranked. I agree with this guy completely, if you don't like it, sell you're -blam!- copy on ebay and let the rest of us play the game without having to hear your dumb ass on live complaining how you would rather be playing ranked big team. It's scum like you that us that still play H2 everyday just as much as we did when it first came out try to avoid. The only complaint I have about the new playlists is no Snipers, which I don't care, I'll probably be having more fun in Team Tactics/slayer, Lone wolves and multi team (oh and forge which you obviously haven't looked into, wtg) to care about straight up snipers. And the guy that mentioned earlier that people left because of BTB becoming unranked in H2, there are still dedicated players out there, no one cares if you leave, that's one less idiot I have to play against [Edited on 09.22.2007 9:34 PM PDT]

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  • Hamster Crack? How's that one go again ; )

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  • I really will love halo 3 because bungie is freagin awesome but seriously....wheres the snipes??? im not being negative because forge will be amazing THank u bungie I cant wait to play halo 3@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hell yes

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ChitownFan526 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] USMCxCr3asyKonG after all the -blam!- i went thru in the past 4 days BTB BETTER be ranked soon or on September 25th. bungie is terrible at customer service, its obvious but they could atleast fix their mistakes to look better because gith now h3 is looking just like h2, and they are going to let it die like they did to halo2[/quote] 338,000+ Halo 2 players in the last 24 have an interesting definition of the word die...and by the way, if you're taking really should check your spelling. Anybody who knows about marketing or business in general knows that details (like spelling) make all the difference. BTB will be ranked if there's enough people playing it. Bungie has nothing to gain from withholding a playlist from people who want to play that playlist. Ranked BTB was removed in Halo 2 because there weren't enough players to keep it as a functioning playlist, meaning that people could actually find a game in that playlist. If a playlist isn't being used, the few players that want to use it will have a very difficult time finding a fair, fun game, and that's what matchmaking is all about. Most of the people in here that are complaining are presenting no good evidence to support their claims other than something to the effect of "...this is stupid...Bungie sucks...what the blam are they thinking..." If you guys want Bungie to take you seriously, then this is not the way to get it done. They have much better things to do than listen to pointless whining, and I don't mean to offend anyone, but that's what all this stuff amounts to, by and large. The reality is the people who have made this game, and Halo 2, know what they're doing, and there's over a quarter of a million unique players in the last day alone in Halo 2 to prove that. Also, the majority of the Halo 2 players don't post in these forums, and Bungie's job is to keep as many people happy as possibe, not just those of us who post in the forums. We may care more, yes, but that doesn't mean we're the only votes that count. The number of people still playing speaks to the fact that Bungie knows how to do Matchmaking. I wonder about the new matchmaking system too, but I'm not gonna knock it until I've tried it. [/quote] Oh crap! USMCxCr3asyKonG just got f****** owned! USMCxCr3asyKonG, you gotta get urself a lawyer now or change ur name.

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  • i agree

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  • First of all, the first post dude said First!, so perhaps banning should be in order. Third, (not that anyone cares) i will be tryin out Team Tactical for quite a bit. Interesting, no? Second, da**, that's a lot of playlists or w/e they''re called. Fourth, m i the only one who reads then posts? lol. respect, peace out zaeet

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  • For all those that couldn't figure this out, of course there isn't going to be a team hardcore, because team hardcore focused on the competitive MLG community, but [b]is no competitive community[/b] for Halo 3. Heck, for all you know, MLG will decide to use the default Assault Rifle for first spawn weapon, or maybe the carbine. I'm sure a hardcore playlist is on the way, but Bungie and MLG need to find out what the hardcore matches will be.

