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9/23/2007 12:28:02 AM

Halo 3 How-to: Matchmaking Playlists

What are the Day 1 Matchmaking Hoppers? Never played Halo and want to know what Matchmaking is? Get introduced here. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12802] click for full story [/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] da acklete No settings with BR start... wow bungie, wow[/quote] After playing the beta you wont want to always start with BR the weapon is not very good a close to medium range anymore. The AR is the ultimate all around weapon now. It does suck at long range, but the last thing you want is to be stuck with a BR in any close range situation. The AR ROCKS!!!! Good job bungie bringing it back.

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  • luke ban him please oh yeah i think that shotty snipers should be its own playlist [Edited on 09.23.2007 2:35 PM PDT]

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  • Great list. I'm glad there are social versions of some of the ranked games. [b] PLEASE [/b] consider adding team snipers and team SWAT

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  • I agree with four square you cowards that are whinning about BTB being ranked because you can't hack it in the 4v4 world. Fighting off two or more oppents at the same time scares you. You need to roll with a big crew you know that the bullies we all knew and loved growing up. Really that guy was nothing with out all his friends. Remember that time when you smashed he head agains the lockers in gym class where were his friends then???? I liken all you sniving about ranked BTB to that bully you think you are really good at this game, but you just can't hack it with us 4v4 gamers and BIg Team was your only home so that you could feel like you are good at Halo. WAKE UP!!!! This games as always been intended to be a 4v4 game you're lucky to have Big Team anything in matchmaking. I am sure however that bungie being the wonderful customer pleasing company that it is will make a ranked BTB for all you whinning lossers eventually. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Foursquare [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] USMCxCr3asyKonG [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] PintsizeKnight guys! calm down! like Bungie said, they need time for their servers to get used to everything. on top of that, 2) [b]you should be HIGHLY THANKFUL you get to Finish the Fight![/b] there will most likely be an update for Matchmaking. while you wait, 12) [b]why dont you mess around in Forge or something[/b]???[/quote] 1) Kill Yourself, Never Say That Again 2) We dont want to mess around in Forge because we are not turds. I did not spend $66 on halo3 so that i can move fusion cores wherever i want, i paid that money so i can play big Team Battle, now im actually thinking about selling my halo3 on ebay. [/quote] Then be a -blam!- and do that, no one is stopping you, sell it to someone who actually cares about all the hard work they have put into this and how greatful they will be to play something so amazing, all you stupid stuck up, whiney kids need to get over it! dont complain, do it in a more constructive manor to let bungie know how you feel...and then they may actually listen! You guys have no inclination of how hard those people worked on this! Give them a break and they will do their best to meet your expectations!!! Thank you so much Bungie for this amazing game! Im sure you guys did a great job and I cant wait[/quote]

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  • Hmm... And yet there is still new to us right? Bungie said this is going to be special plus they read the ideas from people all around the world (even the stupiest one)...anyways, my point is we only know this right? There must be alot of things they doesn't tell us, Like i'm thinking if they going to allowed a space war in this game. I don't know, one thing tho everyone be prepeard for one hell of a special game here ! "This is Sparta !" sure taken by the movie 300. But yea, Master Chief is a spartan. Note: Don't cut to conclusions, (I wont anyways).

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  • in am so pissed thier is not ranked bigteam battle [Edited on 09.23.2007 1:57 PM PDT]

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  • WOW - thats a lot. And its less than two days before we can start playing! w00t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • At least some of the people have a decent argument against why BTB should be ranked again. Like I said, give them time, it will come. And for those of you that haven't heard (and I got this from there are no clans in H3, so no clanmatches of course...which is a huge letdown I'm loving reading how well this game is reviewed, and then see all the haters enraged asking why a game where aliens either scream like 13 year olds and the others just go GRAWRRRR got such high ratings.

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  • i must say i am very disapointed to see no team snipers on that list, that was my favorite play list next to hardcore. "All you guys complaining deserve to have your halo 3's revoked. bungie have spent many years working hard to make this game possible and you guys have the nerve to complain? you can still do everything you could before and more. if bungie decide to make a few changes then they can. its thier game made by them. so get over it. you selfish -Blam!-ers all need to grow up." and by the way HeadShot9192 (the author of the above statement) you need to grow up, that post was about the dumbest thing ive ever heard, the whole reason for these forums is for us to voice our opinions, not praise bungie non-stop, that is how they improve the game, by what the gaming majority thinks. That is why we kept playing halo 2 all these years, so why dont you just stfu buddy. and one more thing Headshot, if you think snipers only takes "kinda" skill you might as well just just quit halo, snipers and hardcore are the 2 most skillful playlists in the game, why? because everybody has the same weapon where as in slayer whoever gets the good weapons first has control so maybe you should start thinking before you talk [Edited on 09.23.2007 1:31 PM PDT]

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  • yea i know where is the love for SWAT??????????????

