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9/23/2007 12:28:02 AM

Halo 3 How-to: Matchmaking Playlists

What are the Day 1 Matchmaking Hoppers? Never played Halo and want to know what Matchmaking is? Get introduced here. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12802] click for full story [/url]

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  • And to all the complainers: If you bothered to read the update details, you could likely reason why the playlists are not exactly as you might want them. It is clearly explained that the reason for BTB being temporarily downsized is to give the matchmaking system time to map out good hosts. This in turn makes it clear that Bungie expects matchmaking to behave as it always does, meaning: Any time matchmaking goes through any sort of reset or major update or maintenance, the entire process gets kinda rough for a bit. You can imagine then, that a couple thousand people online becoming a couple hundred thousand people online over the course of just a mere day or so would put a big strain on the system. Clearly this means that big team, having the most players, will have the most problems. Just as they are giving it time to settle before making it full-scale, they are likely doing the same before bothering to rank it, in order to help balance the initial ranking of new players as much as possible, among other reasons. If you pay attention to Bungie's history during Halo 2's reign, you will see that they have constantly changed rankings, playlists, and various other things to suit what the statistics tell them people want. if you honestly think Bungie cannot see that a lot of people want a lot of changes, you might want to reconsider your position. As a few other people have said already, JUST GIVE IT SOME TIME. TRY the new list before you judge it. Give Bungie your opinion POLITELY- AFTER you try things out. This is a different game. New gametypes. New weapons. If you want more of the exact same, then keep playing Halo 2. Otherwise, try out the new list and let Bungie know what you think accordingly. I promise all of you, that if you give it time, and everyone gives Bungie proper feedbak, that in a short time, the playlists will begin to shape themselves to public demand, courtesy of Bungie. If you really dislike it all so much, then shut up and don't buy the game. It's that simple. For the rest of you.....see you in 26 hours.

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  • NO SWAT, dangnabit, SWAT was the best

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  • A little education for you, USMCxCr3asyKonG: Bungie has created and cleverly marketed the single most popular video game franchise since Mario. The effort and detail put into the marketing is likely far beyond your understanding, and this franchise has literally made the xbox and 360 what they are. It has become a multimedia phenomenon, and has made Microsoft more money than your Marketing teacher will make in his/her lifetime. Now if you understand the concept of marketing in ANY degree, I think you'll have difficulty arguing that your previous statement is, by all means, totally false. God forbid anyone should even consider placing your egotistical @$$ in charge of marketing something so big. [Edited on 09.23.2007 6:37 PM PDT]

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  • wow.....i have seen this USMCxCr3asyKonG guy say like 5 differnet times that he is gonna sell his halo 3, all because theres no ranked btb boo hoo STFU GOD DAMN IT i mean serioulsy no one gives a -blam!- if your -blam!- ass and ur *8 man team* cant play some BTB...halo 3 isnt about BTB its about halo -blam!- 3......but in all seriousness with not cursing, dude u just need to chill out and play the game alrite, im sry theres no BTB ranked, in time they might make it ranked but geez its their game and they decided to change up the matchmaking to see how it this new set works, why dont u try out team tactical? where u know u have to realllllly use skill to win or somethin....just stop crying about it tho

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] xThe Real Dealx i know about 35 or 40 people who either already did or are in the process of getting their money back for halo 3 cause btb is not ranked and i know about 100 more who are very upset that it is not ranked. you would make a lot more people happy by having both a ranked and a social version or just keep it ranked.[/quote] wow out of millions of sales a whole 35 or 40 people are getting their money back for something so small as ONE FEATURE. BTB wasnt popular, thats why they made it unranked in halo 2. it never got popular, thats why they are KEEPING it unranked. Go play enough games with your friends and they will make it ranked.

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  • i know about 35 or 40 people who either already did or are in the process of getting their money back for halo 3 cause btb is not ranked and i know about 100 more who are very upset that it is not ranked. you would make a lot more people happy by having both a ranked and a social version or just keep it ranked.

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  • Gonna be awesome! cant wait

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  • They ever get rid of that press up on D pad to talk....I hate that

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Snipercidal Great list. I'm glad there are social versions of some of the ranked games. [b] PLEASE [/b] consider adding team snipers and team SWAT[/quote] Second that, two of my favorite playlists from H2. --WinMasterXP

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  • Still no enemy voice in ranked playlists? I hated this in the beta and still do. What are we all 3 years old? I don't trash talk & never have but I respect other's right to do so. Plus it makes them easier targets. How else am I gonna know that loudmouth enemy dork #27 is sneaking up on me when my back is turned? There should be a mute enemy team option for the sensitive types who can't take it. All this nonsense about the new social aspects of matchmaking is ridiculous if you can only be social with the clique that happens to be your team.

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  • Will there be any clan matches?

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  • Yay, i can do social doubles with my bro.

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  • Bungie....Please bring BTB back to the ranked section, unranked btb is horrible.

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  • Why no head to head?!? I waited so long to finally have balanced 1v1 without the stupid combo, and yet there is no playlist. Doesn't Bungie see why head to head failed in Halo 2? It was because back in the day before you did anything about standbying, there was a 50% chance of getting host, so all the cheaters flocked to it. So you removed it for this reason, but didn't put it back after you fixed up standbying. And now apparently you just forgot about it in Halo 3. This is a huge slap in the face to the hardcore players.