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  • [QUOTE]338,000+ Halo 2 players in the last 24 have an interesting definition of the word die...and by the way, if you're taking really should check your spelling. Anybody who knows about marketing or business in general knows that details (like spelling) make all the difference. BTB will be ranked if there's enough people playing it. Bungie has nothing to gain from withholding a playlist from people who want to play that playlist. Ranked BTB was removed in Halo 2 because there weren't enough players to keep it as a functioning playlist, meaning that people could actually find a game in that playlist. If a playlist isn't being used, the few players that want to use it will have a very difficult time finding a fair, fun game, and that's what matchmaking is all about. Most of the people in here that are complaining are presenting no good evidence to support their claims other than something to the effect of "...this is stupid...Bungie sucks...what the blam are they thinking..." If you guys want Bungie to take you seriously, then this is not the way to get it done. They have much better things to do than listen to pointless whining, and I don't mean to offend anyone, but that's what all this stuff amounts to, by and large. The reality is the people who have made this game, and Halo 2, know what they're doing, and there's over a quarter of a million unique players in the last day alone in Halo 2 to prove that. Also, the majority of the Halo 2 players don't post in these forums, and Bungie's job is to keep as many people happy as possibe, not just those of us who post in the forums. We may care more, yes, but that doesn't mean we're the only votes that count. The number of people still playing speaks to the fact that Bungie knows how to do Matchmaking. I wonder about the new matchmaking system too, but I'm not gonna knock it until I've tried it.[/quote] you have a good point. I personally really want BTB to be ranked but i also remember trying to find a decent game when it was ranked in H2. Not only that but you pretty much needed a full party to enjoy it when you [i]could[/i] get a game [Edited on 09.22.2007 9:11 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ChitownFan526 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] USMCxCr3asyKonG after all the -blam!- i went thru in the past 4 days BTB BETTER be ranked soon or on September 25th. bungie is terrible at customer service, its obvious but they could atleast fix their mistakes to look better because gith now h3 is looking just like h2, and they are going to let it die like they did to halo2[/quote] 338,000+ Halo 2 players in the last 24 have an interesting definition of the word die...and by the way, if you're taking really should check your spelling. Anybody who knows about marketing or business in general knows that details (like spelling) make all the difference. BTB will be ranked if there's enough people playing it. Bungie has nothing to gain from withholding a playlist from people who want to play that playlist. Ranked BTB was removed in Halo 2 because there weren't enough players to keep it as a functioning playlist, meaning that people could actually find a game in that playlist. If a playlist isn't being used, the few players that want to use it will have a very difficult time finding a fair, fun game, and that's what matchmaking is all about. Most of the people in here that are complaining are presenting no good evidence to support their claims other than something to the effect of "...this is stupid...Bungie sucks...what the blam are they thinking..." If you guys want Bungie to take you seriously, then this is not the way to get it done. They have much better things to do than listen to pointless whining, and I don't mean to offend anyone, but that's what all this stuff amounts to, by and large. The reality is the people who have made this game, and Halo 2, know what they're doing, and there's over a quarter of a million unique players in the last day alone in Halo 2 to prove that. Also, the majority of the Halo 2 players don't post in these forums, and Bungie's job is to keep as many people happy as possibe, not just those of us who post in the forums. We may care more, yes, but that doesn't mean we're the only votes that count. The number of people still playing speaks to the fact that Bungie knows how to do Matchmaking. I wonder about the new matchmaking system too, but I'm not gonna knock it until I've tried it. [/quote] Amen.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] USMCxCr3asyKonG after all the -blam!- i went thru in the past 4 days BTB BETTER be ranked soon or on September 25th. bungie is terrible at customer service, its obvious but they could atleast fix their mistakes to look better because gith now h3 is looking just like h2, and they are going to let it die like they did to halo2[/quote] 338,000+ Halo 2 players in the last 24 have an interesting definition of the word die...and by the way, if you're taking really should check your spelling. Anybody who knows about marketing or business in general knows that details (like spelling) make all the difference. BTB will be ranked if there's enough people playing it. Bungie has nothing to gain from withholding a playlist from people who want to play that playlist. Ranked BTB was removed in Halo 2 because there weren't enough players to keep it as a functioning playlist, meaning that people could actually find a game in that playlist. If a playlist isn't being used, the few players that want to use it will have a very difficult time finding a fair, fun game, and that's what matchmaking is all about. Most of the people in here that are complaining are presenting no good evidence to support their claims other than something to the effect of "...this is stupid...Bungie sucks...what the blam are they thinking..." If you guys want Bungie to take you seriously, then this is not the way to get it done. They have much better things to do than listen to pointless whining, and I don't mean to offend anyone, but that's what all this stuff amounts to, by and large. The reality is the people who have made this game, and Halo 2, know what they're doing, and there's over a quarter of a million unique players in the last day alone in Halo 2 to prove that. Also, the majority of the Halo 2 players don't post in these forums, and Bungie's job is to keep as many people happy as possibe, not just those of us who post in the forums. We may care more, yes, but that doesn't mean we're the only votes that count. The number of people still playing speaks to the fact that Bungie knows how to do Matchmaking. I wonder about the new matchmaking system too, but I'm not gonna knock it until I've tried it.

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  • DAAAAAMN....everything looks PERFECT! I can't WAIT until Tuesday. :D

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