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  • So by the article i'm guessing theres not HUGE BTB like 16 v 16 like some of the rumors said???????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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  • they probably will re-add BTB and snipers ect but it would make sense not to really. they are fun but there not really games to determine skill (well...i guess snipers kinda is). and thats what being ranked is about right? to determine your skill?

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  • Well they def need to add Big team......hopefully just at the start it istin on the playlist..but I hope it changed

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  • Yea, if they don't add team snipers they're not going to achieve the kind of numbers they're expecting for online play. It's pretty much the only thing I've been playing.

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  • I really hope they add Team Snipers, it is definitely my favorite Halo 2 playlist.

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  • clans are a no go on halo 3 at first...hopefully only at first

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  • No ranked Big Team or any Team Swat?!? Why bungie, why :(

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Nellyvillle HEadshot9192, R u KIDDING ME?? Ur right im sorry, we CAN still play Team SWAT, AND TEAM SNIPERS on lockout......WAIT We cant!! Before you post anything, make sure it is all true so u dont look like a total RETARD!!, remember its better to not talk at all and be thought of a fool, then to talk and remove all doubt.....i hope Bungie comes up with a way to block Noobs like you from playing any ranked games....Sick of all of these noobs....[/quote] never heard of custom games? oh wait of course not you have no friends.... matchmaking isnt everything. at least i can accept change unlike you. in fact its people like you that dont realise that halo is a game. dont get me wrong i love ranked games- but ranked games are to determine skill. free for all? skill. tactical? skill. you see where im going with this? bungie you have done a wonderful job and keep my full support. EDIT: also try to remember that bungie arent finished with matchmaking yet. over the next few weeks/months were bound to see many changes. [Edited on 09.23.2007 12:26 PM PDT]

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  • I can not wait. It is definitely sweet (missed multi-team) but where is the head-to-head. I understand about the cheating and all but it was one of the best playlists ever. Would be cool to see forge maps and tower of power / zombies somewhere. All in all a great update!

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  • Ya that def is true about the lil kids yelling............But usually when there is a ranked big team you usually dont get that....because everyone knows eachother and the kids that are yelling are bad and very low rank so they would never get high to playanyone

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  • Where is SWAT???????

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] USMCxCr3asyKonG [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] shanksterr [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] USMCxCr3asyKonG wow bungie blows, im just going to sell my preorder ticket. No BTB is so dumb, you guys suck[/quote] Did you even read the update? It clearly says Big Team Battle [/quote] as an unranked playlist. Try lpaying BTb right now, i will tell you exactly what happens. You go in, get to step 2 and have all the little kids screaming their lungs out just to be little -blam!-s. Then step 4 comes anc then the game starts. Its going to be the worst host possible, you have atleast 4 elites on your team and 3 guests. The guests all start betraying yuo then they get booted making your game now 8v5, then the elite on your team betrays you for the sniper then quits out when he gets killed, making it 4v8, now you quit bvecause it is just a complete waste of time. Plus the fact Team Duals XTRA on Midship is NOT a BTB gametype[/quote] I see what you mean, It would be nice to have BTB ranked. Just play with youre friends and cool people you meet on live, if you do it unranked and press x to party up eventually you'll find a good group.....eventually. I'm sure the matchmaking will get changed.....a lot

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  • Well alot of people even pros right now used to play btb and still would if btb was ranked.....Everybody played it......there is no purpose to have unranked....You just play against bad kids...

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  • sigh, i hope they bring back the good matchmaking. Head to Head, Team Hardcore, ranked rumble pit. THose were the good old days, leave SWAT and all the other no shield noob games to the customs. YOU GOT ZOMBIES, LEAVE MATCHMAKING ALONE :D. ranked BTB would be nice too. That is why i stopped playing BTB, no longer ranked, so nobody trys. BRING IT BACK, I MISS GOOD MATCHMAKING!

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  • I really dont understand why? Like why would you unrank it? Everything else it ranked but not big team I really dont get the point? what is the point of having btb unranked anyways? So turds can just play it and not get better? This def should of been like the the first day of halo 2....big team and clan

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  • HEadshot9192, R u KIDDING ME?? Ur right im sorry, we CAN still play Team SWAT, AND TEAM SNIPERS on lockout......WAIT We cant!! Before you post anything, make sure it is all true so u dont look like a total RETARD!!, remember its better to not talk at all and be thought of a fool, then to talk and remove all doubt.....i hope Bungie comes up with a way to block Noobs like you from playing any ranked games....Sick of all of these noobs....

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