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  • looking good, hopefully Team SWAT will make a return. i completely own at it ;)

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  • If there was big team in the play list that was "ranked" it would be all good

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Enzer0 Still no clan match :( Me dissapointed[/quote] Buncgie said there wouldn't be any more clans... This was because microsoft got wise to them, and realized that it was basically a 2nd freinds list. So there wont be any clans.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DoubleForte They already explained why they couldn't do clans. Because Live doesn't support it! I'm psyched for Halo 3 and all these people bashing it because they want certain gametypes are ruining it for me. Those gametypes listed in the How-To are TYPICAL GAMETYPES. That means those will be the MOST COMMON. Not ALL of them. There will be things like Team Snipes, just because it isn't listed in the Typical Gametypes list doesn't mean it won't be in Matchmaking Hoppers.[/quote] Didn't they say somthing about possably makeing something on B Net for clans. I mean thats realy what we want. I dont care because we're a strong clan reguardless of play list clan list or whatever. What should be done is increase again the amount of friends you can have on live. That'd fix the problems....

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  • Seriously dude.... [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Foursquare [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] USMCxCr3asyKonG [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] PintsizeKnight guys! calm down! like Bungie said, they need time for their servers to get used to everything. on top of that, 2) [b]you should be HIGHLY THANKFUL you get to Finish the Fight![/b] there will most likely be an update for Matchmaking. while you wait, 12) [b]why dont you mess around in Forge or something[/b]???[/quote] 1) Kill Yourself, Never Say That Again 2) We dont want to mess around in Forge because we are not turds. I did not spend $66 on halo3 so that i can move fusion cores wherever i want, i paid that money so i can play big Team Battle, now im actually thinking about selling my halo3 on ebay. [/quote] Then be a -blam!- and do that, no one is stopping you, sell it to someone who actually cares about all the hard work they have put into this and how greatful they will be to play something so amazing, all you stupid stuck up, whiney kids need to get over it! dont complain, do it in a more constructive manor to let bungie know how you feel...and then they may actually listen! You guys have no inclination of how hard those people worked on this! Give them a break and they will do their best to meet your expectations!!! Thank you so much Bungie for this amazing game! Im sure you guys did a great job and I cant wait[/quote] Do Not Speak For Others Unless You Are Them.... Forge is -blam!- Amazing...I cant wait to just play there for like a few hours waiting for my friends. I mean honestly you childern are starting to piss me off. Your probably not even 18 yet. So why are you able to play this...because you whine to your parents to get your way. Seriously though you just need to grow up and realize that you dont get exactly what you want all the time because its the truth...wake up.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TheNameIsJohnny4 I know they made btb unranked because it was probably one of the least played gametypes but, that was still a huge part of the community that played it.. like myself... I think thats the only playlist I really played everyday. I stoped playing halo 2 because btb went unranked... its just not the same with all the guests and people quit all the time cause its unranked or don't even try.. There are a bunch of people on here that don't understand why we love BTB so much.. I've had many great times and memeorys form halo 2 in BTB... BRING IT BACK PLEASE! we need to start a pention in the fourms![/quote] haha lets bring it to ranked so we cant hear are enemy's!!!! "dumb"

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  • I know they made btb unranked because it was probably one of the least played gametypes but, that was still a huge part of the community that played it.. like myself... I think thats the only playlist I really played everyday. I stoped playing halo 2 because btb went unranked... its just not the same with all the guests and people quit all the time cause its unranked or don't even try.. There are a bunch of people on here that don't understand why we love BTB so much.. I've had many great times and memeorys form halo 2 in BTB... BRING IT BACK PLEASE! we need to start a pention in the fourms!

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  • They already explained why they couldn't do clans. Because Live doesn't support it! I'm psyched for Halo 3 and all these people bashing it because they want certain gametypes are ruining it for me. Those gametypes listed in the How-To are TYPICAL GAMETYPES. That means those will be the MOST COMMON. Not ALL of them. There will be things like Team Snipes, just because it isn't listed in the Typical Gametypes list doesn't mean it won't be in Matchmaking Hoppers.

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  • hay all lets get halo 3 and jump in to ranked rumble pit and never hear are enemy's talking. or lets play ranked BTB and only hear are team members and nevere hear the enemy. i ask all of you is there something wrong with that? not being able to here your enemy's talk or is it jest me! it sounds like its going to be boring. i might fall asleep and die all the time because ill never know where my enemy is or if he/she is calling me names. yawn no fun i love a challenge.

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  • Hurray i am very happy at the return of multi team although i distinctly see a lack of team snipers. If anything that should be brought back. I wonder if it will be blatently obvious who has host in h3 as it was in h2 with the BR and the shotgun and sword. Cant wait though halo 3 FTW.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] da acklete No settings with BR start... wow bungie, wow[/quote] After playing the beta you wont want to always start with BR the weapon is not very good a close to medium range anymore. The AR is the ultimate all around weapon now. It does suck at long range, but the last thing you want is to be stuck with a BR in any close range situation. The AR ROCKS!!!! Good job bungie bringing it back.

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