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9/23/2007 12:28:02 AM

Halo 3 How-to: Matchmaking Playlists

What are the Day 1 Matchmaking Hoppers? Never played Halo and want to know what Matchmaking is? Get introduced here. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12802] click for full story [/url]

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  • Until I read this thread, I had no idea that so many people actually liked big team. In H2, I took about 5 minutes just to get the matchmaker to actually find enough players to start a game...and that was unranked. It would probably take 10 minutes to find 16 players of equal ability in BTB. [Edited on 09.24.2007 8:14 AM PDT]

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  • Ranked Big team all the way

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  • Hope Big Team Battle becomes ranked because that is all that I play. There is only so much team slayer one can take. I know there are plenty who also just play Big Team. But I am looking forward to playing Halo 3 tomorrow

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  • I agree i love swat i have over 1500 games loged in swat but thats life love and lost.

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  • Where's SWAT? Unless I missed something, it looks like there's no SWAT...that was the best part of matchmaking!

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  • [quote]First of all, I never said that i share the same views on the BTB situation as the people I was reffering to. Secondly about the numbers I threw out there, those were just rough estimations of the number of people I have talked to about the situation. If you honestly believe that I was trying to through exact numbers out there then you are not as inteligent as you sound buddy. [/quote] Regardless if you said you share the view or not, your comment was in fact a complaint about BTB being unranked. A decision which could very well prove temporary anyway. And as for the number thing.....since it clearly isn't as obvious to you as one might expect, I basically implied that you were grossly exaggerating your numbers, not that you were being overly precise. And I do appreciate you mentioning that I sound intelligent. Thanks. But we're not buddies. Not yet, anyway, although you wouldn't be the first friend ever made through an argument. Strange how disagreements can bring people together. In fact, grab your 140 friends and we'll all hang out sometime! I'd suggest we all play Halo 3, but seeing as 35-40 of them are returning their pre-order tickets....:P P.S.-Don't take it personally. I'm a smart@$$ to everyone. It's just my obnoxious sense of humor. Also, wouldn't this "P.S." thing make more sense if I actually HAD a signature? It's like a Halo Twighlight Zone.......WEIRD!!!!!! [Edited on 09.23.2007 11:08 PM PDT]

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  • Well we will see after this 6v6 goes well with the host if they make 8v8 ranked

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  • I haven't heard any mention of XBL Public, which Halo 3 people had talked about implementing into the game, where you could search and play other peoples custom made games, or open your game up to the public. Can someone confirm this? I really just want to have fun playing custom games without having to invite just people on the friends list.

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  • Wait, wait, wait... [i]people got advanced copies of Halo 3?[/i] HAX! It couldn't have been [i]too[/i] many people. Some people just need to calm their jets about the servers being down until public release. I'm sure the anticipation is killing you, it's killing me and I don't even have it. Just take a deep breath, calm down, and play some campaign. Or, play custom matches, if you can. And if you can try out Forge, why aren't you? It sounds kick-ass to me. That being said, I really don't mind the new matchmaking system. Sounds pretty cool to me. Then again, I never much cared for Team Snipers and stuff like that... just team Slayer, CTF, and Assault are mainly what I like on Matchmaking. And I believe the variants on each mode that they show on the update are the ones it mainly uses, not all of them period. I doubt each game type has only three odd variants... In short: Can't wait for this, and calm down to the advanced copy people.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Venom Factor [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] xThe Real Dealx i know about 35 or 40 people who either already did or are in the process of getting their money back for halo 3 cause btb is not ranked and i know about 100 more who are very upset that it is not ranked. you would make a lot more people happy by having both a ranked and a social version or just keep it ranked.[/quote] Then you know 35-40 very unintelligent people. See my previous post for the explanation on that. And besides, who knows 140 people and keeps track of all of their opinions about a single playlist, all the way down to whether they plan on getting a refund on a game or not? Seriously....why do you children come in here just making up numbers and throwing them around like statistics? I rarely post on these forums, but all this Bungie bashing irritates me beyond words. Why don't you take the time to thank them for making a great game, instead of complaining because they don't cater 100% to your personal taste? If you really think you are the only concern they have, you really should deflate that ego. Buy the game or don't, but stop complaining. Kids these days....[/quote] First of all, I never said that i share the same views on the BTB situation as the people I was reffering to. Secondly about the numbers I threw out there, those were just rough estimations of the number of people I have talked to about the situation. If you honestly believe that I was trying to through exact numbers out there then you are not as inteligent as you sound buddy.

