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4/15/2005 10:16:38 PM

Weekly What's Update: Massive Attack!

And lo, we finally give up a date for the autoupdate that will kill cheating, fix glitches and do some cool stuff you totally didn't expect. Read this update to have your expectations rocked hard.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] obstidon I completely agree with trackster, what a way to kill my favorite game. Granade fights are no fun and thats what everyone is doing now just throwing granades every where. They are like frekin nukes. The magnum has now been reduced to nothing.(I can throw rocks and do more damage) And the SMG Plasma Rifle combo was also reduced badly. Those were the only combos that I used. Im ok with the other changes that made certain weapons stronger but not the good weapons weaker. Whats the point of having different guns if they are all going to have the same exact power. With this new update Bungie is encouraging players to use cheap combos like Plasma Pistol and Battle Riffle. [/quote] Thanks for expressing your opinion maturely (I'm being serious). It's nice when people can say things intelligently. However, I disagree. Have you even TESTED the frag grenade on system link? It is NOT a nuke. Before the patch, a frag grenade took off your shield. Now, all it does is... take off your shield :) The frag grenade is only SLIGHTLY tweaked. It does just a little bit more damage. How can this not be a good thing? I think you guys forget that dual wielding is supposed to be an EQUAL option to grenading, and it still is. The whole game has been balanced in a genius way. Dual wielding provides raw power that rips through enemies, but grenades are a powerful counter, that is and now does work just as well as dual wielding, when applied correctly. A person with a grenade and an smg should be equal to a person with two smg's, the way the game was designed. Two weapons means not that you are supposed to win, only that you are sacrificing a grenade and a melee attack for the ability to pwn quickly and without too much hassle. However, if you are not careful, you can be naded or melee'd back, it is the same as someone turning around and shooting you with the smg and plasma rifle. Only, it takes more skill to nade accurately :) Also, the magnum is not worthless. Have you tested it in a game on your own? Because of the new update, I can now run around SINGLE wielding a magnum. If I throw a well placed nade, and it makes contact, ONE magnum shot to the head will take an enemy down. That, my friend, is awesome. And also, haven't you noticed that better nades helps people not whore weapons like the sword, the plasma pistol/battle rifle combo, or the rocket launcher as much? In the original release, if I spawn on Ivory Tower with an smg, and you have a rocket launcher, what chance do I have? The game quickly degenerates into who can hold the best weapons, or in many cases, ANYTHING better than an smg, since nades were almost worthless. It's pretty ridiculous that in Ivory Tower, when a team camps the third floor with a sword, RL, and Sniper, that the whole team can throw nades up there, not get a single kill, and still get wiped out. That's absurd. That's not balanced in the slightest. But now, thanks to the update, the Rocket Launcher STILL overpowers the smg, but you at least stand a chance due to a grenade that has been tweaked to perfect, and a melee as well. People act like these things suck, but they don't get it- LEARN to use them! EVERYONE has access to these new toys that balance the game, and they should make use of them! It makes the game a much better experience, and I'm sorry you don't lik eit. I think the real problem is that noobs who ONLY dual wield are now getting a rude awakening, since they are nowhere near as good as they think they are. For months, veteran gamers and Halo-ers have been complaining that the weapons are imbalanced, and that the smg spawn is terrible- well now, they have been vindicated thanks to some great additions by Bungie. I believe we will now start to see a HUGE separation between people who are truly good at the game, and people who just know how to bullet hose a dual wielding combo.

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