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  • I WAS JUST ON XBOX LIVE PLAYING HALO 2, AND THIS LITTLE MUTHER-BLAMMER- SPOILED THE ENDING FOR ME rrrrgh. the worst thing is, i checked his played games, and he does in fact have halo 3 before launch. worser, i cant find his GT again XP *crying in a corner* the best game in the world just got spoiled for me....WAILING!!!!!!!!!

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  • That sounds like fun, I can't wait to try Hammerzeit. The EXP is a nice feature.

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  • Ya I dont understand that either...Why big team was ranked in the beta and not in the normal game?

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  • 24 HOURS! What Happened to daily updates!

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  • I don't understand why they don't just make every game available so everyone will be happy, I know that they try to filter down the people (more people in small amount of game types, the faster the matchmaking process will go) But then's Halo 3....Everyone will be playing, there is no way you won't find a game in every single category. 24 hours, 7 minutes EST (Why is every single count down for Halo 3 wrong on every site? EB was one hour off unless they were on Atlantic time, now they are really really off

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  • AH NO Why was BTB ranked in the Beta and not in Halo 3?!?!!?!?

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  • Is ther any swat games?

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  • ahhhhhh No SWAT i need swat hope you guys put swat in at least the unranked alot of plyers out there that love there swat

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  • Please make BTB RANKED!!!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DMOC_LINK Didn't they say somthing about possably making something on B Net for clans? [/quote] I believe they did, it would be like a BNet members only clan thing I suppose. [Edited on 09.23.2007 7:50 PM PDT]

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  • y did they get rid of it?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Malevolent29 BLAM! yes multi-team is back!!![/quote] Second that! w00t!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] xThe Real Dealx i know about 35 or 40 people who either already did or are in the process of getting their money back for halo 3 cause btb is not ranked and i know about 100 more who are very upset that it is not ranked. you would make a lot more people happy by having both a ranked and a social version or just keep it ranked.[/quote] Then you know 35-40 very unintelligent people. See my previous post for the explanation on that. And besides, who knows 140 people and keeps track of all of their opinions about a single playlist, all the way down to whether they plan on getting a refund on a game or not? Seriously....why do you children come in here just making up numbers and throwing them around like statistics? I rarely post on these forums, but all this Bungie bashing irritates me beyond words. Why don't you take the time to thank them for making a great game, instead of complaining because they don't cater 100% to your personal taste? If you really think you are the only concern they have, you really should deflate that ego. Buy the game or don't, but stop complaining. Kids these days....

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  • BLAM! yes multi-team is back!!!

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  • And to all the complainers: If you bothered to read the update details, you could likely reason why the playlists are not exactly as you might want them. It is clearly explained that the reason for BTB being temporarily downsized is to give the matchmaking system time to map out good hosts. This in turn makes it clear that Bungie expects matchmaking to behave as it always does, meaning: Any time matchmaking goes through any sort of reset or major update or maintenance, the entire process gets kinda rough for a bit. You can imagine then, that a couple thousand people online becoming a couple hundred thousand people online over the course of just a mere day or so would put a big strain on the system. Clearly this means that big team, having the most players, will have the most problems. Just as they are giving it time to settle before making it full-scale, they are likely doing the same before bothering to rank it, in order to help balance the initial ranking of new players as much as possible, among other reasons. If you pay attention to Bungie's history during Halo 2's reign, you will see that they have constantly changed rankings, playlists, and various other things to suit what the statistics tell them people want. if you honestly think Bungie cannot see that a lot of people want a lot of changes, you might want to reconsider your position. As a few other people have said already, JUST GIVE IT SOME TIME. TRY the new list before you judge it. Give Bungie your opinion POLITELY- AFTER you try things out. This is a different game. New gametypes. New weapons. If you want more of the exact same, then keep playing Halo 2. Otherwise, try out the new list and let Bungie know what you think accordingly. I promise all of you, that if you give it time, and everyone gives Bungie proper feedbak, that in a short time, the playlists will begin to shape themselves to public demand, courtesy of Bungie. If you really dislike it all so much, then shut up and don't buy the game. It's that simple. For the rest of you.....see you in 26 hours.

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